公告 人格
SNS 広告 ペルソナ 対象 相手の顔
広告関係の研修を受けようとして応募して、落選した。そこにペルソナという言葉かあった具体的な相手の像をから特定対象に対するアプローチを考え動画を作成する。たとえば、男性 20代 会社員でなく オタク 28歳 メ-カ勤務、まで落とし込むという内容だった
議員の特権 その意味を、理解する。
自然科学を考えるのに、エネルギー 科学論 決定論 に分ける。
アメリカ消費好調 アマゾンが生成AI追加投資 東京メトロが非鉄道分野投資拡大 Reflections on SNS Advertising and Personas
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I applied for a training program related to advertising but was not selected. The program emphasized the concept of "persona," focusing on crafting specific target audiences and creating approaches tailored to them through videos. For instance, instead of targeting "male office workers in their 20s," the persona would be narrowed down to "a 28-year-old otaku working at a manufacturing company."
In Christianity, the term "persona" refers to an irreplaceable personality. I want to delve as deeply into understanding individuals as this definition suggests. However, I realize that such depth might not align with the nature of advertising work.
Reflecting on my rejection, I feel I can understand why I might not have been the right fit for the program.
#Advertising #Persona #Christianity #IrreplaceablePersonality #RejectionReflection #TargetAudience #SNSMarketing
Topics from Today's World Map
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The Bible
God's word and truth—can we truly belong to it?
#Bible #GodsWord #Truth #Belonging
The Constitution
Understanding the privileges of legislators and their implications.
#Constitution #LegislativePrivileges #Democracy
Public Assistance
Ensuring high school tuition and commuting costs through public assistance. I want to connect this with broader educational policies.
#PublicAssistance #EducationSupport #Welfare #EducationPolicy
Natural Science Papers
When thinking about natural science, divide it into energy, philosophy of science, and determinism.
#NaturalScience #Energy #PhilosophyOfScience #Determinism
Bloomberg Topics
Strong U.S. consumer spending
Amazon increasing investment in generative AI
Tokyo Metro expanding investments in non-railway sectors
#Bloomberg #USEconomy #GenerativeAI #TokyoMetro #Investment