何故 地域経済 コミュニティ は行き詰まるのか
何故 地域経済 コミュニティ は行き詰まるのか
を行い、つなげようとした。 さらに今、非定常者やワケ-シオン関係者がITやデザイン、アートでそれを盛り立てようとする。学者や学生
最終的には 流通業大手の支店の仕入れ、販売決定に、自治体、地元の商店が係る、すみわけをする。そのために、まちづくり法、大店舗法の条例を作り、または協定を結ぶ。株を共同で買い発言権を得る。労働組合と連携する。少しづつ衣食住関連の流通の販路決定価格決定に介入することまで考える。衣食住関連産業は非課税非課税にするか税金を投入し、それを農家と消費者に還元させることも考えていい。
#衣食住関連 #仕入れ#価格#農家#流通業
Why do local economies and communities reach a dead end?
The operation and study of local economies and communities often hit a dead end. This might be because money is spent within the region and taxes are used to create a flow of money locally. Even when political decisions reorganize the budget, it seems to reach an impasse. Perhaps it's because similar people gather and the core of the region does not agree.
Internal alone doesn't work, so we invite money from outside, but the region gets swallowed up. We show our thinking to invite outsiders, but can't we balance it with the inside? The history of town planning is a history of trial and error. Mansions, large stores, factories, resorts – we have stopped or slightly modified what comes from outside. The greenery and landscape of the town, the economy, have been somewhat protected.
We try to accept what comes from outside, using the nature, special products, and history that we already have. Markets, town stations, river connecting events, and markets are held to try to connect. Now, non-permanent residents and vacation-related people are trying to boost this with IT, design, and art. Scholars and students are also joining.
Somewhere, it goes around in circles. Many people leave the town, and it becomes exhausted. Then, many return to democracy. From there, we believe in individual power, look at the same map, and start building roads.
Then we remember that what's really important isn't that much. Clothing, food, housing, supporting each other's bodies and minds, what we do for that. Let's reconfirm what is necessary for living, so we don't lose sight of it while chasing self-actualization. From there, we start self-actualization as designers.
That's why we want to think about clothing, food, housing, welfare, and housing benefits with many people. For that purpose. We want to increase what stores and the community can do. Buying, donating, informing, increasing hashtags, first talking, and sharing jobs, time, and maps.
Finally, major retailers’ branch purchases and sales decisions involve the local government and local stores, distinguishing roles. We make ordinances for town planning laws, large store laws, or conclude agreements. We buy shares jointly to gain a voice. We consider collaborating with labor unions. Gradually, we think of intervening in the decision-making of the distribution and pricing of clothing, food, and housing-related distribution. We could consider making clothing, food, and housing-related industries tax-exempt, or injecting taxes and returning them to farmers and consumers.
#ClothingFoodHousing #Procurement #Price #Farmers #Distribution