
自治体学会 公的扶助研究会との別れ 別れの痛み

自治体学会 公的扶助研究会との別れ 別れの痛み







#自治体学会 #公的扶助#コンサルタント#アワ-ド#生活保護

Parting Ways with the Municipal Government Study Group and the Public Assistance Research Society: The Pain of Separation

Parting with something that has been a part of your life, for the sake of money. Following my own instincts, I used my expenses liberally, and twice in the past, when I reached my mental and physical limits, I cut off many of these expenses. Even during those two difficult times, I didn’t cut ties, but I have now decided to part ways.

I joined the Municipal Government Study Group when I started working. This group, where municipal employees, researchers, and citizens learn together, aligned perfectly with my core beliefs, especially during the last days of progressive local governments. Many people still carry on this spirit, dedicating themselves to city planning and policy research in this new era. However, their core values no longer align with mine. The research themes that resonate with those fighting at the center of organizations and study groups do not resonate with someone like me, working on the periphery. The focus has shifted towards public service awards, connections with major consultants, and analytical methods that stray away from addressing philosophical and economic injustices.

In an effort to curb this shift, I combined philosophy with global leading research and data, and compiled several papers from the perspective of welfare at the grassroots tax level, submitting them to the group multiple times, but they never saw the light of day. I feel that I have fulfilled my role.

A job agency recommended a regional consultancy firm focused on policy proposals, and I smiled wryly, realizing that leaving the group would make it inconvenient to keep up with trends in local government.

I didn’t cancel my subscription to the research journal of the Association to Protect Life and Health, which supported me during life’s hardships. The essence of this association remains unchanged, and it continues to evolve. The Public Assistance Research Society, which includes welfare caseworkers, scholars, professionals in the welfare field, and connections in education and healthcare, embodies the kind of work I wanted to do. Though this research society offers more field-oriented specialized knowledge than the Association to Protect Life and Health, I feel reluctant to part with it. However, I realize that I currently lack the capacity to fully utilize it, so I am returning to the basic knowledge and attitude fostered by the Association to Protect Life and Health. I am going back to the basics, working on the periphery of communities and organizations.

I received a confirmation email for my withdrawal from the Municipal Government Study Group, but nothing from the Public Assistance Research Society. It’s as if a woman you once loved, but who has changed, acknowledges the breakup, while a woman you admired and loved, who has remained unchanged, does not respond to your farewell.

#MunicipalGovernmentStudyGroup #PublicAssistance #Consultant #Award #Welfare
