若い人の働く土壌 1
若い人の働く土壌 1
その父親はアルコール依存症だったり ビジネス、市民運動、ワ-カホリックだったりする。若者の光景から、他の年代の光景がつながる。
#若い #働く#児童養護#地域医療#こども食堂#依存症”中高年#大学生#サラリ-マン#自営業 #起業家
Young People's Working Environment 1
I knew about child welfare facilities, but I never thought that getting involved with children's cafeterias would bring their associates to light, including local public health nurses. I was trying to figure out where the children who don't attend school and those who are shut-ins were. Whether it's children in welfare institutions, shut-ins, or regular high school students, the time comes for them to work and live in the community, unchanged. Will college students and young people working from within and outside the community mix with them? Regardless of whether they are self-employed, salaried workers, or entrepreneurs.
Their father may be an alcoholic, involved in business, civic movements, or a workaholic. From the scene of the youth, the scenes of other generations connect. In the same community, can the division be bridged, or is it invisible?
#Young #Working #ChildWelfare #CommunityHealth #ChildrensCafeteria #AddictionMiddleAged #CollegeStudents #SalariedWorkers #SelfEmployed #Entrepreneurs