

[写真について] カナダに滞在した半年は人生の中で一番様々な調味料に触れたときでした。ホームステイファミリーは、ご夫婦とも料理が好きな方でした。健康のこともよく考えている方で、 キッチンには質の良い、オイルや調味料がだーっと並んでいて、私も使わせていただくこともありました(≧▽≦) 




今日は、Given thatというifに当たる言い回しを教えてもらった。これは、口語でも使うのだそうだけど私は初めて聞いた。単語帳ででてきた、provided も同じだそう。


Given that conflict is inevitable, we need to learn how to manage it. (Macmillan)

I think I did quite all right, given that I didn’t study much for the exam.


Agree or disagree:
People will stop subscribing to printed newspapers in the future.


  Though most people read newspapers every day, nowadays lots of people have started to subscribe to electronic versions of newspapers. Therefore I think people will eventually stop buying printed newspapers in the future.
  To begin with, in terms of the cost, many readers would prefer the ones with a reasonable price and better quality. Given that the quality is the same, most people are more likely to subscribe to the digital news because it is much cheaper in comparison to the printed version.
  Second, recently, many people have realized the importance of protecting the environment. Therefore, I think more people would choose to read the news on the web which will lead to reduce paper usage. It is one of the ways to protect natural resources.
*the web which will lead to reduce paper usage でOK!
  Considering the people's thought for the environment as well as costs, the number of people who subscribe to electronic versions of newspapers will increase. It will lead the decline of subscribing to printed newspapers. 
*will be increasingは駄目。この理由がよくまだわからない!

  I agree. Though most people read newspapers every day, nowadays lots of people have started to subscribe to online/digital news. Therefore I think people will eventually stop buying printed newspapers in the future.
*前置きが長すぎるので、初めに自分の立場を明確に示す! I agree.
  To begin with, from the point of cost, many readers would prefer the ones with a reasonable price and better quality. Given that the quality is the same, most people are more likely to subscribe to the online/digital news because it is much cheaper in comparison to the printed version.
  Second, recently, many people have realized the importance of protecting the environment by experiencing the effects of environmental destruction such as global warming, air and water pollution, and so on. Therefore, I think more people would choose to read the news on the web to reduce paper usage.
  In conclusion, I think the number of people who subscribe to electronic versions of newspapers will be increasing. 

[a rough draft after the Grammarly check]
  Though most people read newspapers every day, nowadays lots of people have started to subscribe to unprinted newspapers on the web. I think people will stop subscribing to printed newspapers in the future.
  To begin with, from the point of cost, many readers would choose more reasonable newspapers if the quality is satisfactory. The web version of newspapers is cheaper than printed newspapers.
 Second, recently, many people have realized the importance to protect the environment, having experienced a lot of influence on environmental destruction. Therefore, I think more people would choose to read the news on the web to reduce the amount of paper use in the future.
  In conclusion, I think the number of people who subscribe to unprinted newspapers not printed newspapers.

[a rough draft ]
  Though most people read newspapers everyday, nowadays lots of people have started to subscribe to unprinted newspapers on the web. I think people will stop subscribing to printed newspapers in the future.
  To begin with, from the point of cost, many readers would choose more reasonable newspapers if the qualities are satisfactory. The web version of newspapers are cheaper than printed newspapers.
  Second, recently, many people have realized the importance to protect the environment, experiencing a lot of influence of the environment distruction. Therefore, I think more people would choose to read news on the web to reduce the amount of paper use.
In conclusion, I think people will subscribe to unprinted newspapers not printed newspapers.
  In conclusion, I think the number of people who subscribe to unprinted newspapers will continue increasing. (133 words)
