歌で綴る宇宙SF第2巻 宇宙探検 作業用 LofiジャズBGM 3時間
This "Space Exploration" is a collection of song narratives depicting the epic space expedition of astronaut Akira-kun in a lo-fi jazz worldview. 8 fantastic and abstract melodies colorfully express the mystery of space and the human spirit of adventure. The soft rhythms of the songs will give you a magical experience, as if you were drifting on an alien planet.
The soft rhythms and abstract melodies of lo-fi jazz have a calming effect on the listener's mind and relieve stress. Listening to this music helps the listener to breathe naturally and enter a state of relaxation. It is also effective in maintaining concentration. The relaxed tempo of the music will help you to immerse yourself in the task at hand.