
深夜食欲解消の秘訣Secrets to Suppress Late-Night Cravings

[自力英語日記/Self-help English Diary]

I eated dinner, but lot of food desire in midnight?

[AI添削/AI editing]

I ate dinner, but I wonder why I crave a lot of food in the middle of the night.




DeepLを使って翻訳/Translated using DeepL

<How to curb your appetite>
・Play Tetris for about 3 minutes.
└I hear it reduces appetite by 24%.
・Tap your forehead.
└It is said to make it easier to endure until the appetite leaves.
・Look at all the delicious-looking pictures on Instagram.
└If you look at a lot of pictures, it will decrease your appetite.
・Try walking fast for about 15 minutes.
└A study showed that on average, people's appetites decreased by 82%.



\Diary of Dokuro☠️/  
■I'll write a diary (in Japanese and English) about what I do every day.  
■A pinch of positive information at the end of the diary.  
■A person who secretly runs a snack bar in Bashaku, Kokurakita-ku / sometimes provides business information on Instagram.  

👉I would be very happy if I could get some advice about English :D  

#どくろー #日々の暮らし #日記  #英語日記 #English
