
今日は安静に Rest today

■自力英語日記/Self-help English Diary


I sick mood and pain the mouse hole, today is relax.


■AIアドバイス/AI Advice

I have a sore throat and feel like I'm catching a cold, so I'll take it easy today.

「喉が痛い」は英語で "have a sore throat" と表現します。
「風邪っぽい」は英語で "feel like I'm catching a cold" と表現します。
「安静にする」は英語で "take it easy" と表現します。

■改善された翻訳/Improved Translation

I have a sore throat,

and feel like I'm catching a cold,

so I'll take it easy today.




DeepLを使って翻訳/Translated using DeepL

At the beginning of a cold, I have a shot if I lick honey in the morning and at night, eat meat udon with a lot of ginger, and pinch a little garlic.

Please let me know if you have any "This works! Please let me know if you have any. ☺️



\Diary of Dokuro☠️/  
■I'll write a diary (in Japanese and English) about what I do every day.  
■A pinch of positive information at the end of the diary.  
■A person who secretly runs a snack bar in Bashaku, Kokurakita-ku / sometimes provides business information on Instagram.  

👉I would be very happy if I could get some advice about English :D  

#どくろー #日々の暮らし #日記  #英語日記 #English
