
【禅語 Zen Words】一葉落知天下秋(いちようおちて てんかのあきをしる)One leaf falls and you know it is autumn under heaven

一葉落知天下秋(いちようおちて てんかのあきをしる)









One leaf falls and you know it is autumn under heaven

The phrase “ichiyou ochitaite, tenka no aki wo shiru” (“One leaf falls and you know it is autumn under heaven”).

This phrase is found in a passage from a Chinese philosophy book dating circa BC.

It describes how one can tell when autumn has arrived simply by watching a leaf fall.

The ‘leaf’ referred to here is said to be that of the aogiri (paulownia) tree.

Aogiri is a fast-growing tree with large palm-shaped leaves that can often be seen alongside railroad tracks and in vacant lots.

Aogiri leaves fall in late summer before other plants.

A common interpretation of the phrase is that when one sees the leaves of the Aogiri fall – even when there is yet no sign of autumn – this may be taken as a small sign of future events, or as an omen of a future decline. Autumn may be used as a metaphor for predicting the decline of authority, since Autumn is the season when plants and trees wither and fall.

Let us consider this phrase from a Zen perspective.

The leaf that falls in advance of the season is not merely a sign of autumn, but also a symbol of the world as a whole.

This world has been in a state of flux since long before mankind was able to observe it. Everything in the world has been interrelated since time immemorial, culminating in the form of the present moment. No matter which part of the world we observe, all relationships are condensed in the present moment.

Therefore, we can think that the entire truth of the universe is contained within a single fallen leaf. Whether or not we can read the world from a single leaf is a matter of resolution on the part of the recipient, the human being. A weed on the side of the road or a mosquito reflects the entire world. A single leaf can be a sign of the changing seasons, but it can also symbolise the relationships amongst all things in the world.

The world is interrelated and constantly changing. A leaf falling at the turn of the season symbolically reminds us of this fact.

In the end, I am reminded once again that I, a single homosapiens, am part of this world and at the same time, symbolise all relationships in the world.

This is how I interpret this Zen phrase.
