
【禅語Zen Words】莫妄想(まくもうぞう)Don’t be delusional ‘Maku mouzou’








'Maku Mouzou' "Don't be delusional"

The word 'maku'  means prohibition.
And, 'mouzou' means delusion.
The message is "Don't be delusional!" .
As Zen words, it is commonly read as 'maku mozou'.

The Zen term "maku mozo" means "Don't be delusional! In Zen Buddhism, however, the way the word delusion is understood is a little different from the way we use it in everyday life.

For example, in Zen Buddhism, the past and future, which are not the reality of the present moment, are considered to be delusions, i.e. things that do not actually exist, but only in the mind of each person.
If a practitioner is so preoccupied with the unchangeable past or the future that has not yet happened that he does not see the reality of the present moment, he would be kicked out with the words "Don't be delusional!"

In Zen Buddhism, the mind that creates two relative concepts such as self and others, subject and object, life and death, good and evil, right and wrong, victory and defeat, is itself a delusion, because it sees "all is one".
If there were a practitioner who was suffering from distress because he was fixated on one of the two relative concepts, this too would be kicked out with the words "Don't be delusional!" would also be kicked out.

Thus, delusion in Zen Buddhism seems to be different from the word delusion used in everyday life, but if you are having trouble with something at the moment, it may be a good idea to question whether your worries may be delusional or not.

Sit still, do nothing else, and observe that your worries may be delusional.
That too is zazen.
