基本的な重要動詞 Do.
Do .
carry out. なしとげる, Easier said than done.
behave. ふるまう, Do in Rome as the Romans do.
work. 仕事する, You did it !
study. 学習する, I do French. I do physics.
皿を洗う, I do the dishes.
部屋を掃除する, I do the room
髪を整える, I do my hair.
東京見物する, I do the sights of Tokyo.
花を生ける, I do the flowers.
歯を磨く, I do my teeth.
うまくゆく, How do you do. How are you doing?
This one will do.
Lend me some money. Will 1,100yen do ?
When is it convinient for you? Any Sunday will do.help,serve 助ける、貢献する
What I can do for you.
Will you do me a favor?do good よく効く
This medicine will do you good.do harm 害がある
This book do the young people harm.do right , do wrong 正しい事(まちがったこと)をする
do with 取り扱う
I don't know what to do with her.do without なしで出来る
I can do it without your advice.finish
Have you done with this book ? この本読み終えた?
I've done with her. 彼女とは終わった、縁を切った。