
2025年の予測(2025 Predictions)


〜3月18日 12:30

2025 Predictions

No Mercy / No Malice 慈悲なし/悪意なし

Scott Galloway

Jan 7, 2025

Predictions are a terrible business. If you get it right, the events leading up to the prediction render it less bold. If you get it wrong, you’ll be reminded of your gaffe 10k times a day (i.e., Twitter). The purpose isn’t really to be right, in fact, but to catalyze a conversation. Every year, we make predictions. We start by holding ourselves accountable. Here are our predictions for 2024, followed by our predictions for 2025.

Power Couple: OpenVidia
パワーカップル: OpenVidia

Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, investors have added a staggering $8.2 trillion to the market valuations of tech’s Big Six firms: Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, and Nvidia. For context, the 2024 federal budget was $6.8 trillion. Companies that referenced AI during their earnings calls registered a 12% increase, on average, in performance, compared to a 9% increase for those that didn’t mention it.

The AI ecosystem is settling into three layers: applications (Duolingo, Netflix, Tesla), AI models (Anthropic, Gemini, OpenAI), and infrastructure (AWS, Google Cloud, Nvidia). Two companies dominate. OpenAI has doubled its annualized revenue to $3.4 billion in the past six months. And its ChatGPT accounts for 56% of premium LLM subscriptions, i.e., people pulling out their credit cards. Over the past 12 months, Nvidia has reported $96 billion in revenue — 4x its 2022 total. I look at peer-reviewed research to evaluate whether a technology is enduring: Nvidia chips are cited in 19x more research than those of its competitors combined. For two companies to dominate a technology this early is extraordinary.
AIエコシステムは、アプリケーション(Duolingo、Netflix、Tesla)、AIモデル(Anthropic、Gemini、OpenAI)、インフラストラクチャ(AWS、Google Cloud、Nvidia)の3つのレイヤーに落ち着きつつあります。2社が優位に立っています。OpenAIは、過去6カ月で年間収益を倍増させ、34億ドルに増やしました。また、そのChatGPTは、プレミアムLLMサブスクリプション、つまりクレジットカードを引き出す人々の56%を占めています。過去 12 か月間で、エヌビディアは 2022 年の合計の 4 倍にあたる 960 億ドルの収益を報告しました。私は、ある技術が永続しているかどうかを評価するために、査読済みの研究を見ています: エヌビディアのチップは、競合他社のチップを合わせた研究の19倍も多く引用されています。2社がこれほど早くテクノロジーを支配するのは驚くべきことです。

The AI Company of 2025: Meta
2025年のAI企業: メタ

No business is better positioned to register progress in AI than Meta. Nine out of 10 internet users (excluding China) are active on Meta platforms. The company has access to more unique human language data, i.e. raw training data, than Google Search, Reddit, Wikipedia, and X combined. In terms of computing, Meta has purchased more Nvidia Hopper GPUs (advanced AI hardware) than any U.S. company other than Microsoft, giving it unmatched AI training and deployment capacity.
メタほどAIの進歩を記録するのに適した立場にある企業はありません。インターネットユーザーの10人中9人(中国を除く)がメタのプラットフォームで活動しています。同社は、Google検索、Reddit、Wikipedia、Xを合わせたよりも多くの人間の言語データ、i.e. 生のトレーニングデータにアクセスできます。コンピューティングの面では、メタはマイクロソフト以外のどの米国企業よりも多くのエヌビディア ホッパーGPU(高度なAIハードウェア)を購入しており、比類のないAIトレーニングと展開能力を提供しています。

Palindrome: Service-as-a-Software

So far, the benefits of AI have accrued to existing players. The next set of winners will be firms that capitalize on service-as-a-software, i.e., taking human-intensive services and putting a thick layer of AI on top to scale with less labor. This is a fancy way of saying there will be more consumer-facing AI applications. The real cabbage, however, is in routinizing back-office functions (e.g., accounting, compliance, customer service, etc.).

Technology of 2025: Nuclear
2025年の技術: 原子力

AI’s chokepoint is energy. A ChatGPT query demands 10x the energy of a Google query. The majority of the 10 most valuable companies in 1980 and 2024 were/are in energy and tech. However, the construction of acres of data centers and the energy investments needed to power them reflect a deeper convergence. AI is accelerating Big Tech’s transformation from an industry that sells computers into an industry that sells computing. In a knowledge economy, computing is energy.


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2月16日 12:30 〜 3月18日 12:30
