What is Simplified Technical English? 単純化された技術英語とは何か?

What is Simplified Technical English?
Having assisted companies for almost 2 decades now and having trained more than 3000 technical writers worldwide, we want to give you a more in-depth look at Simplified Technical English (STE), the value it brings, and how to successfully implement it. As such, we listed a number of frequently asked questions with their answers.

Figure 1. STE Booklet
図1 STE小冊子
What is Simplified Technical English (STE)?
Simplified Technical English (STE) is a controlled language developed in 1986 so that second-language speakers of English could clearly understand technical information written in English. The specification gives technical authors approximately 60 writing rules and a dictionary that contains about 3,000 words (although companies will need to add their own corporate and industry terms as well) to help them improve clarity in writing. When writers use the rules and the approved words, they are more likely to create information that is clear and concise. Currently, more than 60% of companies requesting a free copy of the STE specification are not aerospace and defense companies and are using the STE spec as a basis for their own controlled authoring needs. These industries include medical, machinery, agriculture, oil and gas, IT and pharmaceutical.
英語が第2言語の話し手が明らかに英語で書かれた技術情報を理解することができるように、単純化された技術英語(STE)は1986年に開発された一つの管理言語です。その仕様は技術著者にお彼らの執筆で明快さを改善する助けとなるよそ60の執筆規則とおよそ3,000語を含む辞書(会社が彼ら自身の企業や業界の用語を同様に加える必要があるであろうけれども)を与えます。執筆者が規則と認められた言葉を使うとき、彼らは明確で、簡潔な情報を作る可能性がいっそう高くなります。 現在、STE仕様の無償版を要求している会社の60%以上が航空宇宙や防衛の会社ではありません。そしてSTE仕様を彼ら自身の管理されたオーサリングニーズの基礎として使用しています。これらの産業は、医療、機械、農業、石油とガス、 IT と製薬を含みます。
For an historic overview and more in-depth information, please request our free 112-page booklet: Advanced Technology for Clear Documentation [Refer to fig 1.].
How does STE compare to other style guides?
What values does clarity in writing bring for my business?
Are their business drivers for bringing clarity to technical writing? What values does this bring and are there case studies from companies with meaningful metrics? We listed a number of them:
彼らのビジネスドライバーはテクニカルライテイングに明快さをもたらすためですか? これは何の価値をもたらす、そして有意義なメトリックスを持つ会社からのケーススタデイがありますか? 我々は多くのそれらを列挙しました:


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