
分散型取引所で763%の年利を獲得する秘訣My Secret to Earning 763% APY On A Decentralized Exchange

My Secret to Earning 763% APY On A Decentralized Exchange


Apr 17, 2023

What is DeFi?

DeFi stands for Decentralized Finance, which refers to a new and rapidly growing financial system built on public blockchains, where financial transactions and applications can be created and accessed without the need for traditional financial intermediaries such as banks, brokerages, and exchanges.

What is a DEX?

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) are a type of DeFi application that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without the need for a central authority or intermediary. In contrast, centralized exchanges (CEXs) are traditional exchanges that are owned and operated by a single entity, such as a company or corporation.
分散型取引所 (DEX)は、ユーザーが中央当局や仲介者を必要とせずに暗号通貨を取引できるようにするDeFiアプリケーションの一種です。対照的に、中央集権型取引所 (CEX)は、企業や企業などの単一の実体によって所有および運営される従来の取引所です。

How does a DEX differ from a centralized exchange (CEX)?

The main difference between a DEX and a CEX is that DEXs operate on a decentralized blockchain network powered by smart contracts, while CEXs are centralized, meaning that they are owned and operated by a single entity. Because of this, DEXs are generally considered to be more transparent and secure, as they do not have a single point of failure that can be exploited by attackers. Additionally, DEXs offer users more control over their funds and assets, as they are not held by a centralized authority or custodian. As the recent collapse of centralized entities such as Celsius Network, FTX, BlockFi, and Silicon Valley proves, third-party entities not holding your funds in custody means it is less susceptible to hacks, theft, and misconduct.
DEXとCEXの主な違いは、DEXがスマートコントラクトを利用した分散型ブロックチェーンネットワーク上で動作するのに対し、CEXは中央集権型であり、単一の実体によって所有および運営されることです。このため、DEXは、攻撃者に悪用される可能性のある単一障害点がないため、一般的に透明性と安全性が高いと考えられています。さらに、DEXは、中央集権的な当局や保管業者によって保有されていないため、ユーザーが自分の資金や資産をより細かく制御できるようにします。Celsius Network、FTX、BlockFi、Silicon Valleyなどの中央集権的なエンティティの最近の崩壊が証明しているように、第3者の実体が資金を保管していないということは、ハッキング、盗難、不正行為の影響を受けにくいことを意味します。

As opposed to centralized markets keeping all profits from trading for themselves, DEXs allow users to share the profits by yield farming. This means users fulfill both sides of the market, trading and providing liquidity and farming the yields achieved from the trading activity.

However, DEXs can have limitations in terms of liquidity and functionality, as they rely on the liquidity and network effects of the underlying blockchain network. On the other hand, some CEXs have more advanced features and higher liquidity, but they also have higher risks of bankruptcy due to misconduct, hacks, and other security breaches.

What is an LP? How does Liquidity Providing earn you money?

A liquidity provider (LP) is a user who provides liquidity to a decentralized exchange (DEX) by depositing an equal value of two different tokens into a liquidity pool. Liquidity providers essentially act as market makers for the exchange by providing the tokens necessary for traders to swap between them.
流動性プロバイダー (LP)とは、2つの異なるトークンの等価を流動性プールに預けることで、分散型取引所 (DEX)に流動性を提供するユーザーです。流動性プロバイダーは、トレーダーが取引所間でスワップするために必要なトークンを提供することで、基本的に取引所のマーケットメーカーとして機能します。

When LPs deposit their tokens into a liquidity pool, they receive a share of the fees generated from trading on the exchange. The amount of fees earned by an LP is proportional to the amount of liquidity they provide to the pool. For example, if an LP provides 10% of the total liquidity in a pool, it would earn 10% of the trading fees generated by that pool.

DEXs like Uniswap, Sushiswap, and Pancakeswap allow users to earn money by becoming liquidity providers. These platforms use an automated market maker (AMM) model to determine the price of assets and the fees generated by trading on the platform are distributed to LPs. By providing liquidity to these pools, users can earn a share of the fees generated from trading.



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