価格曲線と流動性プールに関する簡単な入門書 An easy primer on Price Curves and Liquidity Pools
An easy primer on Price Curves and Liquidity Pools
Dec. 26, 2023
Automated Market Makers (AMM) are critical to Decentralized Finance (DeFi) but the math that makes them work often remains a mystery. This article aims to explain the basics in simple terms so that you might have a better understanding of your investments and what to expect.
自動マーケットメーカー (AMM)は分散型金融 (DeFi)に不可欠ですが、それらを機能させる数学はしばしば謎のままです。この記事は、投資と何を期待すべきか、よりよく理解するように、基本的なことを簡単な言葉で説明することを目的としています。
In traditional finance (such as central exchanges) prices are determined by buyers and sellers finding common ground within an order book arranged by the exchange, a third party; this presents a number of potential problems, one of which is trusting the exchange not to engage in any shenanigans like price manipulations, artificial volume, somehow preventing you from trading like the Robinhood fiasco, or simply going under and taking your funds with them.
DeFi allows us to buy and sell more easily without involving any third parties by utilizing Automated Market Makers. Instead of an orderbook and a bunch of potential buyers and sellers, AMMs use what are known as Liquidity Pools. Rather than matching an offer to a buyer/seller in an order book, we instead conduct transactions directly with the liquidity pool contract which quotes us a predictable price automatically. The liquidity pool is always ready to buy, and always ready to sell, 24/7/365.
Every price move in DeFi can be explained by math.
Setting a price, x*y=k
The principles outlined here will apply to any liquidity pool, so let’s use an imaginary token as an example and keep the prices in relatable numbers. More often you’ll encounter huge numbers of circulating supply, tiny fractions of a cent in value, and much deeper liquidity in the real world.
To keep this simple let’s imagine that you have created a token named MyToken and you want to create a liquidity pool with MyToken and BUSD. You decide that you want each MyToken priced at $1 initially, so you pair 100 MyToken with 100 BUSD in a liquidity pool.
Using the formula in the heading, x*y=k, we enter for x 100 of MyToken, for y 100 BUSD, and this results in k=100*100, or k=10000.
Now no matter how many MyToken or BUSD is added or removed from the liquidity pool, the number k=10000 will always remain constant, which determines the quantity of the other token that you will receive in exchange. Make sense so far? Let’s use some examples.
これで、流動性プールにMyTokenやBUSDがいくつ追加または削除されても、k=10000という数字は常に一定に保たれ、それによって交換で受け取る他のトークンの数量が決まります。ここまでは理にかなっていますね? いくつかの例を見てみましょう。
From our initial pool, we can say that the price of MyToken is $1, since there are 100 each of MyToken and BUSD. 100/100 = 1.
最初のプールから、MyTokenとBUSDがそれぞれ100枚あるため、MyTokenの価格は1ドルであると言えます。100/100 = 1です。
You might think that you could buy 2 MyToken for $2, but this is where the math comes into play. Let’s add 2 BUSD to the LP and see how many MyToken need to be removed in order for x*y=10000 to remain true:
x*(100+2)=10000; x=10000/102; x=98.039
So by adding 2 BUSD to the pool, exactly 98.039 MyToken must remain in order to maintain the balance; this means that you will receive only 1.961 MyToken for your 2 BUSD purchase, and the new price would be 102 BUSD / 98.039 MyToken, or 1.04 BUSD per MyToken.
したがって、プールに2枚のBUSDを追加することで、残高を維持するために正確に98.039 MyTokenが残る必要があります。つまり、2 BUSDの購入に対して1.961 MyTokenのみを受け取ることができ、新しい価格は102 BUSD / 98.039 MyToken、またはMyTokenあたり1.04 BUSDになります。
The key takeaway here is that in an AMM the quantity of your purchase always affects the price. This leads us to the next topic:
Liquidity is the biggest factor in crypto. 流動性は暗号の最大の要因です。
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