京大に Kyoto iUPというユニークなプログラムがあります Kyoto University has a unique programme called Kyoto iUP.
== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Participated in a webinar on 'Future Japanese language education from the perspective of how Japanese language learners learn by themselves - what Japanese language teachers can do'.
The organiser's report and two lectures were each very interesting.
The one I found most interesting was Kyoto University's Kyoto iUP programme.
What I really liked was the intensive Japanese language study for the first six months.
After that, those students take lectures in Japanese in each of the faculties for four years.
I am preparing a platform for online Japanese language courses, which I plan to start serving in April.
I want people all over the world who are learning Japanese to become users.
The reasons for starting the platform are as follows.
・There are almost no Japanese language schools in the Middle East and Africa, so most students from these regions come to Japan with zero Japanese language skills.
・Most of the students from the Middle East and Africa come to Japan with no Japanese language skills, and most of them enter Japanese graduate schools.
・Most of the international students from this region enter Japanese graduate schools, which are busy with lectures, research and thesis writing, so they do not have time to study Japanese after arriving in Japan.
・Many talented students are unable to find work in Japan after their studies because of their lack of Japanese language skills.
・The online Japanese language course platform allows them to study Japanese before or after you come to Japan, if your schedule allows and your teacher is available.
Many students from the Middle East and Africa come to Japan on scholarships from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
I wish the MEXT would make it a requirement for the first few months of studying Japanese as a condition for studying in Japan on a scholarship.
This is why I thought Kyoto iUP was an interesting programme.
- In order to actively attract excellent international students, we are developing PR and recruiting activities mainly at top high schools around the world. The aim is to establish a system of recruitment and selection with quality assurance that excellent students from these high schools are admitted every year.
- Programme enrolments are determined through a selection process. While the selection of international students in the past has focused on Japanese language proficiency, this programme does not require Japanese language proficiency at the entry stage. The selection process places the highest priority on potential, not language proficiency.
- After admission, students receive thorough and continuous Japanese-language education, while they also receive liberal arts and general education in English, basic specialist education in English or Japanese, and from the specialist education stage, lectures and other courses in Japanese. Therefore, a high level of Japanese language proficiency is required at the third year of study at the latest.
- In addition, practical training courses (small-group seminars) for international and Japanese students and internships at Japanese companies (including overseas branches) are offered.
How to apply
Financial support
== Japanese original ==
主催者の方の報告、2つの講演 それぞれが非常に興味深いものでした。
その中でも私がおもしろいなと思ったのは京都大学のKyoto iUPというプログラムです。
これが、Kyoto iUPがおもしろいプログラムだなと思った理由です。
• 優秀な留学生を積極的に獲得するため、世界各国のトップ高校をメインに広報・リクルート活動を展開しています。これらの高校から優秀な学生が毎年入学する質保証を伴うリクルート・選抜の仕組みを構築することを目指しています。
• 選考を経てプログラム履修者を決定します。従来の留学生の選考は日本語の習熟度が重視されてきましたが、このプログラムでは、入学段階での日本語能力は問いません。語学力ではなく、ポテンシャルを最重要視した選抜を行います。
• 入学決定後に徹底した日本語教育を継続的に実施しながら、英語による教養・共通教育、英語または日本語による専門基礎教育を経て、専門教育段階からは日本語で講義等を受講します。従って、遅くとも3回生の段階では高い日本語能力が求められることになります。
• また、留学生・日本人学生に対する実習科目(少人数ゼミ)や、日本企業(海外支社等も含む)へのインターンシップを実施します。
・How to apply
・Financial support