存在しているのに気づかないことってよくありますよね。 It's often the case that we don't even realize they exist.
== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Today I watched the July seasonal meeting of the Kyoto Anthropological Society on You Tube, which took place on July 30.
There was this talk about field recording.
We can feel the atmosphere of a place from the sounds recorded in the field.
When we listen to sound in our daily lives, there is noise that we unconsciously try not to feel.
But by recording, we can become aware of noise that we have been avoiding listening to even though it exists.
This got me thinking about two things.
・Sometimes, when it is pointed out to me, I immediately know that it is true.
But I often don't usually notice it.
・Not only sound, but there must be many things that exist in our daily lives that we are not aware of.
We must try to pay attention to such things.
By paying attention to such things, we must be able to see and think in a different way.
== Japanese original ==
今日は7月30日に行われた京都人類学研究会の7月季節例会をYou Tubeで観ました。
【7月季節例会報告】 みなさま、本日、京都人類学研究会7月季節例会が開催されました。 発表者、コメンテーターを含み約90名もの方々にご参加いただきました。ありがとうございました。 7月季節例会は、「「とる」人類学:...
Posted by 京都人類学研究会 on Saturday, July 30, 2022