廃コルクを使って家具やおもちゃに Use waste cork to make furniture and toys
== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Today I write about my thoughts after reading this article.
It is an article in the Nikkei MJ dated June 1.
Waste corks are recycled into tools for daily life, such as stools and toys.
Collection boxes are set up to promote resource recycling.
There is a company that collects corks used to make wine bottles and turns them into furniture and toys.
The company is called GOOD DEAL COMPANY and is involved in the TOKYO CORK PROJECT, a project to recycle corks.
About 600 restaurants and liquor stores cooperate to place cork collection boxes.
After collecting corks, the corks are washed and crushed before being used to make furniture and toys.
It is wonderful that they are taking something that used to be discarded in large quantities and turning it into something else, and recycling it.
But I am more interested in the following idea.
In order to facilitate recycling, manufacturers need to design their products with the end-of-life in mind.
With this in mind, they make their products so that they can be easily disassembled and separated by material when they are no longer needed.
TOKYO CORK PROJECT products are sold at
== Japanese original ==
廃コルク 暮らしの道具に スツールや玩具へ再生
ワインのボトルに使うコルクを回収して家具やおもちゃに作り変えている会社があります。GOOD DEAL COMPANYという会社です。TOKYO CORK PROJECTというコルクをリサイクルする活動をしています。
TOKYO CORK PROJECTの製品は以下のサイトで売っています。