案ずるより産むが易し It is easier to do something than worry about it
== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
There is an idiom that says,「案ずるより産むが易し(あんずるよりうむがやすし)」 "It is easier to do something than worry about it.”
The idiom means that things are easier than you think if you just do them instead of worrying about them.
Example sentences;
・Tomorrow is the day my friend is going to give a presentation on his important project. It is easier to do something than worry about it. I encouraged my friend.
・I was worried about starting my international student life in Japan, but it was really easier said than done.
Yesterday, I wrote below article.
In such a case, it's good to say to yourself, "It is easier to do something than worry about it.”
== Japanese original version =