タンザニア大使館のみなさんがPONTISユーザーになることを願っています。 Hope staffs at the Tanzanian Embassy will become a PONTIS user.
Lean Japanese Online ! PONTISというサービスを始めました。
== English translation (Japanese original follows) =
The Tanzanian Coffee event yesterday was attended by the Tanzanian Ambassador to Japan, Ambassador Baraka H. Luvanda, who also gave a speech.
All the Tanzanian embassy staff and Japanese staff members were present, and they added to the excitement of the event.
I couldn't miss such an opportunity! During the event's break time, I explained PONTIS to the ambassador and other staff members.
The ambassador expressed his interest in using this service to learn Japanese himself.
One staff member asked if even children could use this service. She mentioned that she would like her child, who attends an international school, to study Japanese.
I explained about the campaign offering 1,500 tickets for trial lesson and sent additional materials via email upon returning home.
PONTIS offers online private Japanese lessons.
It is perfect for busy ambassadors, staff members, and children attending international schools.
Here are the key points:
• Lessons can be scheduled in the morning or evening, depending on the availability of the teacher and the learner.
• Lessons are tailored to each individual's current Japanese language level and future goals.
I hope that the staff at the Tanzanian Embassy will register for the service.
== Japanese original ==
昨日のタンザニアコーヒーのイベントには駐日タンザニア大使(バラカ ・H・ルヴァンダ大使)が来てスピーチもされていました。