理解する努力をしているだろうか? Am I making an effort to understand them?
== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Let me consider yesterday's post from the opposite perspective.
When we do something, there are two people in two positions: the person doing it and the person being done (or having it done).
I always try to think from both positions and both perspectives.
I wrote a post titled "伝える努力をしているだろうか? Am I making an effort to communicate?"
Let me try to think about this from the opposite perspective, from the opposite side.
The opposite position of "the person who tries to convey" is "the person who is being conveyed".
The “person who is being conveyed" can be said to be a "person who understands".
Do I always try to understand exactly what the other person is saying?
If you listen based on your own knowledge and experience, you may misunderstand what the other person says.
Sometimes we listen with the intention of refuting the other person.
On the contrary, you may interrupt the other person's speech saying, "I already know that.
Listen carefully and attentively to what the other person is saying.
This is the starting point of dialogue, isn't it?
== Japanese original version ==
昨日、「伝える努力をしているだろうか? Am I making an effort to communicate?」という投稿をしました。