「仕事ができるだけでなく、語学に堪能で、海外の事情にも通じている」Not only can they do the job, but they are fluent in the language and are well versed in foreign affairs.
== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
"Not only can they do the job, but they are fluent in the language and are well versed in foreign affairs."
The following article in the February 23 Nihon Keizai Shimbun introduced the comments of President Sato of STG Co., Ltd about foreign employees.
STG to establish metal processing bases in 4 countries to cultivate demand for lighter EVs STG、4カ国に金属加工拠点 EV軽量化の需要開拓
A company called STG, located in Yao City, Osaka, is a metalworking company.
STG is developing markets for electric vehicles (EVs) with plants in four Asian countries, including Japan.
Foreign employees who have been hired as executive candidates are playing an active role in the development of overseas markets.
STG has more than 10 foreign employees.
They are from China, Vietnam, and other countries.
Not only are they good at their jobs, but they are fluent in languages and have a good understanding of what is going on overseas."
This comment by President Sato applies to all students from the Middle East and Africa.
STG is also a company I would love to visit.
STG Co., Ltd website:.
According to the previously mentioned JegTech website, there are 61 employees.
JegTech (J-GoodTech)
== Japanese original version ==
STG、4カ国に金属加工拠点 EV軽量化の需要開拓