好まれるデザインは地域によって異なります。 Preferred designs vary by region.
== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
I am sure that every Japanese person knows TOTO, and many international students also know it.
Here is a newspaper article about TOTO.
TOTO to wash the world, new faucet plant in Vietnam in 2024.
TOTO is trying to increase the ratio of overseas sales.
In 2024, it will build a new factory in Vietnam for faucets and other water fixtures.
One of the things they need to do to increase overseas sales is design.
There are many different designs for faucets. Research has shown that the designs preferred by consumers vary by region, such as Europe and China.
TOTO has been creating products that reflect the results of this research.
Member of TOTO's design team traveled to Singapore to conduct a design survey, according to the newspaper article.
However, if there were people from various countries within TOTO or if foreign students in Japan were interviewed, they might have found out the same thing.
== Japanese original ==
水栓金具にもいろいろなデザインがあります。 消費者に好まれるデザインがヨーロッパや中国など地域ごとでことなることが調査でわかりました。