話したいことの36%しか外国語では伝えることができません Only 36% of what you want to talk about can be communicated in a foreign language 

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
There was an online event yesterday to hear Mr. Takahashi, who wrote the book, 『海外で結果を出す人は、「異文化」を言い訳にしない』 "People who get results overseas don't use 'different culture' as an excuse."

There were many interesting talks in his talk.
One of them is that 36% of people can understand foreign languages, so you have to speak three times as much as Japanese people.

For Japanese people, it is a foreign language, so when you try to convey something in English, you will probably only be able to convey about 60% of what you can do in Japanese.
English is often the foreign language of the other party, so if the listener can only understand about 60%, then 60% x 60% = 36%.
(I'm not good at English, so I'm not confident that I can convey 60% of what I want to say.)

I think that is right too.
This applies not only when you are stationed overseas, but also when you are in Japan and talk with people overseas via e-mail, etc.

But I think it is better to think of "speaking three times" as "speaking the same thing in three different ways" rather than "speaking the same thing three times.
A simple example would be this.
・3:00 p.m." and "3:00 p.m.
・Next Thursday" and "October 6
・Two and a half hours" and "150 minutes.
When we express the same thing from different perspectives, we can notice misunderstandings and understand things better.

== Japanese original ==





