SNS tomoniの使い方 (2) 興味のある大学の情報を現役学生や卒業生から得られます How to use SNS tomoni (2)Get information from current students and alumni of the universities you are interested in
== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
We also have university-specific communities on our social media.
(Unfortunately, very few are registered yet)
We envision this type of usage.
For example, let's consider the Hokkaido University community.
・Potential members: people related to Hokkaido University (students, former students), people thinking about studying at Hokkaido University, people interested in Hokkaido-University, etc.
・Share information that Hokkaido University students may find useful.
・Share information about events related to Hokkaido University such as BBQ party, movie event, job fair etc
・Qestions about Hokkaido from people planning to travel to Hokkaido to Hokkaido University students
・Q&A between people who are considering studying at Hokkaido University and students / former students of Hokkaido University
Official information published on the respective university websites and other websites may differ from the situation as seen by students.
The real voices of international students from the same country and the same region must be very helpful.
Below are examples of communities by university.

== Japanese original ==
・北海道大学に関連するイベントの情報シェア (例:BBQパーティー、映画上映会、ジョブフェアなど)