SNS tomoniの使い方 (5) 奨学金についてのコミュニティ How to use SNS tomoni (5)Community on Scholarship
== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Many students from the Middle East and Africa come to Japan on scholarships.
We have a community about scholarships on our SNS tomoni.
It seems that information about scholarships is not necessary for those who are already studying in Japan. This is because they have received scholarships to come to Japan.
But some of those people are like this.
When an international student came to Japan, the scholarship was for "up to undergraduate degree" or "master's degree only. If they want to go on to a master's or doctoral program after graduation, they will need to look for a new scholarship.
In addition, high school or university students in the Middle East or African countries who are interested in studying in Japan may want to know more about various scholarships.
I think there are some tips on how to write a scholarship application.
I believe that sharing such information, questions & answers would be beneficial to international students and future international students.
== Japanese original ==
ある留学生が日本に来た時の奨学金は「学部卒業まで」だったり「修士課程だけ」が対象でした。 その留学生が卒業後さらに修士過程や博士課程に進みたい場合、新しく奨学金を探す必要があります。