
Personal experience of Surrealism 個人的なシュールレアリズムの体験

(English in below)


5年ぐらい前に私が色々と仕事が上手く行かなかった時に妻の知り合いから偶然コーチをしている人を紹介された。今迄コーチをしている人に会ったことが無かったので何をして良いかも分からずに会いに行った。私の仕事を助けてくれる人かと思い、お金が作れそうな事業計画を彼に話してみた。それを聞いていたコーチの林さんが即座に「上松さん他に面白い事無いんですか? その事業計画の話をしている時に顔が面白くなさそうです。」と言われて、思わず「アートがしたいと言ってしまった。」その時は彼に言っておけば夢が叶うと勘違いしていたと思う。






At the 2008 financial crisis, I laid off the foreign advertisement agency. After a month later, I got a child between a German wife. Three months then I went to Germany for the first time. On the moment I instinctively felt that I wanted to be an artist if I'm going to live in Germany in the future. On this month, my older child will be ten age. I wanted to look back to my dream that I had 11 years ago.

I'm usually doing branding by graphic design. My most respected graphic designer is Tadanori Yokoo. Therefore trying to be an artist is natural inspiration from him,

About five years ago, my wife introduced me, coaching guy, since my business was not good at that time. I never met the person doing coaching in my life. Anyway, I thought he's going to help my business. The coaching guy's name is Hayashi. I explain to him about my business proposal, which makes some money. After he was listening to my business proposal, he asked me, "Don't you have any other fun project? When I explain my business proposal, he felt that my facial expression seems pretty bored" Suddenly I told him "I wanted to do Art "On that time I misunderstood that he gonna make my dream come true.  

Coaching is like adviser of the president in the company. The difference of coach and consultant is the coach is trying to support customer's independence of mind. From my personal experience of coaching is that the coach gives me the objective point of view and digging point of view deeply to realize essence. Somehow he liked my design we had shared our business skill. I made his branding, and he gave me coaching for 2-3 years. On that time, my artworks project didn't work out so well.
 Meanwhile, his smile like Buddha helps me to heal my fail. When I look back the time from now, I didn't need to disappoint so much because of that without trying something I don't even know the solution by the artwork process. However, it was a really tough time that I couldn't do any artwork.

Whenever I was trying to research the info fro internet and outside of an information resource, I got confused and didn't know what to do. It was like a black hole of too much information world.

Around that time, Hayashi introduced me to Vipassana meditation, which takes ten days doing meditation without talking. He also did it which useful for his business, too. Since I knew Tadanori Yokoo also did meditation at India around '60s, I just went Vipassana meditation without a doubt. I want to explain this experience in detail next time. I felt that if I didn't use a mobile phone and a computer for ten days in this era, human performance would improve.

In retrospect, it was an experience that was also the origin of my artwork. After that, it took me some time to do work, but the self-observation technique which I gained through Vipassana meditation made me more objective and more comfortable to see my suffering. The change from the subconscious that I experienced in meditation and the part that I experienced later began to dig deeper by encountering a teacher of Reiki, and from about last year I started making artworks little by little.

Subconscious art has established in surrealism. Since I liked Salvador Dali when I was a high school student, so I thought it might be a good match with myself. I want to explain the world of surrealism through my experiences little by little.
