When you sail up the river you meet with a Greek city of the name of Olbia.
From the Borysthenes to a small, deserted, name-less ivland, sixty stadia.
From the desert island to Odessus, where there is a port for ships, eighty stadia.
The port of the Istrians is the next place in order from Odessus,
and lies at the distance of two hundred and fifty stadia.
Next in order is a port of the Isiaci, at the distance of fifty stadia.
From the port of the Isiaci to the mouth of the river Ister,
called Psilon, one thousand two hundred stadia.
The intermediate places are desert and nameless. Exactly over againvt this mouth there lies an island, vituated directly oppovite to the course of those who sail with a North wind.
Some call this the island of Achilles; others call it the chariot of Achilles; and others Leuce, from its colour.
これをアキレス島と呼ぶ人がいます。 または、アキレウスの戦車と呼んでいます。 その色からレウケ(白島)とも。
Thetis is said to have given up this island to her son Achilles, by whom it was inhabited.
There are now existing a temple, and a wooden statue of Achilles, of ancient workmanship.
It is destitute of inhabitants., and pavtured only by a few goats,
which thove, who touch here, are said to offer to the memory of Achilles.
Many offerings are suspended in this temple, as cups, rings, and the more valuable gems.
All these are offerings to the memory of Achilles.
Inscriptions are also suspended, written in the Greek and Latin language,
in praise of Achilles, and composed in different kinds of metre.
Some are in praise of Patroclus, whom those, who are disposed to honour Achilles, treat with equal respect.
Many birds inhabit this island, as sea-gulls, divers, and coots innumerable.
These birds frequent the temple of Achilles.
Every day in the morning they take their flight, and having moistened their wings, fly back again to the temple, and sprinkle it with the moisture; which having performed, they brush and clean the pavement with their wings.
This is the account given by some persons.
Those, who come on purpose to the island, carry animals proper for sacrifice with them in their vhips,
some of which they immolate, and others they set at liberty in honour of Achilles.
Even those, who are compelled by stress of weather to land upon the island, muvt consult the God himself,
whether it would be right and proper for them to select for sacrifice any of the animals, which they should find feeding there; offering, at the fame time, such a recompense, as to them seems adequate to the value of the animal so selected.
But if this should be rejected by the Oracle, for there is an Oracle in this temple,
they must then add to their valuation; and if the increased valuation be still rejected,
they must increase it again, till they find, from the assent of the Oracle,
that the price they offer is deemed sufficient.
When this is the case, the beast to be sacrificed stands still of its own accord,
and makes no effort to escape.
A confiderable treasure is laid up in this temple as the price of these victims.
It is said that Achilles has appeared in time of sleep both to those who have approached the coast of this island,
and also to such as have been sailing a short distance from it,
and instructed them where the ivland was most lately accessible,
and where the ships might best lie at anchor.
アキレウスはこの島の海岸に接近した人々と近い距離を航海していた人々の両方に眠っている時に現れ、最短航路を教えたと言われています。 船は停泊するほうがいいでしょう。
They even say further, that Achilles has appeared to them not in time of sleep, or a dream, but in a visible form on the mast, or at the extremity of the yards, in the same manner as the Dioscuri have appeared.
This distinction however must be made between the appearance of Achilles, and that of the Dioscuri, that the latter appear evidently and clearly to persons, who navigate the sea at large, and when so seen foretell a prosperous voyage;
whereas the figure of Achilles is seen only by such as approach this island. Some also say,
that Patroclus has appeared to them during their sleep.
I have thus put down what I have heard concerning this island of Achilles, either from persons who had touched there themselves, or from others that had made the same enquiries;
and indeed these accounts seem to me to be not unworthy of belief.
I am myself persuaded, that Achilles was a hero,
if ever man was, being illustrious by his noble birth, by the beauty of his person, by the strength of his mind and understanding, by his untimely death in the flower of youth, by his being the subject of Homer's poetry, and, lastly, by the force of his love, and constancy of his friendship, insomuch that he would even die for his friends.
原文(英文) wikipediaソース『The Periplus of the Euxine Sea』 https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Periplus_of_the_Euxine_Sea