【英日対訳】社説「旅行キャンペーンの中止をめぐり泥沼化する政府の対応」|ジャパンタイムズ(2020.12.17) #GoToを即刻中止せよ
Government in a muddle over suspended travel campaign
Dec 17, 2020
The Japan Times Editorial Board
新型コロナウイルス感染症との戦いの中で、日本政府はもがき続けている。その取組みは一貫性や論理性を欠き、政府幹部らの [相反する] 行動によって [実効性が] 損なわれている。その政策は国民に信頼を促すものでも、この危機を真剣に受け止める必要性を国民に示すものでもない。
The Japanese government continues to flail as it battles the COVID-19 pandemic. Its efforts are inconsistent, illogical and undermined by the actions of top officials. The government’s policies neither inspire confidence nor do they signal to the public the need to take this crisis seriously.
Japan is currently experiencing its third wave of coronavirus infections. The daily number of new infections in Japan exceeded 3,000 for the first time last Saturday, with around 188,000 people as of Wednesday being diagnosed with the disease, more than 25,000 hospitalized and the death toll exceeding 2,700 lives.
Major metropolitan areas are being hit hard, with Tokyo recording 822 cases Thursday, its highest daily total to date, and numbers in Osaka and Hokkaido continue to climb, with hospitals in both areas having reached capacity. Local governments across the country have called on businesses, especially those in the dining and entertainment sectors, to limit their hours. In Tokyo, municipal authorities have offered smaller businesses payments of ¥400,000 if they agree to do so.
感染拡大を食い止める努力は、政府の『Go To Travel』キャンペーンによって困難を来している。国内旅行を促進し、新型コロナによって生じた損失を補償するために設計された1.3兆円(120億ドル)のこの旅行助成プログラムは、今年7月から開始された。旅行者の宿泊費の35%を助成するほか、レストランでの飲食やお土産の15%割引など、合計で旅費の約半分を助成する。10月に第2波が収まるまで国内最大の首都圏である東京を発着地とする旅行は除外されていたが、11月までの間に5,200万人強の旅行者が利用した。
Efforts to contain the spread of the infection has been complicated by the government’s Go To Travel campaign, a ¥1.3 trillion ($12 billion) travel subsidy program that was designed to spur domestic travel and compensate for losses caused by the coronavirus. Launched in July, it covers 35% of the cost of travelers’ accommodations along with 15% discounts for restaurant dining and souvenirs; in total about half of travel expenses. More than 52 million travelers used the program since it began until November, even though it excluded travel to and from Tokyo, the country’s largest metropolitan area, until October when the second wave of infections subsided.
『Go To Travel』は、打撃を受けた経済を活性化させるために菅義偉首相が打ち出した代表的な政策の一つであったが、残念なことに、同時に感染拡大に寄与した可能性がある。東京大学とカリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校の研究者らは、このキャンペーンに参加した人は、参加しなかった人に比べ新型コロナの症状を発症する可能性が倍増することを明らかにした。研究者らは「助成プログラム [Go To Travel] は新型コロナ感染のリスクが高い人に旅行を勧める動機になっている可能性がある」と結論づけた。
Go To Travel was one of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s signature policies to revitalize a battered economy. Unfortunately, it may have also contributed to the spread of the disease. Researchers at the University of Tokyo and the University of California, Los Angeles found that people who participated in the campaign were as much as twice as likely to have COVID-19 symptoms than those who did not. The authors concluded that “The subsidy program may be incentivizing those who had higher risks of COVID-19 transmission to travel.” The Japanese government rejected those conclusions, with officials pointing out that the study only notes symptoms, not actual cases of COVID.
Nevertheless, the increase in cases forced Suga to announce earlier this week that he was suspending the travel program nationally from Dec. 28 to Jan. 11; the suspension starts earlier in Tokyo and Nagoya, while Sapporo and Osaka, with high infection rates, were removed from the campaign in late November. This decision is illogical: If the coronavirus situation demands a response, it should be immediate.
菅首相は、経済が救済を要するからこそ、キャンペーンの継続を決意していた。その理由付けは正しい。しかし、「助成プログラム [Go To Travel] は感染拡大に寄与していない」という主張は理屈に合わない。さらに、感染者が増加している地域での中止を政府の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策分科会が求めたの対し、ほんの数日前に「検討していない」と公言していたのにもかかわらず、一転して中止に踏み切ったことがこれに輪をかけている。
Suga has been determined to continue the campaign, reasoning — correctly — that the economy needs help. But his insistence that the program has not contributed to the spread of the infection defies reason. Worse, his about-face and decision to suspend the program followed a declaration only days before that he was not considering such a move, even though the government subcommittee on anti-virus measures called for a halt to the program in areas where there are rising cases.
Yasutoshi Nishimura, minister in charge of economic revitalization, has called on the Japanese public “to share a sense of crisis” over the pandemic. Evidence shows that they are not. Even though the government declared last month that the country had entered a “win or lose three weeks” in the effort to contain the pandemic, public behavior remains largely unchanged as infections swelled. Cell phone data shows declines in traffic ranging from 2% to 16% in entertainment districts and tourist attractions across the country. This is a stark contrast to declines of 70% and 80% in April, when the government declared a state of emergency.
The public is unlikely to heed Nishimura’s request when Suga attends private dinners with guests in Ginza. The optics are appalling and undermine support for the prime minister and his Cabinet. Recent polls show double-digit declines in approval for the administration, and one survey shows that 56% of respondents disapprove — either “greatly” (16%) or “somewhat” (40%) — of the government’s response to the pandemic.
政府は、緩やかな政策と個人の責任 [=自助] に頼る傾向にある。悲しいことに、このアプローチが成功していることを示す根拠はほとんど見当たらない。国民は疲れ果て、混乱している。政府は断固とした行動をとる必要がある。公衆衛生の専門家に相談し、経済よりも国民の健康を優先していることを、行動を以て示さなければならない。
The inclination appears to be to soft-pedal policy and trust in individual responsibility. Sadly, there is little evidence to suggest that such an approach will succeed. The public is fatigued and confused, which is understandable given the mixed messages sent. The government needs to act decisively. It should consult with its public health experts, signal that it is prioritizing health over the economy and take actions that prove that stance.
『Go To Travel』キャンペーンはただちに中止し、これによって影響を受ける企業に対しては当面の打開策として補助金を提供すべきである。感染が収束し、ワクチンが利用できるようになれば、再開できる。国民には、クリスマスと新年に旅行することを控えるよう積極的に促すべきである。
国民の健康と福祉が第一であることを明確にする断固たる行動は、このパンデミック [という国難] を打破することに繋がり、政府はその労苦を報われることだろう。
The Go To Travel campaign should be suspended immediately, and impacted businesses offered subsidies to help them through a difficult time. When infections recede and a vaccine is available, then it can resume. People should be actively discouraged from traveling over Christmas and the New Year. If a state of emergency is needed — and that determination should be based on public health, not economic, considerations — then it should be declared. All these decisions should be made in conjunction with local and prefectural authorities, but led by the central government. Efforts must be redoubled to increase public health workers and to ensure their safety. Decisive action that makes clear that the health and well-being of the public come first will help defeat this pandemic and pay dividends for a struggling government.