
【英日対訳】 @AbeShinzo 首相の #イラン訪問 で最高指導者 #ハメネイ師 の公式サイトが公表したニュースリリース("声明" )の全訳|@Khamenei_ir 2019.6.13

はじめに (Introduction)

2019年6月13日、日本の安倍晋三首相は、米国のドナルド・トランプ大統領の親書を携え、イランイスラム共和国の最高指導者アヤトラ・サイーヤド・アリ・ハメネイ師(Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei)との直接会談を果たしました。外務省によると会談は現地時間午前10:00(日本時間14:30)頃から開始され50分に及び、同国のモハンマド・ジャヴァード・ザリーフ(Mohammad Javad Zarif)外相によれば「有益かつ友好的な幅広い協議」が行われたそうです。同日本時間18:14、ハメネイ師のTwitter公式アカウントがツイートの更新を開始。以後日本時間19:01に至るまで、時には連投で、時には単発で、ツイートを連続投稿しました。その内容は以前和訳して公開した通りです。


イラン日本語メディアの『ParsToday Japanese』は同日本時間22:40、この公式ニュースリリースがソースと思われる翻訳内容を記事として掲載しました。しかし比較検討したところ、完全な対訳とはなっていません。そこで、『ParsToday』の翻訳を参考にしつつ、これまで行ってきた独自の翻訳と合わせて、ニュースリリース本体を全訳しました。一部メディアでは「声明」とされているものですが、その実態は「ニュースリリース」です。以下は、クリエイティブコモン・ライセンスの規定に則り、公式サイトのテキストに小見出しを付け、発言部分を明確に分けるなどの改変を行ったものです。

I don't consider Trump worth sending a message to, we won't negotiate with U.S. ハメネイ最高指導者「トランプはメッセージを交わすに値する人物ではない」「米国とは交渉しない」

1. トランプとメッセージを交わす価値はない (Trump is not worth exchanging messages)

Mr. Shinzō Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan, met with Ayatollah Khamenei-- the Leader of the Islamic Revolution-- this morning June 13, 2019. 


In this meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that Iran will not negotiate with the United States of America and asserted: 

I do not consider Trump, as a person, deserving to exchange messages with. We will not negotiate with the United States.



The Japanese Prime Minister told the Leader of the Revolution In this meeting:
"I would like to give you a message from the President of the United States."



Ayatollah Khamenei responded by pointing out the ingenuity and untrustworthiness of the United States and argued: 

We do not doubt your sincerity and goodwill. However, regarding what you mentioned about the President of the U.S., I do not consider Trump as a person worth exchanging any message with and I have no answer for him, nor will I respond to him in the future.

Ayatollah Khamenei added: 


「貴殿の善意と、その真摯な姿勢に、疑いの念はない。だが、米大統領について貴殿が述べられたことについては、私はトランプ [大統領] がメッセージを交わすに値する人物であるとは考えていない。私からトランプに伝えることは何もないし、将来トランプに応えることもしない」


"What I am going to say is part of our talks with the Japanese Prime Minister. Because we consider Japan a friend of ours. Although, there are some complaints."

「私がこれから語る内容は、日本の首相と会談する枠組みの中で語られることである。それは、[日本に対しては] 一部不満はあるものの、我々が日本を友好国とみなしているからである」

2. 体制転換は問題ではない (Regime change is not the problem)

Quoting the Japanese Prime Minister that Trump told him: "The United States is not after regime change in Iran," the Supreme Leader insisted:

"Our problem with the United States is not about regime change. Because even if they intend to do pursue that, they won’t be able to achieve it; just as previous U.S. presidents tried to destroy the Islamic Republic of Iran during the past 40 years, and failed. What Trump says, that he is not after regime change, is a lie. For, if he could do so, he would. However, he is not capable of doing it.

ハメネイ師はトランプ [大統領] が日本の[安倍]首相に伝えたという「米国はイランの体制転換を望んではいない」という言葉を引用し、次のように述べた。


3. 米国とは核交渉はしない (We will not negotiate with the U.S.)

Pointing out the Japanese Prime Minister's remarks regarding the United States’ request to negotiate with Iran about the nuclear issue, Ayatollah Khamenei held:

"The Islamic Republic of Iran negotiated for 5, 6 years with the United States and the Europeans—the P 5+1—which led to an agreement. But the United States disregarded and breached this definite agreement. So, what common sense would once again allow negotiations with a state that has thrown away everything that was agreed upon?"



The Leader of the Revolution quoted the Japanese Prime Minister again regarding the US determination to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons and added:

"We oppose nuclear weapons, and we have issued a religious fatwa (verdicts) prohibiting building nuclear weapons. But rest assured that if we wanted to build nuclear weapons, the U.S. would not be able to do anything about it, and the United States’ prohibition would not be an obstacle."



4. 米国は信頼できない (We cannot trust the U.S.)

Insisting that stockpiling nuclear weapons is unreasonable, Ayatollah Khamenei remarked:

"The United States has no competency, by any means, to speak out about what country should or shouldn't have nuclear weapons. Because the United States possesses arsenals of thousands of nuclear warheads."



Pointing out to the Japanese Prime Minister's remarks that the U.S. is ready to hold genuine talks with Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei told Mr. Abe:

"We do not believe that at all. Because genuine talks would not come from someone like Trump."

The Leader of the Revolution stressed:



"Honesty and genuineness are very rare among U.S. officials."


His Eminence then added:

"The President of the US met and held talks with you a few days ago, including about Iran. But after returning from Japan, he immediately imposed new sanctions against Iran’s petrochemical industries. Is this a message of honesty? Does this show that he wants to hold honest talks?


「米大統領は貴殿と数日前に会談をい、その内容にはイランのことも含まれていた。しかし日本からの帰国後、大統領が直ちに行ったのは、イランの石油化学産業に制裁を課すことだった。これで誠実さが伝わるだろうか?トランプが誠実な交渉を行う意思を示していることになるだろうか?」The Leader of the Islamic Revolution pointed to the process of negotiations with the U.S. that led to the formation of the JCPOA and held:

"After the nuclear agreement, the first person to immediately breach the JCPOA was Mr. Obama himself; the same person who had asked for direct talks with Iran and had also sent a mediator."


Ayatollah Khamenei added:

"This is our experience, and rest assured Mr. Abe that we will not repeat it."



5. 交渉がなくともイランは発展する(Iran will progress even without negotiation)

Referring to the remarks made by the Japanese Prime Minister reporting Trump who said “negotiating with the U.S. will help Iran progress”, His Eminence emphasized:

By God’s Grace, we will progress without negotiating with the U.S. and despite the sanctions.



6. 日本との関係拡大は日本次第(Expanding relations is entirely up to Japan)

The Leader of the Revolution welcomed the Japanese Prime Minister’s suggestion of expanding relations between Japan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and reminded his audience:

Japan is an important country in Asia, and if they are willing to expand relations with Iran, they should prove their sincere willingness-- just as some important countries have shown their interest.



7. 圧力下での交渉には応じない (We do not accept negotiations under pressure)

Referring to the forty years of hostility that the U.S. has shown to the Iranian nation and the continuation of the hostility, the Supreme Leader maintained:

We believe that our problems will not be solved by negotiating with the U.S., and no free nation would ever accept negotiations under pressure.


Ayatollah Khamenei then responded to remarks by the Japanese Prime Minister on how the Americans have always wanted to impose their own beliefs and views on other nations and stated:

It is good that you acknowledge this fact, and you should also know that the Americans will observe no limits in imposing their views.

アメリカ人は常に己の考え方や思想を他国に押しける、と述べた日本の [安倍] 首相に対し、ハメネイ師はこう応えた。



付録.関連公式報道・公式情報等 (References)

2019.06.13 Japanese Minister, Shinzō Abe, met with Ayatollah Khamenei

2019.06.13 I don't consider Trump worth sending a message to, we won't negotiate with U.S.

2019.06.13 最高指導者、「トランプ大統領はメッセージを交換するに値する人物ではない」

2019.06.13 安倍首相がイラン革命最高指導者と会談 (動画)

2019.06.13 イラン外相、「歴史に刻まれる安倍首相のイラン訪問」


2019.06.12 日・イラン首脳会談

2019.06.13 安倍総理大臣とハメネイ最高指導者との会談

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