#CoronavirusUpdate 【抄訳】コロナとの戦いで #デルタ株 により《戦況が一変した》とする米CDCの内部文書を暴露した米紙記事(※和訳資料付き)|米紙ワシントンポスト (2021.7.30)
[Last updated: 2021/8/8]
2021年7月30日、米紙ワシントンポストが新型コロナとの戦いの「戦況が一変した」(”the war has changed")とする米CDC(疾病予防管理センター)の内部文書を入手し、「公益のため」として無償公開する記事にその全文を掲載し詳細を報じました。米国本土で拡大する『デルタ変異株』 による「ブレイクスルー感染」 について、米保健衛生当局のトップ機関が「水疱瘡のように広がり、接種済みでも効果は限定的」であることをどう伝えるか苦心していることが窺える内容でした。
‘The war has changed’: Internal CDC document urges new messaging, warns delta infections likely more severe | The Washington Post, 30 July 2021
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ワシントンポストは、「戦況が一変した」とするCDC(米疾病予防管理センター)の内部文書を入手。拡大する『デルタ株』 による 『ブレイクスルー感染』について「水疱瘡のように広がり接種完了済みでも効果は限定的」であることをどう伝えるか苦心しているとした。
The delta variant of the coronavirus appears to cause more severe illness than earlier variants and spreads as easily as chickenpox, according to an internal federal health document that argues officials must “acknowledge the war has changed.”
「ワクチン接種完了済みであってもデルタ株はブレイクスルー感染する」と結論づけた新たな研究を受け、「公衆衛生のトップ機関が苦慮している様」が窺えるという。当該資料では、「まるで独立した新しいウイルスのように作用しエボラや風邪などよりも効率的に標的から標的に乗り移る」変異株に対する「最良の防御」(best defense)がワクチンであることを強調するには、どのような“メッセージング”が必要かの検討がなされていた。
The document strikes an urgent note, revealing the agency knows it must revamp its public messaging to emphasize vaccination as the best defense against a variant so contagious that it acts almost like a different novel virus, leaping from target to target more swiftly than Ebola or the common cold.
CDCの資料では、実際のアウトブレイク(大発生)の調査結果や外部研究の内容など、これまで未公開だったデータが参照されており、「デルタ株に感染した場合、ワクチン接種済みであっても、 未接種の場合と同程度に容易く伝染する」ことが示されていた。
It cites a combination of recently obtained, still-unpublished data from outbreak investigations and outside studies showing that vaccinated individuals infected with delta may be able to transmit the virus as easily as those who are unvaccinated.
Vaccinated people infected with delta have measurable viral loads similar to those who are unvaccinated and infected with the variant.
資料を確認した米カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校医学部長のロバート・ワヒター博士(Dr. Robert Wachter)は「読了時には、読み始める時よりも相当に懸念が増していた」と言う。
“I finished reading it significantly more concerned than when I began,” Robert Wachter, chairman of the Department of Medicine at the University of California at San Francisco, wrote in an email.
CDC scientists were so alarmed by the new research that the agency earlier this week significantly changed guidance for vaccinated people even before making new data public.
CDCのロシェル・ワレンスキー所長(Director Rochelle Walensky)が29日、連邦議員らに説明を行った時にも、この資料を多用したという。
The data and studies cited in the document played a key role in revamped recommendations that call for everyone — vaccinated or not — to wear masks indoors in public settings in certain circumstances, a federal health official said. That official told The Post that the data will be published in full on Friday. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky privately briefed members of Congress on Thursday, drawing on much of the material in the document.
One of the slides states that there is a higher risk among older age groups for hospitalization and death relative to younger people, regardless of vaccination status. Another estimates that there are 35,000 symptomatic infections per week among 162 million vaccinated Americans.
その上で、ワクチンの効果の持続性について各州の保健衛生当局が懸念を示していることや、「ワクチンはもう効かない」「ブースター接種が必要」と「国民が確信し始めている」ことなど、 ワクチン接種済み の人々に発生する事例により「コミュニケーション上の課題」が生じていることを示した。
The document outlines “communication challenges” fueled by cases in vaccinated people, including concerns from local health departments about whether coronavirus vaccines remain effective and a “public convinced vaccines no longer work/booster doses needed.”
The presentation highlights the daunting task the CDC faces. It must continue to emphasize the proven efficacy of the vaccines at preventing severe illness and death while acknowledging milder breakthrough infections may not be so rare after all, and that vaccinated individuals are transmitting the virus.
The agency must move the goal posts of success in full public view.
そして「CDCからはコメントを得られなかった」(The CDC declined to comment.)と、暗にCDCがリークを認めていないことを明かす。
“Although it’s rare, we believe that at an individual level, vaccinated people may spread the virus, which is why we updated our recommendation,” according to the federal health official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. “Waiting even days to publish the data could result in needless suffering and as public health professionals we cannot accept that.”
The presentation came two days after Walensky announced the reversal in guidance on masking among people who are vaccinated. On May 13, people were told they no longer needed to wear masks indoors or outdoors if they had been vaccinated.
「今回の撤回は、デルタ株の脅威の前に戦略的後退を余儀なくされたことを意味する」(The new guidance reflects a strategic retreat in the face of the delta variant. )とポスト紙。
Even people who are vaccinated should wear masks indoors in communities with substantial viral spread or when in the presence of people who are particularly vulnerable to infection and illness, the CDC said.
The document presents new science but also suggests a new strategy is needed on communication, noting that public trust in vaccines may be undermined when people experience or hear about breakthrough cases, especially after public health officials have described them as rare.
デトロイト州ウェイン州立大学のリスクコミュニケーションの専門家であるマシュー・シーガー教授(Prof. Matthew Seeger)は、 ブレイクスルー感染に関する広報が欠落していたことは「問題だった」と評する。保健当局者が口々にワクチンの効果を喧伝していたため、後になって完璧でないことが判明するのは「裏切り」のように捉えられるからだ。
Matthew Seeger, a risk communication expert at Wayne State University in Detroit, said a lack of communication about breakthrough infections has proved problematic. Because public health officials had emphasized the great efficacy of the vaccines, the realization that they aren’t perfect may feel like a betrayal.
“We’ve done a great job of telling the public these are miracle vaccines,” Seeger said. “We have probably fallen a little into the trap of over-reassurance, which is one of the challenges of any crisis communication circumstance.”
The CDC’s revised mask guidance stops short of what the internal document calls for. “Given higher transmissibility and current vaccine coverage, universal masking is essential to reduce transmission of the Delta variant,” it states.
The document makes clear that vaccination provides substantial protection against the virus. But it also states that the CDC must “improve communications around individual risk among [the] vaccinated”
because that risk depends on a host of factors, including age and whether someone has a compromised immune system.
The document includes CDC data from studies showing that the vaccines are not as effective in immunocompromised patients and nursing home residents, raising the possibility that some at-risk individuals will need an additional vaccine dose.
The presentation includes a note that the findings and conclusions are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the CDC’s official position.
The internal document contains some of the scientific information that influenced the CDC to change its mask guidance.
ペンシルバニア大学アネンバーグ公共政策センターの所長を務めるキャスリーン・ジェイミーソン博士(Kathleen Hall Jamieson)によると、データを公開せずにマスクのガイダンスを変更したことを受け、CDCは外部の専門家らから批判を受けたが、これは「科学的規範に反する行為」だからだという。
The agency faced criticism from outside experts this week when it changed the mask guidance without releasing the data, a move that violated scientific norms, said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
“You don’t, when you’re a public health official, want to be saying, ‘Trust us, we know, we can’t tell you how,’” Jamieson said. “The scientific norm suggests that when you make a statement based on science, you show the science.”
”… And the second mistake is they do not appear to be candid about the extent to which breakthroughs are yielding hospitalizations.”
The breakthrough cases are to be expected, the CDC briefing states, and will probably rise as a proportion of all cases because there are so many more people vaccinated now.
This echoes data seen from studies in other countries, including highly vaccinated Singapore, where 75 percent of new infections reportedly occur in people who are partially and fully vaccinated.
CDCの資料では、「ワクチンに対する国民の懐疑心(public skepticism about vaccines)の克服」が課題の1つとして挙げられている。
The CDC document cites public skepticism about vaccines as one of the challenges: “Public convinced vaccines no longer work,” one of the first slides in the presentation states.
エモリー大学ワクチンセンターの副所長を務めるウォルター・オーレンシュタイン医師(Dr. Walter A. Orenstein)は、ワクチン接種者がデルタ株に感染した際、ワクチン非接種者と同等の量のウイルスを排出したことを示したデータに衝撃を受けたと言う。
Walter A. Orenstein, associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center, said he was struck by data showing that vaccinated people who became infected with delta shed just as much virus as those who were not vaccinated.
この『秘匿』とされたスライドでは、マサチューセッツ州バーンスタブル郡で発生した、ワクチン接種者と非接種者がほぼ同一の量のウイルスを排出したアウトブレイク の事例が紹介されていた。
The slide references an outbreak in Barnstable County, Mass., where vaccinated and unvaccinated people shed nearly identical amounts of virus.
“I think this is very important in changing things,” Orenstein said.
A person working in partnership with the CDC on investigations of the delta variant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak, said the data came from a July 4 outbreak in Provincetown, Mass. Genetic analysis of the outbreak showed that people who were vaccinated were transmitting the virus to other vaccinated people.
The person said the data was “deeply disconcerting” and a “canary in the coal mine” for scientists who had seen the data.
感染症の専門家は、デルタ株の極端な伝染性(extreme contagiousness)により、 集団免疫がより困難な目標となったと指摘する。
If the war has changed, as the CDC states, so has the calculus of success and failure. The extreme contagiousness of delta makes herd immunity a more challenging target, infectious-disease experts said.
コロンビア大学の疫学者であるジェフリー・シャーマン博士( Jeffrey Shaman)は、CDCのスライドを確認した後で、「問題の核心は、ワクチン接種者がデルタの感染に相当程度関与していることにあると思う」と述べ、
“I think the central issue is that vaccinated people are probably involved to a substantial extent in the transmission of delta,” Jeffrey Shaman, a Columbia University epidemiologist, wrote in an email after reviewing the CDC slides.
“In some sense, vaccination is now about personal protection — protecting oneself against severe disease. Herd immunity is not relevant as we are seeing plenty of evidence of repeat and breakthrough infections.”
The document underscores what scientists and experts have been saying for months: It is time to shift how people think about the pandemic.
メリーランド大学医学部のワクチン専門家であるキャスリーン・ノイジル博士(Kathleen Neuzil)は、より多くの人にワクチンを接種することが優先事項であるとしながらも、人類が近い将来に渡って付き合っていくことがほぼ確実なウイルスとの関係を、一般市民が変えていかなければならないかもしれないと述べる。
Kathleen Neuzil, a vaccine expert at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, said getting more people vaccinated remains the priority, but the public may also have to change its relationship to a virus almost certain to be with humanity for the foreseeable future.
“We really need to shift toward a goal of preventing serious disease and disability and medical consequences, and not worry about every virus detected in somebody’s nose,” Neuzil said. “It’s hard to do, but I think we have to become comfortable with coronavirus not going away.”
今回のリークから、最近になってなぜ急にCDCがワクチン接種完了者にマスク着用を強く勧告するようになったのか、その背景が見えたと思います。つまり 「デルタ株」はそれ程の「ゲームチェンジャー」だということ。日本政府もこのパラダイムシフトを真摯に受け止めざるを得ないということです。
「ある意味、ワクチン接種は今や個人を守るためのものとなっている、つまり重篤な病気から自身を守るためのものであって、再感染やブレイクスルー感染が発生していることを示す証拠がふんだんにある現状においては、集団免疫はもはや関係がない。」(“In some sense, vaccination is now about personal protection — protecting oneself against severe disease. Herd immunity is not relevant as we are seeing plenty of evidence of repeat and breakthrough infections.”)
— YOKO#五輪は中止だ中止🌈🌳💕 (@granamoryoko18) July 30, 2021
テロップつけたから見てね pic.twitter.com/mroicxEvyL
「けっして容易いことではないが、我々はコロナウイルスがなくならないことを受け入れる必要がある。」(“It’s hard to do, but I think we have to become comfortable with coronavirus not going away.”)
最後のノイジル博士のこの結びの文は「コロナと徹底的に闘い続けなければならない」という意味であって、これまで一部標榜されてきた『ウィズコロナ 』とは真逆の発想と思いました。《戦況》が変わったからコロナと「共存する社会」を目指すのではなく、身を削り合う凄惨な戦いに備えよという意味だと捉えました。まだまだこの戦い、気を抜けません。
— 💫T.Katsumi #NOlympicsAnywhere🚫 (@tkatsumi06j) June 25, 2021
「世界中の人々を国境を越えて移動させ、しばらく一つの場所にとどめてウイルスを共有させ、その後帰国」させれば、「 #変異株 が世界に拡散する絶好の機会を与え、より多くの人々を感染させ、命を奪う」ことになる。