
【英日対訳】DeepL翻訳 「解説動画:日本の頭痛の種となっている統一教会問題」| 英ロイター (2022.8.17)






Since the killing of Japan's Shinzo Abe, a 'church' has become a source of public anger. The Unification Church is famous for its 'mass weddings' and has been labeled by critics as a 'cult'.

日本の安倍晋三が殺害されて以来、ある「教会」が国民の怒りの的になっている。Unification Church(統一教会)は「集団結婚式」で有名で、評論家たちから「カルト」のレッテルを貼られている。

[One of the brides at the mass weddings ceremony] "I believe that the values in our movement are important, and I think our future generations should inherit that."

[集団結婚式での花嫁の一人] "私たちの運動における価値観は重要なものであり、将来の世代がそれを受け継ぐべきだと思っています。"

For Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, it's become a political headache. Here is why.


[Title] Japan's Unification Church headache EXPLAINED

[タイトル] 解説:日本の頭痛の種となっている統一教会問題


Abe's suspected killer bore a grudge against the 'church'. He alleged it bankrupted his mother, and blamed Abe for promoting it, according to his own social media posts and news reports.



Prime Minister Kishida has declared he has no ties to the church, but his approval ratings took a nosedive to their lowest levels since he took office after some of his Cabinet members disclosed connections. His party, the LDP, has announced it will cut off ties with the church, and attempted to ease voter concerns with a cabinet reshuffle.


[PM Kishida] "I would like to address issues related to the Unification Church. First of all, I would like to say that, I have no connection with this church, as far as I know." (テロップは)


The church, meanwhile, says it's been 'vilified' and that members have 'faced death threats' since Abe's shooting.



The Unification Church was founded in South Korea in the 50's by Sun Myung Moon, an anti-communist and 'self-declared messiah'. Former followers say recruitment tactics include knocking on doors, targeting member's relatives, and approaching people outside train stations.


The church is said to have built ties with politicians to attract followers and gain legitimacy. According to a spokesperson, Japan has been its biggest source of income for decades.


The church and the LDP do supposedly share some views, such as opposing same-sex marriage, and supporting revision of Japan's pacifist constitution.


Abe's murder suspect said on social media that the church had persuaded his mother to part with around 100 million yen, the equivalent of around 736,000 dollars. After the incident, the church said it had returned around 400,000 dollars to the mother. It denied coercing her, and declined to comment on the total sum.


The church has also said Abe was neither a member nor an advisor. The local head of the church called Kishida's instruction to cut ties "very unfortunate".



[Pres. Tanaka:] "As to whether we have an influence over politicians in Japan or not, I think it is something that should be objectively judged by others. But it is true that we have had strong connections with to politics through affiliated organizations."(テロップ)



"Therefore from that viewpoint, I think we had a stronger connections with the members of the LDP than others, but we have had ties with any member of the parliament who expressed his/her position against communism, through various occasions."

Support for Kishida's cabinet has fallen to the lowest levels since he took office in October, at 46 percent, according to public broadcaster NHK, with many of the respondents saying they wanted an 'explanation' about ties to the church.


Kishida says new cabinet members and new ruling party officials "must thoroughly review" their ties to it.


