【英日対訳】「世界中のヘアサロンが#モーリシャス の海を油から守るために行っていること」VOGUE (2020.8.13)
[Last Updated: 2020.8.20]
このnoteを読んで、「自分もヘアドネーションをしたい」と思ってくださる方が多くいらっしゃるようです。そう思ってくださったのは、この記事を翻訳して発信しようと思った者としてまさに本懐です。しかし、記事を読み進めていただければおわかりいいただけるように、「新型コロナの影響で国境を閉鎖し、空の便の受け入れも止めているモーリシャスでは、国内への持ち込みがやや困難な状況」にあります。したがって、通常の個人輸送の形などでは支援はできない状況にあります。そこで、文末で記事の文脈でご紹介する『Matter of Trust』を経由した支援をご検討ください。災害時には多くの方が善意の支援をなさろうとします。しかし現地の状況によっては、受け入れが難しい場合もあります。どうか、大変な状況のなか、島一丸となって原状回復に取り組んでいる現地の人びとの思いを汲みとり、適切な支援ルートを利用してみなさまの善意をお届けください。(2020.8.18追記)
『Matter of Trust』のような専門の機関を経れば洗浄はきちんとなされると思うのですが、現地で対応している当局は結局のところ、現状では手作りの「ブーム」の使用は受け入れてないようです。「ヘアドネーション」したいというそのお気持ちは彼らも有り難いと思うのですが、現地の事情に報道が追いついていないこともあります。どうぞご勘案ください。(2020.8.18)
By Lauren Valenti
August 13, 2020
著: Lauren Valenti
訳:Office BALES
海洋環境保全団体「Ocean Conservancy」代表(CEO)のジャニス・ジョーンズ(Janis Searles Jones)氏はこう語る。
In late July, a ship ran aground off the coast of Mauritius, leaking over 1,000 metric tons of oil into the clear turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean and causing catastrophic damage to the island and its ecosystem. “It’s a disaster in every sense of the word,” explains Janis Searles Jones, CEO of Ocean Conservancy. The immense gravity of the situation risks not just the unique marine environment (it’s home to some of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world), but the food supply, tourism, and livelihoods of those that call the island home.
“It shows the risk and daily impacts that Black, brown, and Indigenous island communities face not only from climate change, but from massive environmental disasters such as oil spills,” says Jones, also emphasizing that the current disaster unfolding in Mauritius is the result of a repeat offender.
MV Wakashio, the tanker that landed on a reef near Pointe d’Esny, one the island’s largest remaining wetlands, is operated by Mitsui OSK Lines, the company also responsible for a 2006 oil spill in in the Indian Ocean.
モーリシャスの環境の美しさの保全と回復を目指し持続可能でカーボンニュートラルな旅行を提案する会社「Mauritius Conscious Travel」の共同設立者、ロミーナ・テーロ(Romina Tello)氏はこう語る。
「私たちは、絶滅危惧種を守るために、「Mauritian Wildlife Foundation」(モーリシャス野生生物財団)等とともに海洋公園の保全に努めたり、サンゴ礁を守るためにNGOに協力して船長やガイドたちを指導したりするなど、たいへんな努力を行ってきました。環境コンシャスな旅行を愉しむために、これまで多くの人たちの思いを紡いで意識を高める活動をしてきたのが、真っ黒な波に一瞬にして呑まれてしまったかのように感じます。私たちの島が事故から一刻も早く立ち直れるよう、世界中から支援が集まることを願うばかりです。」
“Seeing the thick layer of heavy oil spreading through our coast in just a couple of days was simply unbelievable,” says Romina Tello, who holds a degree in sustainable tourism and is the cofounder of Mauritius Conscious Travel, a boutique travel company dedicated to preserving and restoring the beauty of Mauritius by offering sustainable, carbon-neutral trips. “We’ve put in so much effort safeguarding endangered species with the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation, fighting to preserve the marine parks, and working with NGOs to train skippers and guides to protect the reef. After all of our efforts to raise awareness on how to travel more conscientiously, I’ve felt as if the work of years of people coming together was swiped away by a black tide. I can only hope that we will all help our island recover from this soon.”
「Ocean Conservancy」のジョーンズ代表にとって、今回のモーリシャスでの流出事故は、石油に依存する社会からクリーンで再生可能なエネルギーを利用する社会へと、できるかぎりすみやかに、そして確実に移行する必要をあらためて強く認識させる出来事となった。
For Jones the spill in Mauritius reinforces the need to transition—rapidly and responsibly—away from fossil fuel use and toward clean, renewable energy. “Not only do we need to make the transition because of the climate crisis, but also because oil-based fuels are incredibly toxic and damaging and—despite all our technological advances—the world is still subject to horrific spills like this one that impact the ocean, wildlife, and people,” she explains.
The situation in Mauritius is also shedding further light on another layer of the conversation: the importance of sustainability in cleanup techniques. The fact is, there can be unintentional environmental impacts of certain cleanup methods—namely, those that rely heavily on synthetic plastics.
An example of this cited by Jones is if booms, which are temporary floating barriers composed of plastic and other buoyant materials, are not used properly or used in rough seas, they can be rendered useless and end up stranded in salt marshes. “They can pollute the very areas they were deployed to protect,” she explains, citing the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico 10 years ago as an example.
A push toward more natural and sustainable technology is essential to protect the planet, and a key material being sourced to aid alternative efforts comes in the form of hair. Yes, human hair.
動物の毛に重油が粘着する性質があることを知ったアラバマでヘアサロンを営むフィル・マクローリ(Phil McCrory)氏が、重油の吸収には人の髪の毛が有効である可能性を実証してみせたのである。刈り取った毛髪を束ねて自宅で実験を重ねた結果、マクローリ氏の実験は成功を収め、1995年には水から油を吸い取ることが可能な毛髪の詰まった装置の特許を取得。1998年には毛髪で作られたマットの特許を取得し、NASA(アメリカ航空宇宙局)にも認められた。
It all began in 1989 as a response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska—having noticed the way oil would cling to animal fur, Alabama hair salon owner Phil McCrory flagged human hair as a potential tool for oil absorption. After conducting at-home experiments with bundles made from shorn hair and finding success in the years that followed, he was awarded a patent for a device filled with human hair that was designed to absorb oil from water in 1995. Then came another patent for a mat made of human hair, which was tested by NASA with favorable results in 1998.
In the decades since, the oil-absorbing powers of hair have been shown to hold up to nine times its weight in oil, and has continued to be studied and harnessed to help clean up similar spills. In fact, in addition to plastic booms, nylon stockings stuffed with donated hair were used to help soak up some of the oil from the Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and now the same strategies are being deployed in Mauritius.
モーリシャスでは、島中のヘアサロンが油回収作業のために髪を刈り取り、刈り取った髪を集めている。Mauritius Conscious Travel社のテーロ氏によると、料金を50%引きにしてくれる店もあるという。
In Mauritius hair salons around the island are cutting and collecting hair for the cleanup efforts, some of them even offering up to 50% discounts on haircuts, according to Tello. “After collecting cut-offs, volunteers then drop the hair at the main center where the booms are created by more volunteers,” she explains. “These booms can help us corral the oil and gasoline on the water while absorbing it effectively, and the best thing is that they are reusable and biodegradable, with no long-term harm to our planet.”
偶然にも、モーリシャスで今回の重油流出事故が起きる一週間ほど前に、原油の吸収に最も効果のある吸収剤が何であるかを調べるため、原油流出事故にこれまで使われてきた様々な素材を調査したシドニー工科大学(University of Technology Sydney: UTS)の研究成果が公開されていた。災害機関などでよく使用されるプラスチック製素材のポリプロピレンを、よりサステナブルな素材を基に作られた吸収剤(犬の毛を集めたものやヘアサロンの髪くずなどをリサイクルしたもの)と比較したところ、海洋環境や堅い地面においては、流出した原油の除染に毛髪が役立つことがわかった。
Coincidentally, just a week before the oil spill in Mauritius, the University of Technology Sydney released a study examining different materials used for cleaning up oil spills to find out what sorbent works best for soaking up crude oil. After comparing polypropylene, a major plastic material used by disaster agencies, with sustainable-origin sorbents including donated dog fur clippings and human hair recycled from salon waste, they found that hair worked well in decontaminating spilled oil in ocean-type environments and on hard land surfaces.
UTSで研究を主導したの環境学者、メガン・マレー博士(Megan Murray)はこう説明する。
“Human hair is an unconventional sustainable-origin product,” explains Megan Murray, an environmental scientist at the University of Technology Sydney and the lead author of the study. “If you think about it, communities continually generate hair, so it’s globally accessible as a recycled material, as well as highly effective against crude oil. It’s also able to decompose much faster than plastics when we’ve finished using it, so it generates much less long-term landfill.”
For Murray the efforts being made in Mauritius exemplify how recycled hair is a cheap, globally available, and effective oil-spill decontamination material. “Many communities impacted by disasters may not have the supply stockpiles or funds available for more expensive response measures,” she explains. “It’s good to be aware that there’s an affordable [and sustainable] option available.”
While the Mauritius oil spill has inspired locals to maximize the possibilities of hair donations, supporters are also rallying across the globe. “We’ve gotten a lot of support from the international community who wish to donate hair for this cause, but it’s proved tricky to bring it into Mauritius with our borders and flights closed due to COVID-19,” explains Tello.
米国本土では、ロスを拠点に活動するヘアスタイリストのクリステン・ショウ(Kristen Shaw)氏が、モーリシャスに寄付するため、また将来の環境災害対策のため、髪の毛を集めている。ショウ氏は「ディープウォーター・ホライズン」の原油流出事故の時に初めて、人間の髪の毛が原油流出の除染に利用できることを知った。
Stateside, L.A.-based hairstylist Kristen Shaw, who first learned that human hair could be used to help clean up oil spills during the Deepwater Horizon spill, has been collecting hair for when it can be donated to Mauritius, as well as for future environmental needs.
“Collecting all the hair I cut is a direct way for me to get involved and use it for emergency situations like this in Mauritius,” explains Shaw. “If we all collectively gathered hair clippings and used it for a greater good to have hair booms ready for a future spill, we may be more ready than ever to halt lasting environmental damage when something like this happens.”
支援を募ろうとしたとき、ショウ氏は「Matter of Trust」のことを知った。「Matter of Trust」は、コンポスティングや余剰品の利活用に加え、人、動物、羊の毛の『クリッピング』をリサイクルして対原油マットにする活動を展開する非営利団体。ショウ氏は世界中のヘアスタイリストやヘアサロンのオーナーにも『クリッピング』を寄付するよう、こう呼びかけている。
While mobilizing, Shaw became aware of Matter of Trust, a nonprofit organization that in addition to composting and linking surplus also works to recycle hair, fur, and fleece clippings into oil-spill mats. She’s been spreading the word to fellow hairstylists and hair salon owners so that they too can consider donating their hair clippings.
“Choosing sustainable measures, like using recycled hair to clean up oil spills and to not create excess waste during a time of an environmental disaster, is just one of the ways that we as hairstylists can get involved and give something that we often just throw away,” says Shaw. “It’s about being resourceful and active in turning our beauty industry into a greener industry.”
Matter of Trustに髪の毛を寄付する方法についてはこちらを参照。
Learn more about donating to Matter of Trust here.