【英日対訳】DeepL翻訳 #BMJ論説 「今夏のオリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会開催は再考すべき」| British Medical Journal(2021.4.14)

[Last updated: 2021/4/25]


2021年4月14日,東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会(東京2020)の開催まで100日と迫った日に,英国で180年の歴史を誇る医学誌『British Medical Journal』がEditorial(論説)を発表した。世界的権威ある医学誌の論説とあって,国内外のメディアはこれを広く取り上げた。


著者にはWHO(世界保健機関)の事務局長上級顧問を務める渋谷健司・英キングスカレッジ公衆衛生研究所所長や,「新型インフルエンザ等対策有識者会議基本的対処方針等諮問委員会」で委員を務める谷口清州・独立行政法人国立病院機構三重病院院長など,国内外で活躍する日本人学者3名のほか,英エジンバラ大学医学部アッシャー公衆衛生・健康情報学研究所のデヴィ・スリダー(Devi Sridhar)教授ら計4が名を連ねる。





Reconsider this summer’s Olympic and Paralympic games




1. Kazuki Shimizu, researcher[1],
2. Devi Sridhar, professor[2],
3. Kiyosu Taniguchi, director general[3],
4. Kenji Shibuya, director[4]

Author affiliations

1. Department of Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
2. Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics, Edinburgh Medical School, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
3. National Hospital Organization Mie Hospital, Tsu, Japan
4. Institute for Population Health, King’s College London, London, UK


Serious questions remain about managing the games safely

The government of Japan and the International Olympic Committee are determined to hold the Olympic Games in Tokyo this summer. In February 2021, G7 leaders also supported Japan’s commitment to holding the Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo (Tokyo 2020) “in a safe and secure manner … as a symbol of global unity in overcoming covid-19.”[1] While the determination is encouraging, there has been a lack of transparency about the benefits and risk, and international mass gathering events such as Tokyo 2020 are still neither safe nor secure.


The world is still in the middle of a pandemic. SARS-CoV-2 variants are an international concern, causing a resurgence of covid-19 globally.[2] We must accelerate efforts towards containing and ending the pandemic by maintaining public health and social measures, promoting behaviour change, disseminating vaccines widely, and strengthening health systems. Substantial scientific advancements have occurred over the past year, but vaccine rollout has been inequitable, reducing access in many low and middle income countries. Huge uncertainty remains about the trajectory of the pandemic.[3]

世界は未だパンデミック禍の只中にある。SARS-CoV2 の変異株は,国際的な懸念事項であり,世界規模で新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の再流行を引き起こしている[2]。公衆衛生対策や社会的距離対策を維持し,行動変容を促し,ワクチンを広く普及させ,医療システムを強化し,ウイルスの拡散を抑えパンデミックに終止符を打つための努力を加速させなければならない。この1年間で大幅な科学的進歩は見られたものの,ワクチン展開は公平ではなく,中低所得国の多くで以前入手率が低い状況にある。パンデミック禍の今後の推移については大いなる不確実性が残る[3]。

Although a special scheme for vaccinating athletes—marshalled by the International Olympic Committee[4]—may help save lives, it could also encourage vaccine diplomacy, undermine global solidarity (including the Covax global access scheme), and promote vaccine nationalism. Full transparency and clear lines of accountability are critical in any scheme to vaccinate athletes. Furthermore, prioritising athletes over essential workers at high risk in low and middle income countries raises ethical concerns that must be addressed.


Poor control

Unlike other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan has not yet contained covid-19 transmission.[5] Despite its poor performance,6 Japan still invokes exceptionalism and continues to conceptualise covid-19 within previous planning for pandemic influenza.[5] The second state of emergency in the Greater Tokyo area was lifted in late March[7] despite early indications of a resurgence and an increase in covid-19 patients with variants of concern, which have now spread across Japan.[8][9]

アジア太平洋の他の国々とは異なり,日本は未だ新型コロナの感染を抑制するには至っていない[5]。そのような実績なき現状にもかぎらず,日本は従前のインフルエンザ禍への対処計画を新型コロナ禍対策の中心に据える例外主義を標榜している[5]。[1都三県を含む] 大関東圏での二度目の緊急事態宣言は,変異株に感染したとみられる新型コロナ患者が再び日本全国で増えている傾向が確認されている[8][9]のにもかかわらず,3月には解除された[7]。

The country’s limited testing capacity and sluggish vaccine rollout[6] have been attributed to lack of political leadership.[5] Even healthcare workers and other high risk populations will not have access to vaccines before Tokyo 2020, to say nothing of the general population. To properly protect athletes from covid-19, Japan must develop and implement a clear strategy to eliminate community transmission within its borders,[5] as Australia did before the Australian Open tennis tournament.


Japan and the International Olympic Committee must also agree operational plans based on a robust science and share them with the international community. Waiving quarantine for incoming athletes, officials, broadcasters, press, and marketing partners[10] risks importing and spreading covid-19 variants of concern. While international spectators will be excluded from the games,[11] cases could rise across Japan and be exported globally because of increased domestic travel—as encouraged by Japan’s official campaigns in 2020.[5][12[13] Entrants will be asked to download Japan’s covid-19 contact tracing app,[10] but this is known to be unreliable.[14]

海外から感染客は受け入れないとのこと[11]だが,(2020年に日本国内で実施された政府推奨キャンペーン [訳注: #GoToTravel 等] に促されて)日本国内の旅行者が増加することで日本国内で件数が増加し,世界に輸出される可能性がある[5][12][13]。大会に関連する入国者は新型コロナ追跡アプリの導入を義務付けられるが,その信頼性は低いことで知られている[14]。

The maximum allowable number of domestic spectators is still pending,[11] but an overwhelmed healthcare system combined with an ineffective test, trace, and isolate scheme[5][12][13] could seriously undermine Japan’s ability to manage Tokyo 2020 safely and contain any outbreak caused by mass mobilisation.


Finally, very little has been said officially about the Paralympic games and how to protect the health and rights of people with disabilities during international competition. Current plans lack detail for Paralympic athletes[10] and may underestimate the risks of covid-19 to people with disabilities.


Safety first

Plans to hold the Olympic and Paralympic games this summer must be reconsidered as a matter of urgency. The whole global community recognises the need to contain the pandemic and save lives. Holding Tokyo 2020 for domestic political and economic purposes— ignoring scientific and moral imperatives—is contradictory to Japan’s commitment to global health and human security.


Preliminary qualifying competitions for Tokyo 2020 have already been suspended or postponed because of covid-19, and it is now unclear whether equity among athletes can be ensured.[15][16] We must reconsider this summer’s games and instead collaborate internationally to agree a set of global and domestic conditions under which international multisport events can be held in the years ahead. These conditions must embody both Olympic and Paralympic values and adhere to international principles of public health.





01. Joint statement of G7 leaders. 19 Feb 2021.
02. World Health Organization. Coronavirus (covid-19) dashboard.
03. Skegg D, Gluckman P, Boulton G, et al. Future scenarios for the covid-19 pandemic. Lancet2021;397:777-8. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00424-4. pmid:33607000
04. International Olympic Committee. Tokyo 2020. IOC lays out progress on vaccinations. 11 Mar 2021.
05. Shimizu K, Tokuda Y, Shibuya K. Japan should aim to eliminate covid -19. BMJ2021;372:n294. doi:10.1136/bmj.n294. pmid:33558342 [拙noteでの和訳]
06. Our World in Data. Statistics and research: coronavirus pandemic (covid-19)–the data. Japan.
07. Japan to lift state of emergency in Tokyo area on Sunday. Nikkei Asia 2021 Mar 17.
08. Swift R. Japan fears COVID-19 variants are behind possible fourth wave. Reuters 2021 Apr 5.
09. Ministry of Health. Labour and Welfare, Japan. Responses to COVID-19 (variants), 6 Apr 2021 [in Japanese].[和文のみ]
10. Tokyo 2020. The playbook—athletes and officials. 2021. [PDF]
11. Nishizawa K. Tokyo Olympics to bar overseas spectators from postponed games. Bloomberg News 2021 Mar 20.
12. Shimizu K, Wharton G, Sakamoto H, Mossialos E. Resurgence of covid-19 in Japan. BMJ2020;370:m3221. doi:10.1136/bmj.m3221. pmid:32816821
13. Shimizu K, Kondo T, Tokuda Y, Shibuya K. An open letter to Japan’s new prime minister. Lancet2020;396:e57. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32033-X. pmid:33002428 [拙noteでの和訳]
14. Japan’s COVID-19 app failed to pass on some contact warnings. Reuters 2021 Feb 2.
15. Mann RH, Clift BC, Boykoff J, Bekker S. Athletes as community; athletes in community: covid-19, sporting mega-events and athlete health protection. Br J Sports Med2020;54:1071-2. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2020-102433. pmid:32303522
16. International Olympic Committee. Olympic charter—in force as from 17 July 2020. [PDF]

