
【英日対訳】#Tokyo2020 IOCが #BlackLivesMatter 等の人権マターに関わる抗議行動を封殺したことに #五輪中止 #Nolympics を呼びかけ世界中が猛反発|MTV NEWS(2021.5.7)
[Last Updated: 2021/5/10]
2021年5月7日、米エンタメ報道番組のMTV NEWSは #東京五輪 開催に当たり国際オリンピック委員会 ( #IOC ) が五輪反対運動を筆頭とする抗議表現を禁じたことに世界中が反発していることを報道した。とくに2028年度開催予定国の米国(ロサンゼルス)では #BlackLivesMatter (#BLM )運動の高まりがスポーツ界にも波及していることからスポーツにおける人権マターへの抗議行動を封殺するIOCに対する不満が募っているという。
The Olympics are set to be held in Tokyo, but as the Olympic Committee banned Black Lives Matter apparel, people across the globe are calling for its cancellation. @YoonjKim has what you #NeedToKnow about the ban and the negative economic toll the games have on host countries pic.twitter.com/Us18n9WHV9
— MTV NEWS (@MTVNEWS) May 6, 2021
「オリンピックは世界中で愛されるていることは承知していますが、その為に環境や人権を犠牲にすることがどこまで文化的に許されるものなのか、今IOCの認識が問われています。@JulesBoykoff @hangorinnokai (日本の草の根反東京五輪団体)に多謝」
I know the Olympics are beloved worldwide but in light of what is happening in Japan, IOC may be facing a reckoning of what is culturally acceptable at the cost of the planet & human rights. Thx @JulesBoykoff @hangorinnokai (the grassroots collective against Tokyo 2021) https://t.co/qJ66gxnI9Z
— Yoonj Kim (@YoonjKim) May 7, 2021
MTV: The "No Olympics" petition gains signatures ahead of the Tokyo games after the Olympic Committee banned Black Lives Matter slogans. I'm Yoonj Kim and this is MTV News Need To Know.
MTV「オリンピック委員会による #BlackLivesMatter のスローガンの禁止後、東京五輪の開催を前にして、"No Olympics"を求める署名が数を伸ばしています。@MTVNEWS #NeedtoKnow の @YoonjKim がお伝えします。」
MTV: The International Olympic Committee banned Black Lives Matter apparel from the Summer Olympics in Tokyo. Athletes who show support on the medal stand, field, or during official ceremonies could be subject to punishment.
MTV「国際オリンピック委員会は、東京で行われる夏季五輪における #BlackLivesMatter に関わる衣服の使用を禁じる決定を下しました。メダル表彰式や競技会場、公式式典の場で支持の表明を行うアスリートは、処罰の対象となる場合があります。」
MTV: The committee, which is made up of predominantly white men, confirmed that it's part of the longstanding ban on protests and political messaging during the games.
MTV 「白人男性が圧倒的多数を占めるIOCは、大会中の抗議活動や政治的なメッセージの発信を禁じるのは、長きに渡る伝統であると主張します。」
MTV: The decision has upset many sports fans and organizations, who have taken to social media to express their frustration about taking away people's freedom of self-expression at the biggest sporting event in the world.
MTV: The ban was announced amidst ongoing protests in Tokyo against the Olympics. And tens of thousands of Japanese citizens signed a petition calling for their cancellation, saying that the organizations, including the IOC, are 'forcibly pushing to pursue the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.'
[参考ツイート] IOCの決定以前から高まっていた国際的な非難の声
ボイコフ教授「一方、日本国内では反五輪の抗議行動が続いている。これは @Link_NoTokyo5O「おことわリンク」による『貧困下の聖火リレーに反対する』運動の写真📷。🇨🇦バンクーバーの活動家たちにより作成され、🇬🇧ロンドンに渡り、🇷🇺コーカサスの活動家から🇧🇷リオ、🇰🇷平昌と渡って東京に辿り着いた」 https://t.co/2yw9fj3nGR
— 💫T.Katsumi #NursesLivesMatter ✊ (@tkatsumi06j) April 30, 2021
MTV: On Wednesday, this Twitter user posted a video about how these protests are being suppressed:
MTV: At today's Sapporo half marathon. Immediately after the courageous voice of "No Olympics! (Olympic Hantai!)" was heard, the TV crew switched the screen.
MTV: ”今日の札幌ハーフマラソンでは「五輪反対!」という勇気ある声が沿道から上がった途端、テレビ局のクルーが画面を切り替えました。”
At today's Sapporo half marathon. Immediately after the courageous voice of "No Olympics! (Olympic Hantai!)" was heard, the TV crew switched the screen.
— 反五輪の会 NO OLYMPICS 2020 (@hangorinnokai) May 5, 2021
動画引用元:https://t.co/7ciTkgow4B#NOlympicsAnywhere #Canceltheolympics #AbolishIOC
https://t.co/8WlUX6DS35 pic.twitter.com/4NpmP2GhSf
MTV: Tokyo is currently in a state of emergency as COVID-19 infections are on the rise, during peak anti-Asian sentiment around the world.
MTV: Less than 2 percent of Japan's population is vaccinated.
MTV: And last week, eight Olympic workers tested positive for the coronavirus during the torch relay. Athletes are also not required to be vaccinated to compete in the games.
MTV: Jules Boykoff, author of the book ['NOlympians'] tweeted:
"Medical workers in Japan create Twitterstorm against plan to secure the services of 500 nurses for #Tokyo2020 Olympics. They accuse organizers of diverting crucial medical resources amid staff shortages at hospitals due to #COVID19 ."
「 #東京五輪 のために500人の看護師を確保する計画に対し日本の医療従事者たちがツイデモを企画。 #新型コロナ により病院で人手不足が生じているというのに必要不可欠な医療資源を搾取しようとしている、と主催者側を糾弾」#看護師の五輪派遣は困ります📷via @irourenhttps://t.co/VoCxU0Es5g
— 💫T.Katsumi #NursesLivesMatter ✊ (@tkatsumi06j) April 29, 2021
MTV: Tokyo's original budget for the Olympic was $7 billion but has since quadrupled thanks to the IOC's increasing demand for 'bigger, more elaborate venues and ceremonies'. More than half of the revenue that these spectacles generate goes into the IOC's pockets, leaving the host country and its taxpayers to bear the financial brunt.
MTV: And without international spectators at the event, Japan could lose over $23 billion. Not to mention the human toll of building Olympic site every four years. For example, ahead of the last Summer Olympics in 2016, at least 11 workers were killed in Brazil.
MTV: These sites come with a high risk of forced labor, with 4,000 trafficking-related cases investigated, related to the Rio games, because of the IOC's insistence on building new stadium instead of reusing the abandoned sites of previous games.
MTV: Because of this, fewer and fewer countries want to host the Olympics and work with committee. And yet, the next American host city will be Los Angeles for the third time in 2028.
MTV: It's a city already struggling with houselessness and the climate crisis. And while the 1984 games turned a profit, 60 percent was turned over to the IOC. It also contributed to the militarization of the LAPD, who brought an arsenal of machine guns with the Olympic budget.
MTV: And immediately following the games, there was a 33 percent spike in citizen complaints against police brutality and accelerated mass incarceration of young men of color.
MTV: This is not 'the spirit of unity', which is what sports are supposed to bring about. All of this is why there is a protest this Sunday in front of the Japan Olympic Committee headquarters, urging for the July games to be cancelled and for the IOC to be abolished.
MTV: A reported 72 percent of the Japanese population is wary or entirely against hosting the summer games, suggesting that, while the Olympics is beloved worldwide, the organization may be facing a reckoning of what is culturally acceptable at the cost of the planet and human rights.
