
Don't think more than 5 seconds (Day5)

Hi, there, this is my fifth day of 300-word English writing challenge. Glad I finally sat down and started writing.

In my previous post of 'Writing struggles and how to conquer it', one of my writing plan is to write a whole article about one English/Japanese vocabulary

How would I do it? Here is the plan:
1. Select 5 sentences from a video that I like to learn
2. Pick up new words from those sentences, look up for definitions
3. Make a collage as a summary (I will show you how)

 5 second rule

I selected some sentences from a video created by Chris, the founder of FIND YOUR VISION

He talked about why we should start doing things we are not comfortable within 5 seconds, otherwise 5 seconds later the brain will make excuses to tell us not to do, as protecting system. After all, changes involve risks.

Sentences & words picked:

1. 何かやらないといけない時5秒以上考えると頭の中が勝手に言い訳、理由を作ってくれるわけよ。
(When you must do something, and if you think for more than 5 seconds, your head, without your permission, makes excuses and reasons for you not to do. )

2. 初めてブログを書きたいんだけどなかなか書いて出すことができない。
(For the first time, you want to write a blog, but you just can not start and finish it. )

3. もし自分の動画をユーチューブに出してネガティブすっげー嫌な「なんだこいつへたくそ」とか、そういうコメントが付いたら超痛いじゃん。
( When uploading your own video on Youtube, and if you receive very negative or disturbing comments like "what's wrong with you, this video sucks", it really hurts.)

4. 間違いなくこの5秒間は辛いんだよ。でも、もし5秒を取らなかったら逆に何分辛くなると思う?場合によって何時間辛くなると思う?
(It's definitely painful for the first 5 seconds, however, if you failed to start in 5 seconds, how many minutes would you suffer? In some cases, how many hours do you think you gonna suffer? )

Word collage

1. なかなか~できない
just can't seem to (do something)
2. 勝手に
without asking (permission)
3. ネガティブ
4. すっげー嫌な
So disturbing
5. へたくそ
poor, suck
6. コメントが付いたら
someone leaves a comment
7. 間違いなく
without question, no doubt, absolutely
8. 場合によって
depends on the circumstances 
9. 五秒の法則
the 5 second rule

