Grammar Rules Native Speakers Are Asked to Follow
1) gonna, wannaなどの発音そのままの表記は使わない
She's gonna come tomorrow. --> She's going to come tomorrow.
Nobody wanna follow these rules. --> Nobody wants to follow these rules.
2) 短縮形は使わない
Three people can't attend the meeting. --> Three people cannot attend the meeting.
ちなみに,X can not と書くのは間違いとされています.他には,won't --> will not, you're --> you are, I'm --> I am. He's --> He is/hasなど.ぼくはほとんど無視します.
3) who/whomの区別をつける
The girl who Johnny is starting at is my ex. --> The girl whom Johnny is starting at is my ex.
この場合は,The girl Johnny is starting at…とすればいいだけなのですが,それは置いておくことにします.
Who are you working under? --> Whom are you working under? / Under whom are you working?
4) thatとwhichの区別をつける
これはアメリカ英語だけですが,基本的には情報を付け加えるときに, which (comma + which)をそれ以外はのピタッと限定するときはthat (no comma + that)を使います.これは厳しいルールなのかわかりません.
Yesterday I saw a movie, which (= and it) was terrible.
Roger doesn't want to talk about the accident that happened yesterday.
5) and, but, soをセンテンスの頭で使わない
Maria is good at sports. And she knows a lot of things.
--> Maria is good at sports, and she knows a lot of things.
We have worked closely with Andrew for more than 15 years. But what he has in mind is beyond our imagination.
--> We have worked closely with Andrew for more than 15 years. However, what he has in mind is beyond our imagination.
Ashley often badmouthed her colleagues. So, nobody at her workplace liked her.
--> Ashley often badmouthed her colleagues. Therefore, nobody at her workplace liked her.
ぼくはこの類の書き換えはあまり好きではないのでこのルールはほとんど従いません.最初のものはまだわかりますが,but --> however, so --> thereforeはフォーマル度が違うので個人的にはちょっとどうかな,と思っています.
6) because SVを単独では使わない
Why did I decided to leave my hometown? Because I couldn't find any growth there.
--> I decided to leave my hometown because I couldn't find any growth there.
7) 受け身を使わない
The song was loved by everybody.
--> Everybody loved the song.
8) 前置詞でセンテンスを終わらせない.
Sarah often misses the house she used to live in.
--> Sarah often misses the house where/in which she used to live.
9) getを使わない
Heidi and Tom finally have gotten accustomed to the group's traditions and routines.
--> Heidi and Tom finally have become accustomed to the group's traditions and routines.
ぼくは気にしませんが,getはカジュアルすぎると考えるという人もいます.まあ,書き言葉ということでhave got --> have , have got to --> have toぐらいはしたほうがよいかもしれません.
10) There is/are/…を使わない
There are a lot of people who want to visit Japan.
--> A lot of people want to visit Japan.
11) 疑問文を使わない
12) すべてSVのあるcomplete sentenceで書く
まあ,こんな感じでしょうか.まだあると思いますが,とりあえず思いついたものだけ.different than --> different from, the reason… is because --> the reason… is thatなど個別の表現を拾うとキリがないのでそれはやめておきます.