
Do you really want to write like this?

Despite the fact that many intelligent individuals frequently disagree with the notion that texts with numerous complex sentences lack appreciation, for the majority of individuals who primarily consume information through online video clips, sentences comprising unfamiliar words and sentence structures not only appear challenging but also evoke a false sense of mockery from the writers, leading them to conclude that such texts are unworthy of their time, which makes those who wish to invite a wider range of people to read what they write decide to build sentences with simpler words and sentence structures.

❶IやYouに代表される極めて単純なSomebody does something.の形を避け,もの・こと,それもできるだけ抽象的な概念でセンテンスを始める.
❹causative construction(「XがYの状態になるように引き起こす」系の文構造.ちょっといいことばが浮かばないのでとりあえずこう書いておきます.ぼくは「使役構文」「使役動詞」という文法用語は使うべきではないと考えています.「第5文型」という言葉も同様です)を使えるかどうか考えてみる



People who don't have the habit of regularly reading get information via video clips on YouTube. For such people, reading texts written with complicated grammar and difficult vocabulary is dire. If you want those people to read what you write, why don't you write with simple grammar and everyday vocabulary? You've got to take a different approach than avid readers, who don't have difficulty reading difficult texts.
