S1 Ep.5 Facilitation skill
Yuriko Ezumi
Ryunosuke Ando
Ryunosuke Ando (Andrew)
3rd year, 2nd semester
Representative of WANTTO (Organization at APU)
1. About WANTOO activities
● WANTTO’s aims:
- To deliver positive connections to everyone who participates in its activities.
- In order to motivate participants to pursue whatever dreams they have, they are connected to others who will aid in that motivation.
● Student Mixi
In this section of WANTTO’s activities, WANTTO facilitates conversations wherein participants gather to talk about topics that interest them. Topics range from hobbies and goals to exchanging opinions and making friends.
● Yume Camp
A one-night, two-day accommodation-type event for first-year students to work together and build strong relationships.
2. On being a facilitator
● What do you keep in mind when you are facilitating sessions?
- Being close to the other person: While facilitating sessions with others, there are times
when opinions clash. In these situations, it is important to accept the opinion of others
without criticizing them.
- Knowing the other person’s values: It is important to listen to others and learn about
their values. Knowing the other person’s values makes it easier to understand the person's ideas. For instance, something that might make you laugh may not be the same for the other. Hence, it is important to understand people well.
● How do you draw out other’s values?
- First of all, gain the person’s trust! To achieve this, open your heart first - this included being the first to share about your own experiences.
3. On being a Leader
● What do you keep in mind when you are in the position of a leader?
- An important question to think about is “Are all team members conscious of the team’s activities and all else happening within the team?”
❖ As a leader, it is important to ensure that all team members are conscious of what is going on within the team.
Tip: By accomplishing something together as a team, trust increases among team members.
4. About Icebreakers
Andrew: There are two types of icebreaker games.
● Makeshift Icebreaker Game: here, the main aim is to relieve tension.
● Icebreaker that continues after the tension is relieved.
→ This includes activities surrounding topics that will make the session exciting from then onwards.
[example of icebreakers]
● Old story mixed presentation game
The beginning is “Three little pigs”, and the end is like Snow White. → You can collide with your thoughts, experiences, and values
● PPT karaoke
1. Put various images in ppt.
2. The participants are given themes and they have to present according to those themes.
→ Through this icebreaker, you have the chance to know how humorous a person is.
5. Advice for those who can't do what they want as a result of the Coronavirus.Andrew: Keep pushing forward! It's a waste to give up what you want to do! Start preparing now to push the start button as soon as you have the opportunity to fulfill what you want to do.
For example...learn new things.
Before the Coronavirus: our environment was a place where we could do what we wanted to do and ignore what we were not interested in.
During the Coronavirus(Now): We all cannot do what we want to do, so it is the best time to try things that you were not initially interested in. By stepping into a world you had not envisioned before, you can gain many new experiences and perspectives and these will all come in handy in your future endeavors.
What activities were you able to start during this pandemic? Andrew: I started a part-time job
→ Apparel (I wasn't initially interested, but that changed)
✳ APU's raccoon dog becomes an apparel!
You can meet encounters and knowledge that can only be found there!
6. Advice to APU students
Andrew: I believe APU could become Japan's leading university in the next few years. It is hard to find an environment in other universities where you can receive support from many people upon sharing about what you want to do or achieve. We must inherit the APU environment created by our seniors. From now on, let's make a university that excites Japan and the world.