【端末比較】iPad Pro ARFoundation Evaluation
Hi, I am a VR/AR engineer Matt (@mechpil0t) working in The Designium’s Tokyo office.
Auto Placement
One problem we often have when showing users our demos, either in the office or at exhibitions, is that we need to explain to users how to start an AR experience.
This is because many users are unfamiliar with AR usage. Instant, accurate tracking could allow us to create instant content to support the user, then use another tracking method like Immersal to locate the main content.
The iPad Pro with LiDAR can place objects accurately on planes within 4 seconds of the loading of the scene.
Create a function that will automatically and accurately place AR content on the first found plane.
Faster start-up
Reduce friction for users/Ease of use for users (no scanning around)
Instant engagement/interest (no waiting for content or confusion about what to do)
When the app senses the first plane it places an object and measures the time from the scene loading to the placement of this object.
I test multiple times on different surfaces to establish the speed and accuracy of each device for this function.
Speed/Accuracy Test
1. iPad Pro (LiDAR)
Speed: Average of 4 seconds
Accuracy: Very accurate
Performance: All surfaces work
2. iPhone 11 Pro
Speed: Average of 4 seconds
Accuracy: First plane is often not accurate
Performance: Textured surfaces work ok, featureless surfaces (tabletop) did not work
3. Samsung S8
Speed: Average of 4 seconds
Accuracy: First plane is often not accurate
Performance: Textured surfaces work ok, featureless surfaces (table top) did not work
Editorial Note 編集後記
広報のマリコです!今回は、MattによるARコンテンツを自動配置する際の端末の比較検証記事でした✨タブレット等を使う予定の方には、とても有効な比較記事だったのではないでしょうか❗特にiPhone11ProやAndroidと比較した動画は、AR初心者の私でもわかりやすかったです。「Very Accurate」と言い切れるほど違いを感じるLiDAR搭載のiPadProは凄いんですね❗あの今はなきGoogle Tangoよりも精度が良いのだそうです。今後も有効なコンテンツや比較検証記事もお伝えしていけたらなと思います。Mattの記事はとても有益な情報が多いので、日本語版の記事もいつか公開したいのですが、しばらくはGoogle先生と仲良くおねがいします🙏
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