【技術解説】Ninja Game (make game with Switch Joycon)
Hi, I am interaction engineer/designer MAO (@rainage) of The Designium.
In this article, I ’m going to introduce the game we are trying to develop with a Switch Joycon.
The Ninja Game is a R&D prototype to try some potential features of joycon.
We already make Running Game with Switch joycon console on Unity. We use accelerometer of joycon to calculate the speed of running in place and support 4 joycon connections.
The joycon control on Unity which we used is based on JoyconLib of Looking-Glass. (We fixed some script for multi consoles and visualization)
Before using joycon on Unity, you need to pair joycon with computer via bluetooth. Then import the JoyconLib, you can use joycon as HID device on Unity.
The basic paired steps and how to use on Unity:
The target testing functions of this prototype game are following:
- get [IMU data] then convert to object rotation
- detect [stick] value changed as shooting event
- set [rumble] feedback when shooting
The main issues of this testing is IMU data issue:
(1) joycon visualization and fixed the invert of Y-axis:
- change joycon.cs of Looking-Glass packages
public Quaternion GetVector()
Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(j_b.x, i_b.x, k_b.x);
Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(j_b.z, i_b.z, k_b.z);
if (v2 != Vector3.zero){
return Quaternion.LookRotation(v1, v2);
return Quaternion.identity;
- and fixed the vector update method when you use the IMU data
orientation = joycon.GetVector();
orientation = new Quaternion(orientation.x, -orientation.z, orientation.y, -orientation.w);
targetRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(orientation);
(2) and the Y-axis rotation shift problem of IMU data
After get the rotation quaternion, you will find the Y-axis rotation value will increase with time. So I need to do re-center when it shifts a lot. It is big problem if you need to use this console for exhibition.
I tried a lot methods to solve this issue. Finally, I found it is not script problem, it is hardware problem. You only need to calibration Gyro. The easiest way is plug the joycon on your switch, then do Gyro calibration in setting.
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