【技術解説】Cases and Tips for Niantic Lightship ARDK
Introduction - はじめに
Niantic has launched its own AR Unity SDK, the Niantic Lightship ARDK, today, November 9, 2021. Lightship has been available in beta for developers since May 2021, and since then Designium has created a number of demos.
And now, The Designium is now Niantic's developer studio partner!
The demo presented here can be found on Niantic's website.
Niantic社は本日2021年11月9日より独自のAR Unity SDK「Niantic Lightship ARDK」の本格提供を開始しました。「Lightship」は2021年5月から開発者向けにベータ版が提供されており、それ以来デザイニウムでは様々なデモを作成してきました。
We are Matt (@mechpil0t) and Mao(@rainage), two of the AR Engineer at The Designium.
In July 2021 Niantic announced their Lightship Demo Challenge. This challenge gave developers 1 month to create prototypes that utilised the functions of the Lightship ARDK (AR SDK).
2021年7月、Niantic社は「Lightship Demo Challenge」を発表しました。このチャレンジでは、開発者が1ヶ月間、Lightship ARDK(AR SDK)の機能を利用したプロトタイプを作成するものです。
Some of the most impressive features of Lightship SDK are the “real time mapping”, semantic segmentation, and the multiplayer component. Lightship “real time mapping” allows environmental collision and occlusion for AR objects using depth estimation. The multiplayer component allows users to quickly and easily synchronize AR experiences across multiple devices. Semantic segmentation uses machine learning to identify parts of a scene that fit into some category, e.g. sky, ground, buildings etc. These parts of the scene can be replaced with or used to block virtual content, for example in this video the virtual content would only show in the sky area.
Lightship SDKの最も印象的な機能は、「リアルタイム・マッピング」、「セマンティック・セグメンテーション」、そして「マルチプレイヤー・コンポーネント」です。Lightshipの「リアルタイム・マッピング」は、深度推定を用いてARオブジェクトの環境衝突やオクルージョンを可能にします。マルチプレイヤーコンポーネントは、ユーザーが複数のデバイス間でAR体験を迅速かつ容易に同期させることができます。セマンティックセグメンテーションは、機械学習を利用して、空、地面、建物など、あるカテゴリーに当てはまるシーンの部分を特定します。シーンのこれらの部分は、バーチャルコンテンツに置き換えたり、バーチャルコンテンツをブロックするために使用することができます。例えば、このビデオでは、バーチャルコンテンツは空の部分にのみ表示されます。
Each of the demos we created for the Lightship Demo Challenge focused on one or more of these features, and while we unfortunately did not win, we were two of the five runners up.🎉✨
In the following blog post we will give an overview of the demo projects we made.
Lightship Demo Challengeで作成したデモは、それぞれこれらの機能の1つ以上に焦点を当てたもので、残念ながら優勝は逃しましたが、5つの作品のうち2つが準優勝を獲得しました🎉✨
This demo utilized both the Lightship “real time mapping” and multiplier functions of Lightship. The aim of the BeyBlade demo was to create a physics based multiplayer AR game, a game that could be played anywhere and that contained objects that interacted with the real environment.
BeyBlade seemed like a good fit for this as the usual battle “arena” could be replaced with a mesh of the real environment created by the Lightship “real time mapping”. In addition, BeyBlade is a very simple recognisable concept that requires minimal user input to enjoy.
BeyBladeは、通常のバトルの "アリーナ "を、Lightshipの "リアルタイムマッピング "によって作成された実環境のメッシュに置き換えることができるので、これに適していると思いました。また、「BeyBlade」は、非常にシンプルでわかりやすいコンセプトを持っているため、ユーザーの入力を最小限に抑えて楽しむことができます。
Our demo uses the 3D objects from this Unity asset:
However the movement and damage scripts were heavily modified to work with Lightship, and the networking that controls position synchronization and user interactivity was completely changed from photon to Niantic’s system.
In this demo the host device of the multiplayer session controls all the physics, damage and scores information. When the game starts each user has 3 virtual BeyBlades which they can throw from their device’s position. The BeyBlades land on the environmental mesh and move in a semi-random way, hitting each other until one BeyBlade runs out of health. The first user to lose all 3 of their BeyBlades loses the battle.
The aim of the dragon demo was to create the feeling of a large-scale cooperative battle against a large monster. I wanted to create an experience that combined multiplayer cooperation with the illusion of fighting a large monster flying above the city.
I used the Lightship multiplayer function to synchronize the user positions and fireballs they would shoot at the dragons. As with the BeyBlade demo the dragon position and health was controlled by the multiplayer session host device.
To achieve the feeling of a large creature flying over the city I tried to use the semantic segmentation function. At the time of the demo challenge, the SDK was still in a very early phase of development, and the resolution of the segmentation was low and the depth accuracy was not high enough to achieve high quality visuals. We look forward to future updates.
This is a simple graffiti game that allows users to draw on surfaces (the Niantic meshing) and apply stamps and stickers too. In this early state we see it as a way for young children to draw on walls without making their parents mad!
However, we see potential in this system and we are continuing to develop this idea. We hope to turn it into a fully fledged graffiti app
これはシンプルなグラフィティゲームで、ユーザーは表面(Niantic meshing)に絵を描いたり、スタンプやステッカーを貼ることができます。最初の段階では、幼い子供たちが親に怒られることなく壁に絵を描くための方法として考えました。
The aim of the SuicaWari demo was to create an experience to combine physical game experience with the augmentation effects of AR.
I want to design some experiences for families to have fun together. So I choose the SuicaWari(スイカ割り), the traditional physical game which you need to cover your eye then hit the watermelon. Then I created this physical based multiplayer AR game with Niantic SDK as a cooperative game.
When the game starts, the host(parent) can set the moving watermelon on the floor. Then the main player(kid) hands the phone as the virtual sticker to hit the watermelon Intuitively.
家族で楽しめるような体験をデザインしたいと思い、SuicaWari(スイカ割り)という伝統的なゲームを選びました。そしてこの物理演算ベースのマルチプレイヤーARゲームを、Niantic SDKを使って協力ゲームとして作りました。
In this game, there are a few parts that I tried to challenge:
- how to synchronize the status of each watermelon (moving position, animation, hit state)?
- how to synchronize fractions and counters
- それぞれのスイカの状態(移動位置、アニメーション、ヒットの状態)をどのように同期させるか?
- スイカの破片とタイマーの同期の取り方
The aim of the SkyMemo demo was an idea to draw on the sky. In the beginning, I learned how to use semantics from the ‘MeshingSemantics’ of ARDK example. Then I make a simple practice with sky semantic segmentation, it was nice to let me want to make something that could interact with the sky.
practice the sky segmentation of #niantic #ardk #lightship.
— Wu, Kuan-Ying (@rainage) July 7, 2021
It looks like the segmentation effect of trees and traditional roofing is not very good, the effect of high buildings is bette.#designium #starwars pic.twitter.com/3KjrlPXLUA
This demo tried to convert 2D sketch path points as 3d particle patterns. You can leave a message in the air. Of course, it can also be removed (The removal feature took me half the time of this project).
However, after some testing. For a better effect with sky semantic, you could not use a very empty sky. The meshing will detect the empty sky as a mesh. You need some buildings in front of the sky.
SkyMemo - Multiplayer version
After winning the runners up, Niantic asked if it is possible to update SkyMemo as multi-player version.
I improved this version with the following main features:
(1) Particle painting performance -
Each particle painting path will keep computing the position by path data. This causes a load on the computation that the original version only supports about 3~5 memos with good FPS. To allow more freedom to draw in the multiplayer version, I fix the particle painting method with Unity Particle System Job System. After the improvement, it allows 15~20 memos with good FPS.
パーティクルペインティングの各パスは、パスデータによって位置を計算し続けます。そのため、計算に負荷がかかり、オリジナル版では3〜5枚程度のメモにしか対応できませんでした。マルチプレイヤー版では、より自由に描画できるように、パーティクルの描画方法をUnity Particle System Job Systemで修正しました。その結果、15~20個のメモを良いFPSで描くことができるようになりました。
(2) Multi-player
- Network data design
Each painting path will generate a lot of points and we need to design the data structure to match paint behaviour and share with each player. Using NetworkingField inside network spacing object then filled painting data by customized command will be a good solution to share huge point data for the multi-player.
- Tip for sharing a lot of data
As the painting will send out lots of data. There is another issue which I send out the drawing data while painting at the same time. Because NetworkingField will broadcast to each player, I need to force an interval for each command to provide a buffer. Otherwise, the network will be stuffed and make App frozen. So I make a simple command queue to store each step and send out step per 3 frames.
- ネットワークデータの設計
- 大量のデータを共有するためのヒント
(3) Day/Night effect
We also create a new effect for night mode. With this drawing in the night sky will be super fantasy.
(3) 昼と夜のエフェクト
General Notes
- Physics
The meshing capabilities of the Niantic SDK make it well suited to physics based AR elements that can react to the real environment in a more convincing way.
In the Beyblade demo, the Beyblades have physics based movement and damage. I used the Niantic SDK meshing to provide environmental collision so that the Beyblades roll across the floor and bump into walls.
However having physics based movement on separate devices would lead to different behaviour on different devices as the meshing would be slightly different.
So to achieve physics based game-play without conflict all physics are handled by the Host device. The host device handles the physics and then sends the positions of the Beyblades and damage effects to the peer device.
Niantic SDKのメッシング機能は、現実の環境に対してより説得力のある方法で対応でき、物理演算ベースのAR体験にとても適しています。
ベイブレードのデモでは、ベイブレードは物理演算ベースの動きとダメージ効果を保持しています。Niantic SDKのメッシングを使って、ベイブレードが床を転がったり、壁にぶつかったりするためのコリジョンを提供しました。
- Networking
The camera pose sync and NetworkSpawn features are super convenient and so I use these for most actions in my Beyblade and dragon demos. For example placing Beyblades is achieved by network spawning an object at the camera position, this object contains a script that moves the Beyblade to its position. In the dragon demo shooting fireballs and placing the dragon spawning object are both achieved with network spawn.
However, the most useful features I found in the Niantic SDK networking was the ability to set the transport type and message type of each network message.
The transport types allow us to choose how important the message is, with ReliableOrdered being guaranteed to reach the other devices, and UnreliableUnordered used for messages that are not important. For example in the Beyblade demo I used UnreliableUnordered for position synchronization messages as they are sent very often and so it does not matter if a few are missed by the peer. For important events like damage, game start, etc I used ReliableOrdered.
しかし、私が Niantic SDK のネットワーク機能で最も便利だと思ったのは、各ネットワークメッセージのトランスポートタイプとメッセージタイプを設定できることです。
private List<TransportType> _transportTypes =
new List<TransportType>()
Message types are an easy way to identify data so it can be more easily used by the receiving device. For example I used the following message types to identity data in the Beyblade demo:
private enum _MessageType:
_image = 1,
And used commands such as this to send data of a specific type:
Networking.BroadcastData((uint)_MessageType._message, data, _transportTypes[3], true);
Another easier way if you want to share the data with every user, you could use the NetworkedField of HLAPI. It will create a shared object for your network group. This is really handy when you need to synchronize a global variable. We use this for the health and animation synced of Dragon demo, and score and counter synced of SuicaWari demo.
For example, I need to sync the `score` in SuicaWari.
データをすべてのユーザーと共有したい場合は、HLAPI の NetworkedField を使うと簡単です。これにより、ネットワークグループの共有オブジェクトが作成されます。これは、グローバル変数を同期させる必要があるときにとても便利です。Dragonデモの体力とアニメーションの同期、SuicaWariデモのスコアとタイマーの同期などに使用しています。
First prepare the declaration and events of networkedField:
private INetworkedField<int> _scoreIntField;
_scoreIntField = new NetworkedField<int>("scoreIntField", authToObserverDescriptor, group);
_scoreIntField.ValueChanged += OnScoreDidChanged;
If score has been changed, user will auto get the value:
private void OnScoreDidChanged(NetworkedFieldValueChangedArgs<int> args)
_score = args.Value.GetOrDefault();
if(_scoreText != null)
_scoreText.text = _score.ToString();
The score value only changed by the host to ensure that scores are not double-counted:
public void ChangeScore(int scorenum)
if(_isHost) {
_scoreIntField.Value = scorenum;
The automated localization of multiple devices is probably the Niantic SDKs most useful function at the moment. However one issue I found is that sometimes is can take a long time to localize (sync the multiple device’s positions in the world). Therefore I think is it important to show the users when the localization has happened.
複数のデバイスの自動ローカリゼーションは、おそらく現時点では Niantic SDK の最も便利な機能です。しかし、私が見つけた一つの問題は、ローカライズ(世界における複数のデバイスの位置の同期)に時間がかかることがあるということです。そのため、ローカリゼーションが完了したことをユーザーに示すことが重要だと考えています。
- Position Sync
When devices are localized the position and rotation of AR anchors is generally very accurate (within a few cm and degrees). Therefore I found it useful to make objects I want to track the child of the AR anchor and then sync their local position rather than global position.
- Semantic Segmentation
The semantic segmentation can now segment buildings, foliage (trees), and grass, in addition to sky and ground. I tested today and the building and foliage segmentation worked really well. However all the segmentation is glitchy and low resolution at the moment.
I asked the Niantic guys and they say they will increase the resolution soon, so I'm looking forward to future updates.
Virtual Studio
Using Virtual Studio could save a lot of time to check your game logic, effects, animation and AR/Networking functions. You could run your game without mobile device.
Virtual Studioを使うことで、ゲームのロジック、エフェクト、アニメーション、AR/ネットワーク機能をチェックする時間を大幅に短縮できます。モバイル端末がなくてもゲームを動かすことができます。
Mock Mode
This is very helpful feature to help you check some visual design detials.
Using Mock mode could run almost everything (besides some custom multi-player behaviors) inside the Unity Editor. For example, I could test UI flow and hit plane to generate Networking objects of the SuicaWari project.
Mock Modeは、ビジュアルデザインの詳細をチェックするのに非常に役立つ機能です。モックモードを使うと、(マルチプレイヤーのカスタムビヘイビアを除いて)ほとんどのものをUnityエディタ内で動かすことができます。例えば、SuicaWariプロジェクトのネットワーキングオブジェクトを生成するために、UIフローやヒットプレーンをテストすることができます。
Remote Mode
This could help you debug some meshing and depth stuffs via mobile streaming with USB/Wifi. But I don't use this often because of the performance of my older MacBook Pro .
Remote Modeは、USB/Wifiを使ったモバイルストリーミングで、メッシュ処理や深度処理のデバッグをするのに役立ちますが、私の古いMacBook Proの性能では、これを頻繁に使うことはありません。
Editorial Note - 編集後記
Hello! I'm Mariko from The Designium PR.
What did you think of the demos and explanations of the Niantic Lightship ARDK, the hottest AR technology used in Pokémon GO and Pikmin Bloom? I was very excited to see these demos✨I'm looking forward to more AR work in the future😊We have a lot of other AR projects in the works, so please follow us on Twitter and note to check them out!!
AR技術の中でも「ポケモンGO」や「ピクミンブルーム」でも使われている大注目の技術「Niantic Lightship ARDK」のデモと解説、いかがでしたか?私はこれらのデモを見て、とてもワクワクしました✨今後のAR作品がますます楽しみです😊
デザイニウムの制作事例をまとめたDemo Reelが完成しました✨ #AR 関連のR&Dを中心に凝縮された動画になっていますので、ぜひご覧ください❗デザイニウムをたくさんの方に知ってもらえたら嬉しいです😊 #designium #xR https://t.co/KHfsnM8EsX pic.twitter.com/6rY9i9dNcY
— デザイニウム/ Designium (@thedesignium) September 14, 2021