

ちょうど昨日、8月25日に大阪で行われたDance for Gazaというイベントに参加してきました。Dance for Gazaというのは関西をベースに活動しているQCC(Queer Cinema Club)というグループが主催で、今回で二度目の開催でした。場所は通天閣の近くにある、「ナニゴトヤ」というスタンディングバー。高架下で電車が通るたびにガタゴト揺れて中々の迫力。


そしてイベントの内容は濃すぎるくらいでして。DJが音楽をかける時間もあれば、『Beirut Dreams in Color』というショートドキュメンタリーの上映にパネルディスカッション、日本で活躍するドラァグクイーンたち(Madame AikaとLuxx Arry)によるパフォーマンスなど、1500円のエントリーチケットでこんなに盛りだくさん楽しませていただいてなんか申し訳ない気持ちにまで。(いや、まじ楽しかった)



I just want to say,
I am queer and proud and here tonight for Palestine and the liberation of all people. I know all of you are here in the name of love and anger.


My queerness urges me to fight for the complete freedom of my Palestinian siblings just as our siblings fought at the Stonewall Uprising for queer rights. It is up to all of us to speak up for our queer Palestinian siblings, to demand permanent ceasefire, an end to apartheid, and a dissolution of colonialism. Our queer pride does not have room for bystanders, for complicity in the genocide of Palestinian people.


How dare the Israeli military hold up our flag in justification of relentless murder? The pride flag is a symbol of celebration. How dare they celebrate the deaths of Palestinians! Israel cannot be a safe haven for the LGBTQ+ community while killing queer Palestinians.


10 months have passed since last October and it has become clearer with each day that Israel’s aim for attack is not self-defense but the complete erasure and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. The recent opinion issued on July 19th by the International Court of Justice states Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land violates international law, and that other nations are obliged not to aid or assist in maintaining Israel’s presence in Palestinian territory. This is not the first time the ICJ has spoken up against Israel’s crimes, but they do not have complete power to end things. However, this puts pressure on nations worldwide who have contributed to Israel’s financial and military power. We must also continue to pressure our governments and companies complacent in the genocide of Palestinians.


I also want to bring to light the recent unjust arrest of a queer comrade, Harajuku 1, who was violently captured by the Japanese police force during a protest in front of the Israeli embassy. They were exercising their right to protest when police grabbed their neck and arm, inflicting dozens of bruises all over their body. The reason for arrest was supposedly interfering with the police from exercising their duty. After being arrested, Harajuku 1 was denied medical treatment when they had a high fever, and was forced to sleep on the floor. We already know from cases involving racial profiling and those detained in immigration detention centers that Japan is no exception when it comes to police violence.


Violence is not the answer to safety. Using police force and imprisonment is not the solution, as Angela Davis has stated, “[Prison] relieves us of the responsibility of seriously engaging with the problems of our society, especially those produced by racism and, increasingly, global capitalism.” Let us not forget that one in every five Palestinians has been arrested or charged in occupied Palestine. So when we say “freedom for Palestine”, we must also advocate for the abolishment of the prison complex and the defunding of the police force.

暴力は安全への答えではない。アンジェラ・デイヴィスが「(刑務所は)私たちの社会の問題、特に人種差別や、ますますグローバルな資本主義化によって生み出された問題に真剣に取り組む責任から目をそらすもの」と述べているように、警察や投獄を用いることは解決策ではないんです。パレスチナ人の5人に1人が、占領下のパレスチナで逮捕・起訴されていることを忘れてはならない。だから、私たちが 「パレスチナに自由を 」と言うときは、同時に刑務所の廃止と警察組織の資金削減も主張しなければならない。

We are all witnesses of this crime against humanity. I, too, have experienced an utter loss of words for the tragedy unfolding, and feel a complex surge of emotions, mainly sadness and anger. But I do not dare say “hopelessness”, because we who are witnesses have the responsibility and power to create change. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” If this is true, then let us be the threads that make up the fabric of this garment of destiny. Let us weave a new garment, a new system of how our society works, by creating community, bringing focus to intersectionality, and rising together, hand-in-hand for a better now, a better future.


I am angry, but more than my anger I have hope, seeing all of you gathered here tonight. Thank you for this space, thank you for coming together.

