大陪審 専門家証言 心理操作(2)



I’m a retired state registered nurse. I was a government advisor at the Department of Health for the UK government for five years. And I’m a medical researcher. Brian led us very nicely there into what we call in the UK Loxbridge Triangle, or the Golden University, the Golden University Triangle. See screenshot of a map of the UK to show the locations of Oxford, Cambridge and London in the triangle.

Cambridge is the highest digital tech center in the UK. It’s ranked twelfth in the European Digital Index, and it’s known as Silicon Fen. It’s got a huge biomedical campus on site containing:

• Papworth Hospital, specialized in heart and lungs
• Addenbrooke’s Hospital, specialized in donated organs and transplants
• There will be a cancer research hospital
• Medical Research Council Cancer Research UK
• The Anne McClaren Ridge Generative Laboratory
• The NHS Blood Transfusion Center
• AstraZeneca headquarters
• GlaxoSmithKline

Cancer Research UK, which is meant to be a charity, would appear not to be a charity at all.
Professor Robert West is a consultant for Cancer Research UK and he’s also on the SPI-B team, the behavior team that Brian was just talking about, with regards to SAGE. Professor Robert West’s wife, Professor Susan Michie, is the head of the behavioral insights team at the Cabinet Office.

She’s a lifelong communist and has designed the behavior change wheel, which was rolled out into many countries. The behavioral insights team appear to be global, now.

Oxford is the UK’s first smart city using sensors and big tech innovation. It’s meant to be the digital capital of Europe and it’s been named by Tech Nation attracting 2,1 billion worth of investments. The UK government has announced it is investing 5.5 billion into infrastructure around the Golden Triangle. To the Golden Triangle is also attached the Russell Group: 24 universities that work very closely alongside the Golden Triangle Universities and receive a lot of funding.

The MHRA in the UK would like to become the global regulator. On their board sits Raj Long, who is the deputy director for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. She specializes in safety and pharmacovigilance and is also the chief scientist for Microsoft.

There are conflicts of interest with regards to the ministers of the British government. Some of the minister’s interests are into the Big Four audit companies, KPMG, Microsoft, Deloitte, AstraZeneca, Goldman Sachs and the European Investment Bank.

A lot of our ministers have conflicts of interest within those areas.

Deloitte, Ernst Young, KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers take up 67% of global accounting. All four are based in London. Deloitte have been central to the test and trace. Lord Bethell, who has now resigned, had a company that was purely for lobbying on behalf of Deloitte for bids. It’s very concerning to see what could be coming up in the future, when you see all these people intertwined with one another.

Cancer UK is funded by many pharmaceutical companies. It is the research and development center for AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, and Bill and Melinda Gates. But also advising cancer research is Professor Robert West, who’s Professor Susan Michie’s husband, the head of a behavioral insights team funded by Pfizer and funded by Cancer Research UK, who are also right in the middle of the Cambridge bio medical campus.

The UK government published a vaccine hesitancy guidance with interventions on the 27 September 2019, before Wuhan.

SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 was a futuristic scenario from the John Hopkins Center on what would happen if a coronavirus infected the world.

It takes you on a month-to-month basis, what you could expect from the media, what you can expect from pharmaceutical companies, what you can expect from governments with regards to lockdowns, with regards to testing, with regards to antibiotics and antibiotic resistance.





- 心臓と肺を専門とするパップワース病院
- アデンブルック病院:提供された臓器や移植を専門とする。
- がん研究病院
- 医学研究評議会がん研究UK
- アン・マクラレン・リッジ生成研究所
- NHS輸血センター
- アストラゼネカ本社
- グラクソ・スミスクライン



オックスフォードは、センサーとビッグテック・イノベーションを活用した英国初のスマートシティだ。ヨーロッパのデジタル・キャピタルになることを意図しており、Tech Nationが21億ドル相当の投資を誘致している。英国政府は、ゴールデントライアングル周辺のインフラ整備に55億ドルを投資すると発表した。ゴールデントライアングルには、ラッセル・グループという24の大学もあり、ゴールデントライアングルの大学と密接に連携し、多くの資金援助を受けている。








Ana Garner: I would like to ask questions to each of you, please, pertaining to the psychological manipulation that’s been going on. Ms. Evans, you mentioned that you had been a government advisor to the Department of Health. And this is very pertinent here because I feel that this has been going on in the United States extensively. As an advisor to the Public Health Department, have you been aware that they use the behavioral psychological techniques that Mr. Gerrish discussed as a way of enforcing their agenda of coercion and social isolation? Coercion of people undergoing experimental medical interventions? Have you noticed that that is part of their modus operandi, shall we say?



Gerrish: As part of research that the UK Column did, one of the areas that we were very interested in was training within our National Health Service by this charity, selecting future leaders. This was common purpose. We saw manipulation of people and their values by this particular organization and it morphed into a specific sector of the NHS called NHS Leaders. These supposedly were fast-tracked people who were going to lead the NHS into even better healthcare.

As these leaders with their newly acquired values were unleashed, the management style in the NHS became increasingly domineering and bullying. The ideas became less and less about the care and treatment of people who were ill or injured, and it became much more about the importance of profits and money within the NHS. It was apparent that the sychology of people was being manipulated.

ゲリッシュ UKコラムが行った調査の一環として、私たちが非常に興味を持った分野のひとつが、この慈善団体による国民保健サービス内での研修で、将来のリーダーを選抜することでした。これは共通の目的でした。私たちは、この特定の組織による人々とその価値観の操作を目の当たりにし、それがNHSリーダーズと呼ばれるNHSの特定部門へと変化していったのです。彼らは、NHSをよりよい医療へと導くために、急ピッチで選抜された人たちだと思われていた。

We have upon the UK Column website an article which is entitled Towards a Million Change Agents. That was the title of a paper written by an NHS Common Purpose trained individual who said that the NHS, in order to reach a future utopia, was going to need a million change agents. They mean people who are going to disrupt the performance of the NHS in order to get it to transition, to transform into what was supposedly to be a world class health provision. An example of applied psychology in the NHS during the Covid crisis, is that mantras were introduced. Nurses and doctors started to follow mantras instead of medical decisions. A highly qualified doctor told us that when an unvaccinated covid patient came in, the mantra was: “Covid unvaccinated death pathway, covid unvaccinated death pathway.”

If a person was labelled as having covid, and they were unvaccinated, the only result of their healthcare treatment was the death pathway.

UKコラムのウェブサイトに、「100万人のチェンジ・エージェントに向けて」というタイトルの記事がある。これは、NHSのコモン・パーパスの訓練を受けた人物が書いた論文のタイトルで、NHSが未来のユートピアに到達するためには、100万人のチェンジ・エージェントが必要だと述べている。つまり、NHSを移行させ、世界一流の医療施設に変身させるために、NHSのパフォーマンスを混乱させる人々のことである。コビド危機の際、NHSに応用された心理学の一例として、マントラが紹介された。看護師や医師は、医学的判断の代わりにマントラに従うようになった。ある優秀な医師は、ワクチン未接種のコビド患者がやってくると、マントラに従ったそうだ: "コビド・ワクチン未接種死亡経路、コビド・ワクチン未接種死亡経路"。


These mantras have been driven through the NHS to the extent where doctors told us: "They cannot discuss genuine government figures on vaccine adverse reactions, because the person simply turns away or refuses to talk to them or becomes very aggressive." They are witnessing cognitive dissonance in individuals, which is the result of their mental values being rebranded.

We are certainly seeing the application of psychology
in many areas in the NHS, and its overall effect
is a degradation of healthcare treatment
to the extent that people are being killed,
when they could have survived quite happily
had they been given the right treatment.

こうしたマントラはNHSに浸透し、医師たちはこう語った: 「ワクチンの副反応に関する政府の正真正銘の数字について話し合うことができない。彼らは個人の認知的不協和を目の当たりにしている。


Ana Garner: This psychological operation, by definition, seems to be very subtle and below most people’s level of awareness that they are being manipulated. If that’s the case, do you have any opinion about how those people can be reached in a way that can wake them up? I hear about the psychological dissonance and that sort of thing, the cognitive dissonance. Is here a way in which these people can be encouraged to see what’s really happening, make them aware that they are being manipulated?

Gerrish: In the first instance we need to concentrate on the people who are clearly not affected, in order to spread the warning message to what’s happening. We need to be targeting the professions of psychology and psychiatry to say that this is the abuse of those particular professions.

People who have been subjected to this form of reframing or mind manipulation are victims and therefore they need to be treated in a very gentle and reassuring way.

アナ・ガーナー このような心理的な操作は、その定義からすると、非常に微妙で、ほとんどの人が操作されていることに気づかないレベルのようです。もしそうだとしたら、そのような人々の目を覚まさせるにはどうすればいいか、何かご意見はありますか?心理的不協和とか、認知的不協和とか、そういうことを耳にします。そのような人たちに、何が起きているのかを理解させ、自分たちが操られていることに気づかせる方法はあるのでしょうか?

ゲリッシュ: まず第一に、何が起きているのかという警告メッセージを広めるために、明らかに影響を受けていない人々に集中する必要がある。心理学や精神医学の専門職をターゲットにして、これは特定の専門職の濫用であることを伝える必要があります。



Because if we come at them in a very blunt way to try and make them see the truth, the result is that either they become very hostile – with cognitive dissonance – or possibly they’re going to become mentally unwell as a result of the immense assault on their value system.

Can I just say to you that it is very significant that in all the documentation about the British government’s use of applied psychology to get its political agenda enacted, there is absolutely no assessment as to what the adverse effects of such psychology may be on people who perhaps have underlying mental health issues, anxiety, or depression. And indeed, where people have got undiagnosed mental health conditions - so they’re not even aware that they’ve got a problem - when somebody is using this psychology on them, you can do immense damage. And I believe it is no coincidence that the official statistics in UK now show that the lockdown policy has caused a huge surge in suicides and mental illness, particularly among people, tragically, amongst young people.

But again, we can demonstrate that the UK government is hiding or manipulating the data sets that show this, or they’re using applied psychology in the way they present those data sets to the public in order to further mislead the public.

This is the nature of the beast:
a criminal political system that uses applied psychology to change the way the public thinks.
A very dangerous weapon in the hands of these elitists.





This is easily evidenced. I’ve put up a key document where the SPI-B was boasting how they need to make people more fearful, more anxious. There are many other documents and I also demonstrated that applied behavioral psychology has now been let loose within Germany. Also in France, as one of Sarkozy’s personal teams, a gentleman called Oliver Willier, had meetings in the UK facilitated by the Franco-British Council in 2010, to discuss how French neurological and psychological experts are going to work with the British in order to develop these applied psychological techniques.

The evidence trail is there.
When you know what you’re looking for, it’s obvious.



But my goodness, this is the most dangerous thing I believe we have ever seen. If you have propaganda and political manipulation of a type within Nazi Germany, in many ways it could be seen: the parades, the banners, the lights, the rhetoric, the posters. But what we’ve got
unleashed on us now is a subliminal attack on our minds. And until we bring the full light to this, it’s going to be very, very difficult for us to take the lid off what these people are doing through their Covid and vaccination attack on people.

Each of the pharmaceutical companies has access to this psychological weapon.
Each of the legal companies.
Everywhere we see charities, industry, public bodies working with the British government, we know that the use of the psychology is spread between them.



A well-qualified psychologist said to me, “Brian, the thing to remember is that people who are intelligent and have highly questioning minds can be more susceptible to the use of hypnosis, reframing, and applied psychology than somebody who is less intelligent and has less of an enquiring mind.” It is very wrong if anybody thinks, “Well, I’m a bright person, I’m intelligent, I’m highly qualified. This wouldn’t affect me.” On the contrary, you may be more vulnerable.

Evans: I add there that the NHS professionals that I’m speaking to are completely confused. They’re having a cascade of information every single day. Things are changing. They don’t know.
I am seeing NHS professionals doing things that would be completely alien to them. “I’m giving respiratory depressants to respiratory patients.” It’s just alien to what we have been taught. So, people are frightened. And I would echo what Brian said.

When people are starting to wake up, they are scared, they don’t know what’s happening.
They need us to reassure them. Because at the moment, the agenda is confusion, chaos and crisis.




Going back to what Brian just said just now about Deloitte and about the Big Four. I mean, for anybody that doesn’t know Deloitte: they’ve written papers on the future of the City of London; the clinical trials; their past CEO is now a board member of Pfizer; they’re involved in the NHS; they’re involved in corporate intelligence, as are the other three. And clearly, when Brian was mentioning SPARS Pandemic that goes hand in hand with Operation Clade X and Crimson Contagion. Clade X was held by the John Hopkins University in 2018 simulating 900 million deaths. And Crimson Contagion, another exercise as well, that went on during the Trump reign for a response to another pandemic, an ongoing pandemic of flu. So, all of this has been well documented


Then there is the patent for the Covid testing by the Rothschilds, which, again, everything that we can see within that patent in the main paper, we’re seeing being rolled out now, including biosensors. Many people have spoken about RFID chips, but not many people are speaking about the advent of biosensors and how biosensors don’t need the internet. You can have them in your clothes, on the sole of your shoes, they can be in your food. And biosensors seem to be the way things are going to the point that there is a biosensor institute here in the UK, in Bristol, and the MHRA have actually approved one of the biosensors because people will have biosensors in their cars, on their laptops and their biometric data will be fed back. So that all your biometric data – are you fit to drive the train, are you fit to drive a coach, are you fit to do anything? Your biometric data will be stored and it’s happening now.


What we are seeing is a political system integrated with global commercial companies,
pharmaceutical companies unleashing an agenda which has been to test vaccines on a population without any care for the damage and the dying.
Where are they going? They’re going for manipulation of our genes. There’s no question about it.



All the data we’re seeing now is that it is the UK that says it is going to take the world lead in putting this agenda together. The UK – and I’ll qualify that and say – I believe this would ultimately be driven by the City of London. But all the UK documents say we will take the world lead. And this is the same UK that has unleashed this malicious applied psychology to change the way our cognitive processes work. It’s a very dangerous combination.

Evans: My final point is that the unique selling point for the United Kingdom is the National Health Service. There is no way to opt out of it. So, from the moment that you’re conceived, and the pregnant mum had a scan, there’s data on that particular human being until the day it dies there’s no way of opting out of the NHS. So, NHS data is very precious and it’s completely unique to the rest of the world. Thomson: The military is involved. There’s a 77th Regiment, a 13 Signals Brigade. There are entirely new British government security agencies, the so-called Health Security Agency, the Joint Biosecurity Center. All these are new since my time. And the buck stops with this Cabinet Office.

All the good studies of the Cabinet Office will show you that the leading committees there have a direct line to the City of London. They represent elite corporate will. There is no democratic control and even the personal Crown, the monarch, is not involved.


エバンス 私が最後に言いたいのは、イギリス独自のセールスポイントは国民保健サービスだということです。国民健康保険から脱退することはできない。つまり、あなたが妊娠し、妊娠中の母親がスキャンを受けた瞬間から、その特定の人間に関するデータが死ぬまで存在するのです。ですから、NHSのデータは非常に貴重であり、世界でも類を見ないものなのです。
トムソン 軍も関与しています。第77連隊、第13信号旅団があります。まったく新しい英国政府のセキュリティ機関、いわゆるヘルス・セキュリティ・エージェンシー、ジョイント・バイオセキュリティ・センターがあります。これらはすべて私の時代から新設されたものだ。そして、その責任は内閣府にある。


So, I don’t know whether that was shown on screen a moment ago or not, but people can also easily find it as one of the main UK Column graphics Cabinet Office Censorship Network, I believe we call it in one version.

Reiner Fuellmich: What we’re dealing with is a British system of psychiatric manipulation which has been sold worldwide, more or less. We have the City of London again aiming for world control. Is that why the Common Purpose people are creating their own future leaders? Is that a special position apart from the Young Global Leaders program?

Gerrish: Well, as with these things, the attack comes in from parallel directions. So, I would strongly suggest that many people within this network will have no idea of what the wider bjective is. In the time I was really researching in detail. Somebody would be recruited locally nd asked to join. It wasn’t as if people were going to Common Purpose to join Common Purpose. hey sorted out the people they wanted. And the agenda was clearly to train that future leader o work with other common future leaders.

This is why it is so significant when you see Common Purpose now operating, for example, very srongly in India. Former Prime Minister David Cameron was part of the team promoting Common Purpose in India. So, Common Purpose is one of the routes by which people are being recruited and refraimed.
The World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders, would be another route via which probably more powerful people are recruited, reframed to bring them in line with what their new role is.

ですから、先ほどスクリーンに映し出されたかどうかは分かりませんが、英国の主要なコラムグラフィックの1つである内閣府検閲ネットワーク(Cinet Office Censorship Network)を、私たちは1つのバージョンと呼んでいると思いますが、皆さんも簡単に見つけることができます。

ライナー・フエルミッチ 私たちが扱っているのは、多かれ少なかれ世界中に売られている英国の精神医学的操作のシステムです。ロンドン・シティが再び世界支配を目指しているのです。だからコモン・パーパスの人々は、自分たちの未来のリーダーを作り出しているのでしょうか?それはヤング・グローバル・リーダーズ・プログラムとは別の特別な位置づけなのでしょうか?

ゲリッシュ: まあ、こういうことと同じように、攻撃は並行する方向からやってくる。ですから、このネットワークの中の多くの人たちは、より広い目標が何なのかを知らないだろうと強く言いたいのです。私が本当に詳しく調査していたころは、誰かが地元でスカウトされ、その人物を調査していた。誰かが地元でスカウトされ、加入を要請される。コモン・パーパスに参加するためにコモン・パーパスに行くという感じではなかった。そして、その将来のリーダーを訓練し、他の共通の将来のリーダーと協力することが、明確な課題だった。


So, Common Purpose was particularly operating at a low public level in the first instance, but as time went on, from 1985, it was clear to see that they got involved with the big global corporates, much more strongly and then from there they’ve gone to their world status. But what are they doing? They're selecting people. Their egos are being stroked because somebody is suggesting they’re going to become a very important future leader.
World Economic Forum calls them global leaders, and then these people are being put together in order to change the world.


