大陪審 証言 「知られざるカナダの歴史」マシュー・エレット
Matthew J.L. Ehret is a journalist, lecturer
and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review and the Rising Tide Foundation. He is an author with Strategic Culture, The Duran, Fort Russ,
LA Review of Books - China Channel, and has also been published
on Asia Times, Global Times, Oriental Review, Sott, and Zero Hedge.
He has authored three volumes of the book series
"Untold History of Canada".
The following is a summary of the most important information revealed by Matthew Ehret. To get all the details, please watch the full session here: StopWorldControl.com/jury
Canadian Patriot ReviewとRising Tide Foundationの創設者。著書に『Strategic Culture』『The Duran』『Fort Russ』などがある、
LA Review of Books - China Channelで執筆。
Asia Times、Global Times、Oriental Review、Sott、Zero Hedgeに寄稿。
以下は、マシュー・エレットが明らかにした最も重要な情報の要約である。すべての詳細をお知りになりたい方は、こちらのセッション全編をご覧ください: StopWorldControl.com/jury
I will first deal with the present situation, just to get across what is the British hand in global affairs today. The first thing is a video of about a minute and a half.
“I, Justin PJ. Trudeau, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors, so help me God.”
「私、ジャスティン・PJ. トルドーは、私がカナダ女王エリザベス二世陛下とその相続人および後継者に忠実であり、真の忠誠を尽くすことを誓います。"
“I, Justin PJ. Trudeau, do solemnly and sincerely swear that I shall be a true and faithful servant to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, as a member of Her Majesty’s Privy Council for Canada. I will in all things to be treated, debated and resolved in Privy Council, faithfully, honestly and truly declare my mind and my opinion. I shall keep secret all matters committed and revealed to me in this capacity, or that she’ll be secretly treated of in council. Generally, in all things I shall do as a faithful and true servant ought to do for Her Majesty, so help me God.”
「私、ジャスティン・PJ. トルドーは、カナダ女王陛下の枢密院議員として、女王陛下エリザベス2世に誠実かつ忠実に仕えることを厳粛かつ誠実に誓います。私は、枢密院において取り扱われ、討議され、決議されるすべての事柄について、誠実かつ正直に、そして真実に自分の考えと意見を表明します。私は、この職責において私に託され、明らかにされたすべての事柄、あるいは彼女が公会議において秘密裏に扱われる事柄を秘密とする。一般的に、私はすべてのことにおいて、陛下のために忠実で真の召使いがなすべきことをなす。
That is confusing for some people who saw this in 2017. Not what you would expect a so-called democratic head of state to be doing, when he was declaring his oath of office after an election. But then again, Trudeau is not really the head of state. He’s a member of the Privy Council office, which you have to be if you’re going to be in a cabinet position, in government or in the opposition.
The actual head of state is the Governor General, that older gentleman standing next to him who is the appointee carrying out the emanation of the powers and authority of The Crown to give royal assent to any law that becomes law in Canada.
You have Lieutenant Governors, a position in every single province. You have a Privy Council office. You have this whole weird Byzantine structure above the apparent public aspect of our so-called democracy in this monarchy of the north, which is, again, very confusing for a lot of people. What is this anomalous thing and what is it a part of internationally? How did it come into being? Canada is, after all, a part of the British Commonwealth. This is something that was set up in the late 1930s in preparation of the transformation of the British Empire’s outward image. Today, there are about 54 countries in the British Commonwealth, with the center being the United Kingdom. The head of it is the Queen of England.
It occupies about 12.2 million square miles of territory, 2.4 billion people are represented within territories here, 21% of the world’s land area.
And people celebrate this as if it’s somehow a democratic institution.
These territories are the Caribbean, a few Latin American areas, a lot of Africa (19 African nations in sub-Saharan Africa), eight Asian nations, India being the biggest, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, obviously, the five eyes minus the United States.
Let’s compare this to the old British Empire from 1920. It looks pretty similar.
People think the British Empire disappeared after World War II, that it let its territories go free, and that now, the Empire is the big, bad American Empire. That’s the mythology that’s been passed down to us. The real power that controlled the fifth column inside of the United States, which has always been there since 1776, has always been in London. It never disappeared.
No empire of this sort ever just willfully gives liberty. Liberty is something you fight for.
There is a 2016 report called The New Colonialism by a non-profit that conducted audits on the British interest. It says: “101 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange – most of them British – have mining operations in 37 sub-Saharan African countries. They collectively control over $1 trillion worth of Africa’s most valuable resources. The UK government has used its power and influence to ensure that British mining companies have access to Africa’s raw materials. This was the case during the colonial period, and it is still the case today.”
There is a strange organization called The Crown Agents which is affiliated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the World Bank. It was set up in 1833 as an emanation of The Crown. It’s not part of the government. It doesn’t come from the consent of the government. It comes from the singular sovereign, The Crown, as a hereditary institution.
It was set up as a branch of the British Colonial Office to manage infrastructure – hard and soft – of the colonies internationally of the Empire. Crown Agents has been managing the health infrastructure, including covid protocols of Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine. It manages many African countries, South Sudan, Myanmar. And it deals with governance. It helps these countries adapt their governing mechanisms according to World Bank and IMF standards. That’s one aspect in terms of the maintenance of the shadow Empire.
Now, one thing about this Commonwealth / City of London managed system is that the Cayman Islands and offshore banking is the center of this. Internationally, you have 24% of the financial services moving through a lot of British controlled Cayman Islands, Caribbean, and other offshore tax havens.
But also, within these is the center of global
drug money laundering and terrorist financing.
People think drugs are a natural plague of our society, terrorism is just a natural thing that happens.
No, this is very artificial. These are created diseases that are geopolitical in nature,
they are not religious in nature.
They are cultivated from the top.
This is a U.S. Senate report conducted over a long period, by recently diseased senator Carl Levin on U.S. vulnerabilities to money laundering, drugs, and terrorist financing: the HSBC case.
United States Senate
PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Carl Levin, Chairman
Tom Coburn, Ranking Minority Member
U.S. Vulnerabilities to Money Laundering, Drugs, and Terrorist Financing:
HSBC Case History
国土安全保障・政府問題委員会 調査に関する常設小委員会
It was discovered that HSBC was the number one offshore account money laundering bank in the world.
It was set up in 1865 to enforce or manage the opium trade, to destroy China. HSBC was found guilty and slapped on the wrist with a certain fine of $1.9 billion. They were allowed to appoint their own auditor to sit there for five years. And they’re still doing what they do. They have a huge stake in Air Canada. Anybody who takes a plane to Canada will see HSBC signs everywhere. That is a huge piece of infrastructure as part of the silver triangle that’s been underway for the whole of the 20th century.
You have the picture of the Queen at Coutts. That’s the Queen’s personal bank, which was also in 2012 found guilty of drug money laundering. It paid its own little $10 million fine, and the bad publicity results in the bank’s offshore accounts that were conducting the laundering to be sold off to the Royal Bank of Canada, which currently conducts the same operations.
Africa, as well as $177 billion of debt holding it hostage, meanwhile about $944 billion of revenue from the extraction of wealth, sits in British offshore accounts. So, it is not a debtor, but predator nation en masse.
The City of London is a separate entity. Even the UK government can’t really
do much legally to stop it.
They have their own courts, their own police.
I didn’t even talk about dodgy dossiers being justified and created by British intelligence that justified the bombing of Iraq and Libya. I didn’t talk about the Syrian dodgy dossiers of chemical weapons that were never actually proven to be used by Assad, but that had been justified for sanctions and justifying the regime change that has been attempted now for seven years. But all I have to say is that the British hand is everywhere. Even in the course of the dodgy dossiers to try to put Putin as the big bad guy controlling Trump. And also, the question of Rhodes Scholars, people like Strobe Talbott, came in with Clinton and has been running Brookings for a very long time. This also has been behind Russia Gate with many other Rhodes Scholars currently managing the Biden administration, like Jake Sullivan, Susan Rice, Eric Lander. The Sciences are Rhodes Scholars. They’re just everywhere.
Unlike the United States Constitution or Declaration, Canada was founded in 1867. The original conference with our Founding Fathers was not something that was a part of a fight for freedom, unlike the US. These were all British loyalists, anti-republicans, like our Founding Father Johnny McDonald. He was an Aryan complete race Patriot, wanting an Aryan Canada who said: British I was born, and British I will die. He was a filthy, immoral scumbag. And these are the people celebrated as our sacred cows that we’re supposed to honor in Canada.
The Canadian founding document says literally: “Whereas the Provinces of Canada have expressed their Desire to be federally united in One Dominion under the Crown of the United Kingdom and of Great Britain and Ireland, with a constitution similar in Principle to that of the United Kingdom. [Which is itself a bit of a fraud since the UK doesn’t really have a constitution, so it’s sort of a mirroring of a shadow.] And whereas such a Union would conduce to the Welfare of the Provinces and promote the interests of the British Empire.”
Canada was created to promote the interests of the British Empire.
The point that the British were afraid of, was that Canada had pro-linking statesmen in positions of leadership who were fighting to create an independent country at that time. So, this was seen as a vital territory that had to be kept under the control of the British Foreign Office. Lincoln’s allies were ousted from power, and it was kept as a wedge between the danger of a US-Russia collaboration.
Wilford Laurier writes to his close ally O.D. Skelton that: “Canada is now governed by a junta sitting in London, known as “The Round Table”, with ramifications in Toronto, in Winnipeg, in Victoria with Tories [that’s Conservatives] and Grits [that’s Liberals] receiving their ideas from London and insidiously forcing them on their respective parties.”
One of the problems was that they needed the power of the United States behind them, and that’s always been the objective of the Cecil Rhodes design. Lord Lothian, who was a leading Round Tabler at the time - he was the ambassador to the United States - had written about the problem of the American psyche that had to be dealt with: “There is a fundamentally different concept in regard to the question between Great Britain and the United States as to the necessity of civilized control over politically backward peoples ... The inhabitants of Africa and parts of Asia have proved unable to govern themselves ... Yet America not only has no
conception of this aspect of the problem but has been led to believe that the assumption of this kind of responsibility is iniquitous imperialism.”
Americans don't get that there's a white man's burden that they have to impose - because they ae scientifically better than the darker skinned people - an Anglo-American control over the backward peoples. They just don't get it. That was a problem.
アメリカ合衆国憲法や宣言とは異なり、カナダは1867年に建国された。建国の父たちとの最初の会議は、米国とは異なり、自由を求める戦いの一環として行われたものではなかった。彼らは皆、建国の父ジョニー・マクドナルドのような英国の忠誠者であり、反共和主義者だった。彼はアーリア人の完全な人種愛国者であり、アーリア人のカナダを望んでいた: 英国人として生まれ、英国人として死ぬ。彼は不潔で、不道徳な卑劣漢だった。そして、このような人々が、カナダで我々が敬うべき聖なる牛として讃えられているのだ。
カナダの建国文書には、文字通りこう書かれている: 「カナダの各州は、連合王国およびグレートブリテンおよびアイルランドの王冠の下、連合王国と原則的に類似した憲法をもって、連邦的に1つのドミニオンに統合されることを望んでいる。[イギリスには憲法がないので、それ自体がちょっとした詐欺であり、影の鏡のようなものである)。そして、このような連合は各州の福祉に寄与し、大英帝国の利益を促進するものである。"
ウィルフォード・ローリエは盟友O.D.スケルトンにこう書き送っている: 「カナダは今、"円卓会議 "として知られるロンドンに居座る軍閥によって統治されており、その影響はトロント、ウィニペグ、ビクトリアにも及び、トーリー(保守党のこと)とグリッツ(自由党のこと)はロンドンからアイデアを受け取り、それぞれの党に陰湿に押し付けている」。
問題点のひとつは、彼らの背後にアメリカの力が必要だったことで、それは常にセシル・ローズ・デザインの目的だった。当時、ラウンドテーブラーの第一人者であったロシアン卿(彼は駐米大使であった)は、対処しなければならないアメリカ人の心理の問題について書いていた: 「政治的に後進的な民族に対する文明的支配の必要性に関して、イギリスとアメリカの間には根本的に異なる概念がある......。アフリカやアジアの一部の住民は、自らを統治することができないことが証明された.しかし、アメリカはこの問題のこの側面についてまったく理解していないばかりか、この種の責任を引き受けることが不道徳な帝国主義であると信じ込まされている。"
There were several attempts at new world orders. What we’re seeing today is not a new thing. In 1919 you had the creation of Chatham House, you have the creation of the Versailles, the League of Nations, all orchestrated by Lord Milner who at this time was a leading figure controlling British foreign policy along with many other Round Tablers.
The idea of the League of Nations was to read a collective security pact, Article 10,
get rid of national sovereignty
over economics and military affairs
and create effectively a one world government.
This was also part of the Imperial Federation, kind of like what the European Union wants for the world. Why did it fail? Because people in Canada resisted, the lorry Liberals resisted, Irish Free State movements resisted, and people like Warren Harding (who was assassinated) resisted. You had nationalists who resisted and didn’t succumb to this pressure at the time.
They tried again. In 1933 there was the International Bankers Conference in London centered around the Bank of International Settlements, the Bank of England. Sixty-six nations had been a part of it, all with the desire that the Great Depression would be solved by moving sovereignty economically from nation states into officially essential bankers’ codery under the Bank of England. And the only reason for the failure after six months was that Franklin Roosevelt pulled the US delegations out of all participation. It all just fell apart.
Then there was another attempt in 1944. John Maynard Keynes was assigned this time to represent the British Empire at the Bretton Woods Conference with the idea of a one world currency run by the Bank of England called “the Bancor,” an international exchange rate that would be again effectively a one world currency, with the idea of the Americans who had come
out of World War II as the only unbroken country to be the battering ram or the enforcers of an Anglo-American reconquering of the nations of the world. Many of these nations had fought during the war, and many had ideas of independence and freedom alive in their hearts. That was not acceptable.
There is a sharp quote from Franklin Roosevelt, that I want to insert here:
“They who seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings
by a handful of individual rulers call this a new order. It is not new, and it is not order.”
- Franklin Roosevelt.
There’s a book called As He Saw It, written in 1946 by Roosevelt’s son and his personal assistant Elliot Roosevelt. He documents a lot of the battles between Roosevelt versus the Churchill gang that were trying to always pull the US into a Brotherhood of Control – à la Cecil Rhodes, right, à la Five Eyes – which is already what was creeping up and happening from the Black Chamber being transformed into the NSA in 1930, which became integrated more and more into the British Five Eyes thing.
But there were still a lot of Patriots and nationalists embedded in American intelligence within the OSS who were problematic for those trying to take control, who had pretty much occupied most of the State Department by this time.
You’ll find many great Patriots of the United States either died or had their careers annihilated.
You have Enrico Mattei, the Italian industrialist. You have Dag Hammarskjöld, the Secretary General of the UN, who had a grand program to end imperialism and promote industrial development in a variety of countries, especially in South Africa. Charles de Gaulle had avoided 30 assassination attempts. John F. Kennedy, Patrice Lumumba. I didn’t put everybody on here who was either assassinated or overthrown in CIA-MI6-directed coups. That’s why JFK offered the Russians the ability to work with the United States on a joint space program together. So, that would be something to break away, to liberate us from this mathematical balance of terror way of governance.
- フランクリン・ルーズベルト
ルーズベルトの息子で個人秘書だったエリオット・ルーズベルトが1946年に書いた『As He Saw It』という本がある。ルーズベルト対チャーチル一味の戦いの数々を記録している。チャーチル一味は、アメリカを常にブラザーフッド・オブ・コントロール(統制のための同胞団)に引き込もうとしていた。
After the age of assassinations, the focus has always been to take back control of the United States.
Kissinger is a key figure in much of this. You have the creation in January 1971 of the Inter-Alpha Group created under the blueprint of Lord Jacob Rothschild. The Inter-Alpha Group of banks set up in each of the focused European countries to advance a new doctrine of deregulation, centralizing power away from nation states, especially in Europe, and moving it into the private supranational coterie of corporate and financial interests above national authorities.
Many of these banks were all tied to financial activities supporting fascism’s rise, whether Franco, Mussolini or Hitler.
Then the same month, the World Economic Forum is founded by one of Kissinger’s prodigies, Klaus Schwab. One of the co-founders was Maurice Strong, a Canadian oligarch who was picked up by the Rockefellers and who also was a co-founder of the Canadian Club of Rome. Another co-founder was Prince Philip, who is the guy who’s called for being reincarnated as a deadly virus.
On August 15, 1971, Kissinger and Schultz running the Nixon administration orchestrate the removal of the dollar from the gold reserve. Without speculation, it was difficult to conduct the sorts of economic warfare against nations trying to develop their infrastructure and their industrial base, which has always been, even going back to the 19th century, a tool used by the Empire to keep nations destabilized. So, the fixed exchange rate had to go. It guaranteed too much stability. They created chaos.
Under Carter, the Trilateral Commission takes over. Nearly every member of Carter’s cabinet is a member of the Trilateral Commission. People like Paul Volcker, who becomes the Fed chair, calls for a controlled disintegration of the US economy in 1979, which is where the interest rates are raised to 20% or more for two years, destroying small and medium-sized businesses and only leading these behemoth multinational companies able to survive and thrive and gobble up under mergers and acquisitions.
Henry Kissinger describes how he preferred the Churchill way of thinking about geopolitics over the Roosevelt idea.
Total admission. They just admit it.
They just assume that we’re too dumb to put words and actions together.
Lord Jacob Rothschild delivered a speech in 1983 where he referred to the breakdown of the division of bank activities from commercial, investment, trust, insurance. All of these had formerly, under Roosevelt, been designed in separate compartments so you couldn’t speculate with people’s savings.
George Bush says in 1990 at the opening of the Kuwait War:
“We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order –
when we are successful – and we will be –
we have a real chance at this new world order.
The separation of US commercial banking from speculation is broken down by Clinton, Rhodes Scholar, last act in office. And then from that point forward you have the ushering in of just the biggest cancer of derivatives, going from 2 trillion in 1992 to 70 trillion in 1999, by that point, overlapping the US global GDP. All too big to fail, or so they want us to believe, so we have to bail them out. And by 2007, when the next collapse hits, there’s $708 trillion of derivatives weighing down the system, far outweighing the $15 trillion of the US GDP.
A real economy only works if you have the financial side always servicing and improving upon the real side – manufacturing, infrastructure, science. And that’s why the bubble that was created today was a planned disintegration and it was always designed for 1971 to disintegrate. The question is when would be the pinprick? The pinprick has happened.
Reiner Fuellmich: Thank you, Matthew. Let me just verify that I understand you correctly. The main point is that the British Empire has never ceased to exist. It is still there. Colonialism is still existing, except its existing under a different name. It has never stopped to try and pull the United States back in, but for some reason, it hasn’t really been successful.
Is the deep state that part in the country that tries to reintroduce the United States into the Anglo-American system and into, the City of London, basically?
ライナー・フエルミッチ ありがとう、マシュー。私が正しく理解しているかどうか確認させてください。要点は、大英帝国は決して消滅していないということだ。まだそこにある。植民地主義は、別の名前で存在していることを除けば、まだ存在している。大英帝国は米国を引き戻そうとする動きを止めないが、なぜかうまくいっていない。
Matthew Ehret: I have no problem with what you just said.
Reiner Fuellmich: One final question. The power of the City of London combined with its fifth column, Wall Street. Is it really true? Did I understand correctly that all that money, all that power was capable of starting World War I and World War II, with these financial behemoths financing both sides?
Matthew Ehret: Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Reiner Fuellmich: Okay. I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t misunderstand you. And finally, anyone who can start two world wars probably has no problem to create diseases like terrorism and drug trade. So that, in essence, was started by this financial behemoth City of London, plus Wall Street.
Matthew Ehret: Yeah. And I would just add one quick thing on that, which is that the British – I conducted an interview with Alex Krainer based on a wonderful trilogy he wrote on the original British design for a new world order under people like Lord Halifax, the appeasers of Britain who were people like Neville Chamberlain, who were part of an operation which all the way up until 1939-1940 still wanted to have an Anglo-American fascist alliance with Hitler and Mussolini and others, to manage the world as a new world order and be enforcers of a eugenics policy of population control under a scientifically managed society from the top. That was a design all the way up until the ouster of Neville Chamberlain. Hitler had become a Frankenstein monster that was no longer behaving according to its commands and had bigger ambitions to be at the head of the helm instead of a secondary enforcer for the will of a banking class. So, they had to change strategy and abort that plan.
The oligarchy screwed up a lot. They’re not as powerful
as they want us to believe they are, which is an intimidation of the mind. Every time you look at what they’re trying – the thing that they’re trying to do today is not new – they’ve tried many times,
and usually, it blows up in their face and undermines them.
Then they have to reorganize and try something new.
ライナー・フエルミッチ: 最後の質問です。ロンドン・シティの権力と、その第五列であるウォール街の権力。本当にそうなのでしょうか?あの金と権力が第一次世界大戦と第二次世界大戦を引き起こし、その両陣営に金融の巨人が資金を供給していたというのは、私の理解は正しかったのでしょうか?
ライナー・フューエルミッチ: 誤解していないか確認したかったんだ。そして最後に、2つの世界大戦を起こせるような人なら、テロや麻薬取引のような病気を作り出すことも問題ないだろう。要するに、この金融の巨大組織であるシティ・オブ・ロンドンとウォール街が始めたことなんだ。
マシュー・エレット:ええ。私はアレックス・クレイナーにインタビューをしたのですが、彼が書いた素晴らしい三部作の中で、ハリファックス卿のような人物の下で、新しい世界秩序を目指したイギリスの原初的なデザインについて書いています、 彼らは1939年から1940年までずっと、ヒトラーやムッソリーニらと英米ファシスト同盟を結び、新世界秩序として世界を管理し、科学的に管理された社会のもとで、人口抑制という優生学政策の実行者となることを望んでいた。それはネビル・チェンバレンを失脚させるまでずっと続く計画だった。ヒトラーはフランケンシュタインの怪物と化し、もはや命令に従順に振る舞わなくなり、銀行階級の意思の二次的な執行者ではなく、舵取りの先頭に立つという大きな野望を抱いていた。だから、彼らは戦略を変更し、その計画を中止せざるを得なかった。
寡頭制は多くの失敗を犯した。彼らが私たちに信じ込ませようとしているほど、彼らは強力ではない。彼らがやろうとしていること -- 今日やろうとしていることは新しいことではない -- を見るたびに、彼らは何度も試してきた。
Reiner Fuellmich: I do understand now that Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor, says that she can’t believe that she’s fighting the same people, the same structures again that she fought 75 years ago, because it looks as though what happened then is happening again.
Dexter L-J. Ryneveldt: Thanks so much for your evidence. You mentioned right at the onset of the statement of evidence that you’ve given, you’re talking about natural law. As we all know, the substantive law that we are using in this grand jury is natural law. So, I would like to find out from you, based on all the research that you’ve done, how important is natural law for humanity survival? And most importantly, how is it related to constitutional law? Thank you.
Matthew Ehret: Dexter, that’s an amazing question. That’s a very good question. In my understanding, all of world history has been shaped by a battle between either artificial law – I mean, mankind is the only species that we know of that creates and improves upon the laws of the systems that we self-organize around. Animals are ordained by their genetics, by their environment and their wiring to be what they are, and that’s great. But human beings are uniquely able to craft conceptions and apply those conceptions to manage our own existence. And then identify problems with the so-called invisible metaphysical machine of statecraft and improve upon them. But upon what standard do we improve upon? Upon what standard do we judge our man-made laws to say, “Okay, this one squares with something that is designed by God” and which ones are out of whack, out of harmony, that we have to correct, that are illegitimate or, as Thomas Cleas would say, forms of violence.
If a law can actually deprive you of your innate ability
to express your life, liberty, happiness, creative powers, if that’s what a law is doing, it’s not a law –
it’s a form of violence. It does not have to be respected.
The Founding Fathers were very sensitive to the fact that there is a higher law. It’s not even separate from scientific law. That’s why Benjamin Franklin was also a scientist who discovered principles of electricity that he shared. But in his mind, his discoveries of the laws of electricity were not separated from the metaphysical moral laws that became the foundation of his life’s effort to create a republic of self-governance, premises on the inalienable rights of the individual and not the hereditary institutions that had governed society for thousands of years. That was the first time it was done.
ライナー・フエルミッヒ: ホロコースト生存者のヴェラ・シャラフが、75年前に戦ったのと同じ人々、同じ構造物と再び戦っていることが信じられない、というのは今ならわかります、なぜならあの時起こったことは今起こっているように見えるからです。 また。
デクスター L-J. ラインベルト: 証拠をありがとう。 あなたは、提出した証拠陳述の冒頭で、自然法について話していると述べました。 皆さんご存知のとおり、この大陪審で我々が使用している実体法は自然法です。 それで、あなたが行ったすべての研究に基づいて、人類の生存にとって自然法がどれほど重要であるかを知りたいのですが? そして最も重要なことは、それが憲法とどのように関係するのかということです。 ありがとう。
マシュー・エーレット: デクスター、それは素晴らしい質問ですね。 とても良い質問ですね。 私の理解では、世界の歴史はすべて、どちらかの人為的な法則の間の戦いによって形成されてきました。つまり、人類は、私たちが自己組織化するシステムの法則を作成し、それを中心にして改善する、私たちが知る限りの唯一の種です。 動物は、その遺伝子、環境、配線によって、その動物になるように定められており、それは素晴らしいことです。 しかし、人間は独自に概念を作り上げ、その概念を適用して自分自身の存在を管理することができます。 そして、いわゆる目に見えない形而上学的な国家政治機構の問題点を特定し、改善する。 しかし、どのような基準に基づいて改善するのでしょうか? 私たちは人間が作った法律をどのような基準で判断して、「よし、これは神が設計したものと一致する」と判断するのでしょうか。また、どの法律がずれているのか、調和がとれていないのか、修正しなければならないのか、違法な法律なのか、あるいは違法な法律なのか、 トーマス・クレアスが言うように、暴力の形態です。
もし法律が実際にあなたの人生、自由、幸福、創造力を表現する生来の能力を奪う可能性があるとしたら、それが法律の目的であるなら、それは法律ではなく、暴力の一形態です。 尊重する必要はありません。
建国の父たちは、より高次の法が存在するという事実に非常に敏感でした。 それは科学法則から切り離されたものではありません。 だからこそ、ベンジャミン フランクリンは、彼が共有する電気の原理を発見した科学者でもありました。 しかし、彼の心の中では、電気法則の発見は、世襲制度ではなく個人の不可侵の権利を前提とした自治共和国を築くという彼の人生の努力の基礎となった形而上学的な道徳法則と切り離されてはいなかった。 何千年もの間社会を統治してきたもの。 それは初めてのことでした。
Again, in his world, it was two sides of the same thing. Real science is not mathematical description or trying to impose a formula onto the universe and expect the universe to abide by it. It’s about tuning our own creative reason in harmony with that universe that is always going to be more discoverable. And every time we transmit those new eurekas in any domain to our fellow mankind and then apply it to the productive process, the universe responds by giving us greater standards of living, right? We can sustain more people at a higher standard of life than we could have if we didn’t have electricity, if we didn’t have knowledge of fire, where we were living like cattle in caves.
If we abide by those certain principles, as Benjamin Franklin and others understood, we will have greater emancipation.
The Empire, the oligarchical system of a hereditary elite, will lose its places to put its claws, like a parasite that it is, into the host. It won’t have much to grab onto and it will lose its power and it will self-implode, as we’re seeing right now.
繰り返しになりますが、彼の世界では、それは同じものの裏表でした。 本当の科学は、数学的な記述や、宇宙に公式を押し付けて、宇宙がそれに従うことを期待しようとするものではありません。 それは、私たち自身の創造的な理性を、常に発見されやすくなる宇宙と調和して調整することです。 そして、私たちがあらゆる領域でそれらの新しいエウレカを私たちの仲間の人類に伝達し、それを生産プロセスに適用するたびに、宇宙は私たちにより高い生活水準を与えることで応えますよね? 私たちは、電気がなく、火の知識がなく、洞窟の中で牛のように暮らしていた場合よりも、より多くの人々を高い生活水準で維持することができます。
ベンジャミン・フランクリンやその他の人々が理解したように、私たちがこれらの特定の原則に従うなら、私たちはより大きな解放を得るでしょう。 世襲エリートによる寡頭制である帝国は、まるで寄生虫のように宿主に爪を立てる場所を失うだろう。 私たちが今見ているように、それは掴むものがほとんどなくなり、力を失い、自爆するでしょう。
Alex Thomson: What we are now seeing in the jurisdictions of the United Kingdom, the court systems in all of these realms, which are basically common law, are starting to arrogate to themselves, at judicial level, the power to decide mens rea. They are further ahead than any common law or civil law jurisdiction in our repeated findings now in asserting that even if there is a jury there for show – and they seem to be trying to get rid of them now under the spurious claim that international treaty requirements require them to dwindle the use of juries – they reserve the right to determine what was in the mind of the perpetrator. And very often now, it’s a drafting which comes from the tax exempt foundations, such as the Carnegie Foundation that I spoke about earlier, via the House of Commons library telling the legislators in Britain, which then will lead other countries in the same way, that there is an ersatz version of the public good or the public welfare now which is called collective well-being, collective welfare. That’s what the foundations were doing all through the 20th century, creating enemies for that very purpose. And now the courts are saying if you have offended against society, then there is no redress, you are guilty. And that is the furthest towards getting rid of natural law that I’ve seen anywhere. It has gone further than any European totalitarian state, any international court.
It’s now coming through that the British national level through legislation, ultimately from the thinktanks, the abolition of the concept that natural law
decides whether you’re guilty or not.
アレックス・トムソン: 私たちが現在英国の法域で見ているのは、基本的にコモン・ローであるこれらすべての領域の裁判所制度が、司法レベルで男性の権利を決定する権限を独り占めし始めているということです。 彼らは、たとえ見せしめのために陪審が存在するとしても、我々が繰り返し行った調査結果において、どのコモンローや民法の管轄権よりもさらに進んで主張しており、国際条約の要件であるという偽りの主張の下で、彼らは今、それらを排除しようとしているようだ。 陪審員の採用を減らすよう要求する。陪審員は加害者の心の中で何を考えていたかを判断する権利を留保する。 そして現在、非常に多くの場合、それは先ほど話したカーネギー財団などの非課税財団から下院図書館を経由して英国の議員たちに伝えられる草案であり、その後他の国々も同様に導くことになるでしょう。 現在、公共善や公共の福祉には、集団的福祉、集団的福祉と呼ばれる、別のバージョンがあるということです。 それが財団が 20 世紀を通じて行ってきたことであり、まさにその目的のために敵を作り出していました。 そして今、裁判所は、あなたが社会に対して罪を犯した場合、救済はなく、あなたは有罪であると言っています。 そしてそれは、私がこれまで見た中で最も自然法からの脱却に最も遠いものです。 それは、ヨーロッパのどの全体主義国家や、どの国際法廷よりも進んだものである。
Reiner Fuellmich: Is it possible that, not only in Europe but also in the United States, there is a movement that, having understood what is going on, is trying to distance themselves? I’m talking about the United States trying to distance themselves from the Europeans and in particular from the City of London, because “we are simply buried under debt, and we carry too much dead weight with us”? I’m saying this in layman’s terms. What do you think, Alex and Matthew?
Alex Thomson: For my part, absolutely. And the recent testimony I gave to you, I spoke about that, that...
...there is a large belt of heartland America
that has woken up to this and now sees what they regard as an Anglo or an Anglo-European problem steering them. And I think that they are getting heartily sick
of it all, because of the amount of treason involved.
Just as codicil to Matt’s testimony about 1971 when the financial coup was pulled off. One of the indications that the Americans were being used as hapless pawns in this is that that very year, Kissinger is said to have told the military, by which he largely meant the US military, were brute, dumb beasts, sent to do other biddings. And in that same year, being the new Secretary of State under the incoming Nixon administration, he got a Massachusetts-based manufacturer, the only manufacturer in the world that could produce precision ball bearings – Bryant Chucking Grinder – to supply the ball bearings to the Soviet Union to allow them to develop multiple independent re-entry vehicle warheads. I know that well one from James Bush, one of our extra testimonials this evening; who was personally involved in the American side of that.
The amount of treason involved is such that
where the United States had even a military or an economic lead, the cabal we’re talking about deliberately abolished that.
ライナー・フエルミッヒ: ヨーロッパだけでなく米国でも、何が起こっているかを理解した上で距離を置こうとする動きがある可能性はありますか? 私が話しているのは、「我々は債務に埋もれているだけで、あまりにも多くの重荷を背負っている」という理由で、ヨーロッパ人、特にロンドン市から距離を置こうとしている米国のことだろうか? 私はこれを素人の言葉で言っています。 アレックスとマシュー、どう思いますか?
アレックス・トムソン: 私としては、絶対にそう思います。 そして、私があなたに行った最近の証言、それについて話しました。
...アメリカの中心地の大きな地域があり、彼らはこれに目覚め、今ではイギリス人の問題、あるいはイギリスとヨーロッパの問題が自分たちを動かしていると考えていることに気づいています。 そして、反逆罪の多さから、彼らは心からうんざりしているのだと思います。
金融クーデターが成功した1971年についてのマットの証言の写本と同じだ。 アメリカ人がこの問題において不運な駒として利用されていることを示す一つの証拠は、まさにその年にキッシンジャーが軍に対し、主にアメリカ軍は他の入札のために送り込まれた野蛮で物言わぬ獣であると語ったと言われていることである。 。 そして同年、次期ニクソン政権の下で新たな国務長官に就任した彼は、精密ボールベアリングを製造できる世界で唯一のメーカーであるマサチューセッツ州に拠点を置くメーカー、ブライアント・チャッキング・グラインダー社にボールベアリングを供給してもらうことにした。 ソ連は複数の独立した再突入体弾頭の開発を許可した。 私は、今夜の特別な証言の 1 つであるジェームス・ブッシュの言葉をよく知っています。 彼はそのアメリカ側に個人的に関与していた。
Matthew Ehret: There are fifth columns in Russia, and every country has its own fifth columns. They’ve got their own battles between legitimate forces who represent these cultures versus these other parasitical penetrations. I would say in Eurasia, you actually have had more serious pushback in a serious way to the point that there is a genuine alternative strategy that has been deployed outside of the framework of the cage of NATO that is imploding, and it was always designed to implode. And I think you’ve got forces within the United States – I see it more currently on the state level – that don’t want to go down with the sinking ship. There are forces all over Europe. Unfortunately, the federal executive branches of most of the transatlantic governments have been in large measure captured not entirely always but in a depressing level. So, I’m not an expert in geopolitical planning, and I do hope that the creative forces are able to utilize the self-contradictions and insanity of the Empire to their benefit, since again, this Empire, once it succeeds, it can only destroy itself as well.
I do see that there are people that want to have a future, that want to survive, and that are organically organizing. I just think they need to sharpen up their game plan of what they understand the world to be.
マシュー・エーレット: ロシアには第 5 列があり、どの国にも独自の第 5 列があります。 彼らは、これらの文化を代表する正当な勢力と他の寄生的な侵入者との間で独自の戦いを繰り広げています。 ユーラシアでは、実際には、崩壊しつつあるNATOの檻の枠組みの外で展開されている真の代替戦略が存在するという点に至るまで、実際にはより深刻な反発があり、それは常にそのように設計されていたと言えます。 爆裂する。 そして、米国内には、沈没船と一緒に沈没したくない勢力がいると思います。現在は州レベルでの勢力が多いと思います。 ヨーロッパ全土に勢力が存在する。 残念ながら、大西洋を挟んだほとんどの政府の連邦行政府は、常に完全にではなく、憂鬱なレベルで大部分が捕らえられてきました。 したがって、私は地政学的計画の専門家ではありませんが、創造的な勢力が帝国の自己矛盾と狂気を自分たちの利益になるように利用できることを願っています。なぜなら、繰り返しになりますが、この帝国は一度成功すれば、それしかできないからです。 自分自身も破壊します。
未来を持ち、生き残ることを望み、有機的に組織化している人々がいることは確かです。 彼らは世界がどうあるべきかを理解するためのゲームプランを明確にする必要があると思います。
Because a lot of people still think, especially in America, and a lot of the Patriots who don’t like The Great Reset, they tend to have fallen for certain traps that have given them a narrative, that – it’s the Cold War narrative –, the real enemy behind everything is not the British Empire. It’s not the oligarchy, it’s not that. It’s the Chinese communists that want to destroy your freedoms, that’s who’s behind everything. And a lot of people fall into that, and I think that to the degree that they hold onto those Cold War narratives, they’re going to self-sabotage their overarching desires to have a successful battle against this oligarchical thing.
なぜなら、多くの人々、特にアメリカでは、グレート・リセットを好まない多くの愛国者は、自分たちに物語を与えた特定の罠に陥っている傾向がある、つまり、それは冷戦の物語である、と今でも考えているからです。 、すべての背後にある本当の敵は大英帝国ではありません。 それは寡頭制ではありません、そうではありません。 あなたたちの自由を破壊しようとしているのは中国の共産主義者であり、すべての背後にあるのは中国の共産主義者です。 そして、多くの人がそれに陥っており、冷戦時代の物語にしがみついている限り、この寡頭政治との戦いを成功させたいという最大の願望を自己破壊することになると思います。
(補足・注)共産中国を作ったのも シティ・ウォール街 金融資本家(グローバル金融マフィア・犯罪集団・グローバル持続的盗賊集団)