他のプラットフォームに投稿した2回目ワクチン接種直後の内容をnoteにも残しておくための投稿です。ワクチンによってSARS-CoV-2に対する免疫ができる仕組みの説明です。English follows Japanese.
English ver. This is a post to keep the content I posted on another platform right after the second vaccination in note as well.
[What's going on in my body after the second vaccination?]
The ingredients in the second vaccine are the same as in the first one. So now, the mRNA is entering my cells just like the first vaccination. Based on the information of the mRNA that enters my cell, the S proteins are produced. Next, my immune system will respond to this S protein. Then, I will have the power to fight against SARS-CoV-2. These whole processes are almost the same as the first vaccination. Let's take a look at what happens with the second vaccination.
Already with the first vaccination, my immune system has recognized the S protein as the enemy. Therefore, my immune system is getting ready to attack SARS-CoV-2. And now, after the second vaccination, my immune system is strengthening its memory. This is similar to the way we remember something, by practicing it repeatedly, we can keep the memory longer. This is called “boost”.
My immune system has already learned once, so after the second vaccination, my immune system will respond quickly. It is faster in recognizing the enemy and produces more antibodies as well. Over the next two weeks, the amount of antibodies in my body will increase rapidly. With this boost, my immune system will be able to resist SARS-CoV-2 more strongly.
Now, I am ready to fight against SARS-CoV-2