1ヶ月前に他のプラットフォームに投稿したワクチン接種直後の内容をnoteにも残しておくための投稿です。ワクチンによってSARS-CoV-2に対する免疫ができる仕組みの説明です。 English follows Japanese.
English ver. This is what I posted on another platform a month ago, right after the first vaccination, and I'm posting it to keep it in note as well.
[What's happening in my body after the first vaccination]
Now injected mRNAs, coding spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2, are entering into my cells by specially blended lipid capsules. The reason for using lipid capsules is that mRNA don’t have the ability to enter into cells in itself. Our cells are also composed of lipid membrane. So, lipid capsules encapsulating mRNA can fuse our cells and enter the inclusions into our cells.
Based on the information of the entered mRNA in my cells, S protein is translated in my cells by ribosome, a molecule having translation ability from mRNA to protein.
Then, my immune cells recognize the S protein as enemy. My B cells, one of immune cells, generate antibodies as a weapon against the enemy and memorize the enemy’s informations. By memorizing the information, the B cells are able to deal with the enemy so quickly the next time they come.
These processes are happening in my body now and will happen in the near future.