
英検1級2次対策 スピーチ原稿30題 (2)


11) Are enough public funds invested in the arts?

I believe that enough public funds are being invested in the arts. Allow me to explain the importance and effectiveness of investing money in the arts.

First, local governments understand the benefits of investing in the arts. Japan is an aging society, especially in local areas, making it difficult for them to attract famous companies and invest in developing new tourist spots. As a result, local communities are paying attention to traditional cultures, including historical and modern arts. They are also spending funds to build art museums and renovate artworks. Many people visit these museums and purchase something there, leading to stable revenue for these municipalities.

Second, the arts are closely tied to education. Governments place a high value on education and spend tax money on it. They want citizens to have good knowledge about their cultures and increase their awareness of the arts. This means that enough public funds are invested in the protection and promotion of the arts. Each country has its unique art and cultural heritage, including Japan. Moreover, investing in the arts has additional benefits for education. If more people become interested in the arts, some of them may donate money, and the study of the arts will become more popular. New findings or interpretations may also give citizens a new perspective. Therefore, the governments and educational institutes recognize the potential merits of investing in the arts.

In conclusion, enough public funds are being used to support the arts, which has a positive impact on society.

12) Are family values today as important as they were in the past?

I believe family values are just as important today as they were in the past. Although the environment in which children are growing up has changed dramatically, the importance of family values has not diminished.

Firstly, families provide the first and greatest support system for infants and children. Although there may be exceptions, in most cases, parents love their children the most. Children feel loved by their parents and, as a result, understand what love is. They learn that they are not alone, and they can seek advice from their family when needed. This is especially important today, as bullying at school has become a complex problem. Children are unable to solve such difficulties with their friends alone, and they need their families' help.

Secondly, it is the family's responsibility to teach children the right morals. With smartphones and social media, young people can easily chat with their friends, but without proper morals and ethics, they may unknowingly hurt someone's feelings. The basic principles of morals and ethics have not changed over time: keep your promises, obey the rules, respect others, and so on. Family members must take on the responsibility of teaching these important values in their daily lives. Morals cannot be learned by memorizing words, but rather by persistent instruction from family members.

In conclusion, family values remain invaluable and have a significant impact on children's development, just as they did in the past.

13) Which should school curriculums emphasize more, competition or cooperation?

While I agree that competitive experiences can improve our abilities, I believe that school curriculums should prioritize cooperation over competition. There are two reasons why I feel cooperation is more important.

Firstly, students can better understand subjects through cooperative learning. When lessons become challenging, it's easy to become lost. However, by working with others, students can ask for help and gain insights. They can also teach others when they need assistance, leading to a more thorough understanding of the subject matter. This approach also benefits teachers as it helps to create a more positive classroom environment.

Secondly, cooperative learning enables students to improve their communication skills. Communication skills are essential in almost all types of jobs. When starting work at a company, it's important to get along with colleagues, employees, supervisors, and customers. Even if you're highly skilled, lacking good communication skills can hinder your ability to get promoted. Additionally, if you've ever helped console friends who have experienced painful situations at school, this experience can be an asset in the workplace. You may find colleagues who are struggling with work or personal issues, and your advice can help them recover a healthy mindset. This can also lead to earning respect from your colleagues.

In conclusion, schools should prioritize cooperation over competition, as it leads to better understanding of subjects and improved communication skills, both of which are crucial for success in the workplace.

14) Can the human race live in harmony with the natural world?

I do not believe that humans are living in harmony with the natural world. In fact, we are destroying it, and it is likely that we will continue to damage the environment.

Firstly, the human population is increasing rapidly, and consumption levels are excessively high in developed countries. According to experts, the ideal population for humans on Earth is under two billion people. However, there are currently over seven billion people on the planet. As the population grows, the earth's natural resources are also depleting. Humans are already using more resources than the earth can produce. With our current consumption patterns, we are likely to exhaust the world's supply of fossil fuels, wildlife areas, and food supply.

Secondly, most countries do not cooperate with each other in environmental preservation efforts. While international conferences have been held, and representatives from different countries have discussed concrete plans for preserving the environment, the positive changes have been limited. Developed countries prioritize industrial development, often paying less attention to the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Unless people recognize and address the current environmental issues, efforts to preserve the environment will be considered a failure.

In conclusion, I believe that humans are causing harm to the natural world, and this trend is unlikely to change in the future.

15) Is it possible for developed countries to sustain present standards of living?

I disagree with the notion that developed countries can maintain their current standards of living.

Firstly, the economy of developed countries is unstable and vulnerable to external shocks. Economic crises and political conflicts in other nations have the potential to affect the global economy. For instance, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008 and Brexit in 2016 had ripple effects that changed the course of the world economy. During times of contraction, the standard of living in developed countries typically decreases. It is probable that another recession will occur in the future.

Secondly, labor shortages are becoming a major concern in developed countries. Countries like Japan and South Korea are facing an aging population and a shortage of young workers. The younger generation is expected to support the older generation, who receive pensions and expensive medical care, but this is an unsustainable situation. Moreover, while scientific and technological innovations have enhanced the quality of life so far, it will be difficult to sustain such progress without an adequate number of workers and scientists.

Therefore, it is imperative that developed countries prepare for a potential decline in their standard of living.

16) Are the potential dangers of artificial intelligence exaggerated?

Although artificial intelligence (AI) has numerous benefits in human society, the risks associated with it are too great. I do not believe that the potential dangers of AI are exaggerated.

Firstly, AI can be weaponized, and robots with AI may decide to kill innocent people. If such a robot were to exist, it could be abused by malicious individuals or organizations and threaten peaceful society. Moreover, scientists and developers estimate that AI will surpass human intelligence in ten years. This means that humans may lose control of AI, and it is likely that AI will restrict our freedom. Terrorists or corrupt governments may misuse AI and attempt to conquer the world.

Secondly, AI is still in development and has caused some accidents. For instance, self-driving cars have been developed to reduce the number of accidents, but accidents like the one in which an Uber self-driving car hit a pedestrian in 2018 have occurred. Technological problems with AI are yet to be completely resolved.

Lastly, AI may undermine human dignity. AI has already defeated a Go champion, an example of how AI can replace human abilities. Furthermore, robots with AI may soon perform operations in hospitals, which could lead to job losses for doctors. Unemployment could rise, and many people may struggle to find work. This could erode human dignity.

In conclusion, the risks associated with AI cannot be ignored. While we should not stop developing AI, we need to understand its potential risks before implementing this technology.

17) Should the sale of tobacco products be made illegal?

I believe that the sale of tobacco products should not be banned, as making it illegal would have economic disadvantages and infringe on individual freedom.

First, banning the sale of tobacco products would have a negative impact on the economy. Governments earn a significant amount of tax revenue from the sales of tobacco products. Additionally, tobacco companies invest heavily in advertising, which also contributes to the economy. Instead of banning the sale of tobacco products, governments should consider raising taxes on them in order to control their consumption.

Second, there are already strict laws in place to regulate the use of tobacco products. These laws have helped to reduce the number of teenage smokers and limit non-smokers’ exposure to secondhand smoke. It is important to continue educating people about the health risks associated with tobacco use, but individuals should have the right to make their own decisions about whether or not to smoke.

While it is true that tobacco is a harmful substance, banning its sale would have negative economic consequences and limit individual freedom. Rather than making it illegal, governments should focus on educating people about the health risks and raising taxes to control consumption.

18) Agree or disagree: Technology is undermining the role of teachers in the classroom

While technology has become increasingly important in education, I believe that teachers remain essential for students' development. Although technology can provide valuable tools for learning, it cannot replace the human touch that teachers offer.

Firstly, teachers play a vital role in students' social and emotional development. Students need to interact with others and learn how to communicate effectively, which is a skill that cannot be taught by technology alone. Teachers offer guidance, support, and advice, and they help students navigate social challenges such as bullying or conflict resolution. These are human skills that cannot be replaced by technology.

Secondly, while technology can enhance the learning experience, it is only a tool that must be used effectively. Teachers are essential in helping students understand how to use technology efficiently and safely. They can provide additional learning experiences and track student progress using technology, but they also have the expertise to know when technology is not the best option for a particular lesson or student.

In conclusion, while technology has become an important tool in education, it cannot replace the role of teachers. Teachers offer invaluable human skills and expertise that are essential for students' development. The key is to use technology effectively, with teachers as the bridge to ensure that technology enhances the learning experience rather than replacing it.

19) Agree or disagree: China should now be considered a global superpower

While technology has become increasingly important in education, I believe that teachers remain essential for students' development. Although technology can provide valuable tools for learning, it cannot replace the human touch that teachers offer.

Firstly, teachers play a vital role in students' social and emotional development. Students need to interact with others and learn how to communicate effectively, which is a skill that cannot be taught by technology alone. Teachers offer guidance, support, and advice, and they help students navigate social challenges such as bullying or conflict resolution. These are human skills that cannot be replaced by technology.

Secondly, while technology can enhance the learning experience, it is only a tool that must be used effectively. Teachers are essential in helping students understand how to use technology efficiently and safely. They can provide additional learning experiences and track student progress using technology, but they also have the expertise to know when technology is not the best option for a particular lesson or student.

In conclusion, while technology has become an important tool in education, it cannot replace the role of teachers. Teachers offer invaluable human skills and expertise that are essential for students' development. The key is to use technology effectively, with teachers as the bridge to ensure that technology enhances the learning experience rather than replacing it.

20) Does the government interfere too much in citizens’ private lives?

I don’t believe that the government interferes too much in citizens’ private lives. Citizens’ privacy is protected by the government, and they can lead comfortable lives. I will explain in detail.

First, we can express any ideas freely without government interference. It is true that governments and police sometimes access private personal information, but their aim is to protect people. Racism or false information has a negative influence on a healthy society, so it is necessary to restrict them. However, this is an exception, and we can generally express our thoughts without any restrictions. For example, if you disagree with an economic policy, you can state that the government is doing something wrong and that they need to consider local businesses more. Historically, public opinions have changed policies in a favorable way and made the government better.

Second, the government understands that privacy is a fundamental human right that must not be violated. They make efforts to respect privacy because humans need it to live happy and healthy lives. When privacy rights are violated, people feel vulnerable, insecure, and afraid. The government recognizes that protecting the mental health of people is just as crucial as maintaining public safety. Therefore, they help or support citizens’ private lives rather than interfere with them.

For the reasons mentioned above, the government does not interfere in our lives these days.


I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with your statement. While it is true that the government has a duty to protect its citizens, it is also important to recognize that too much government interference can lead to a loss of privacy and individual freedom.

Governments have been known to use their power to infringe on citizens' privacy in the name of national security or for other reasons. For example, there have been cases of governments accessing private data without consent, monitoring citizens' online activity, and even using surveillance cameras to track people's movements. This kind of monitoring can create a climate of fear and distrust among citizens, making them feel like they are constantly being watched and controlled.

Furthermore, some government regulations can have unintended consequences that limit individual freedoms. For example, restrictions on certain products or activities may limit the choices that individuals have when it comes to how they live their lives. These restrictions can also be unevenly applied, leading to discrimination and inequality.

In conclusion, while it is important for the government to protect its citizens, it must also be careful not to infringe on their privacy and individual freedoms. The government should work to strike a balance between these two competing interests in order to create a society that is both safe and free.


