英検1級2次対策 スピーチ原稿30題 (3)
21) Do humans pay enough attention to the rights of animals?
I believe that humans pay enough attention to the rights of animals. It is true that some dogs or cats whose owners give up having them are forced to die, but the number is decreasing, and we generally respect animals’ lives. Let me explain.
First, people have responsibility when having pets or keeping animals. Some argue keeping animals in captivity cannot be justified, but it actually helps people understand and respect animals. Zoos and aquariums create awareness about animals and they play a vital role in increasing public motivation for conservation. Some people donate money for the fight to stop animal decline and extinction. The money is used for rescuing, protecting and breeding hundreds of species that are in danger of extinction. Also, many pet owners think their pets are their member of family and take care of their pets with love and affection.
Second, researchers consider experiments’ plans when performing animal testing. There are no alternatives to animal testing because living organism are very complicated. Researchers respect animals’ lives, reduce pain they give to animals as much as possible and limit the number of animals used for experiments. Most pharmaceutical companies have animal testing committees and they judge if experiments are based on national law and company regulations. Scientists perform animal testing properly.
For these reasons, humans pay good enough attention to the rights of animals.
While it is true that some progress has been made in recent years to improve the treatment of animals, there are still numerous examples of animal cruelty and neglect around the world. Here are a few points to consider:
Firstly, while some pet owners may treat their animals with love and care, many others do not. In some parts of the world, it is common for dogs and cats to be left to roam the streets, where they may suffer from starvation, disease, or injuries. In addition, many animals are raised in cruel and inhumane conditions for the sake of human consumption. For example, factory farming methods often involve confining animals in tiny cages or pens, without access to sunlight or fresh air, and subjecting them to painful procedures like debeaking or tail docking.
Secondly, while animal testing has contributed to important medical advances, there are ethical concerns about the use of animals in research. Animals are often subjected to painful procedures, and there is debate about whether the benefits of such research justify the harm done to animals. In addition, there are many cases of animal testing being conducted in ways that violate animal welfare standards, such as the use of inadequate pain relief or the use of too many animals for a given study.
In conclusion, while there have been some positive steps taken to improve the treatment of animals, there is still a long way to go before we can say that humans are paying "good enough attention" to the rights of animals. We need to continue to work towards greater awareness, education, and advocacy for animal welfare in order to ensure that animals are treated with the compassion and respect they deserve.
22) Agree or disagree: The arm industry is immoral
I strongly agree with the assertion that the arm industry is immoral due to its ethical implications, and it should not be permitted. In the following paragraphs, I will elaborate on two main reasons for my stance.
First, the development and maintenance of weapons is a colossal waste of resources. Due to the numerous countries engaged in arm manufacturing, the arms race is at an all-time high, leading to the production of increasingly dangerous weapons. A single error in judgment or handling could result in the loss of thousands of lives. The governments spend an exorbitant amount of money on keeping these weapons secure, which could otherwise be invested in social welfare, medical care, public education, infrastructure, and financial support for the poor. Such diversion of funds inevitably puts the lives of citizens at stake, and it is not a price worth paying.
Secondly, the arm industry poses a threat to academic institutions. Governments often pressure universities to research military technology and encourage the promotion of basic research that can be applied to defensive equipment. However, such research may easily be abused by the military forces, as has been the case with many scientific discoveries throughout history. The story of Albert Einstein's theories about nuclear physics is a prime example, where his work was used to develop nuclear bombs that killed innocent people. Einstein, in his lifetime, vehemently opposed such use of scientific technology, arguing that it must be employed to foster peace instead. It is ethically wrong to ignore his warning and continue with such research.
In conclusion, the arm industry is undoubtedly immoral, and it must be eliminated for a more peaceful world. We should channel resources to eliminate the causes of conflicts and prevent the possibility of severe wars.
23) Is transferring technology to developing nations the key to economic development?
Transferring technology to developing nations is more effective in terms of economic development than merely providing financial assistance. I will provide two examples to support this argument.
First, technology is crucial for education. Students in developing nations can gain access to the same resources as those in developed nations through the internet. By learning to use various kinds of technology, students increase their chances of future employment and become more globally competitive. This technological know-how can lead to innovative creations that help developing nations get ahead in the global market.
Second, technology is essential to improve the quality of life in developing countries, which can contribute to economic development. Automated work processes can optimize daily operations, making all kinds of work more productive both in offices and factories. Providing new technology and offering technological training will promote industry and increase people's earning potential. This, in turn, allows people to afford daily necessities, improving their standard of living.
In conclusion, transferring technology to developing nations is vital to their economic development. Developed countries should extend their support by transferring technology rather than just providing financial assistance.
24) Should domestic issues take priority over international issues?
In today's globalized world, international issues can no longer be disregarded in favor of domestic ones. Japanese people are now directly affected by global issues, and I will provide three reasons to support this argument.
First, Japan is no longer an isolated island nation. Our economy is now closely tied to many other countries, and more and more tourists are visiting Japan. Furthermore, an increasing number of Japanese people are traveling and working abroad, while the world's media has a significant impact on Japanese people. With technological advancements, it's clear that the world is becoming smaller.
Second, Japan faces various threats from other nations and foreign groups, such as international terrorism and countries with powerful weapons threatening war. It's essential for Japan to remain prepared for any potential attacks.
Lastly, human activity is causing significant harm to the environment, which poses a threat to Japanese people and future generations. Global warming is directly affecting Japan, and the overfishing of oceans is impacting Japanese fisheries. Additionally, pollution from China is reaching Japan.
Therefore, Japanese people can no longer afford to prioritize domestic problems over international ones, as the two are now deeply interconnected. Global issues are no longer distant concerns but have a direct impact on the daily lives of Japanese people.
25) Is climate change the biggest threat facing humankind?
In my view, climate change caused by global warming is the most significant threat facing humankind today. There are several reasons why I believe this to be the case.
Firstly, global warming has led to many environmental problems. The melting of the polar ice caps due to climate change is causing the sea level to rise, which is leading to the immersion of some coastlines. The melting is also causing a loss of freshwater, which is already in short supply. Global warming is causing an increase in heatwaves, droughts, storms, floods, and other disasters. These disasters are threatening the food supply by causing a loss of crops and a drop in fish populations. In the worst cases, they have killed thousands of people around the world.
Secondly, once global warming reaches a certain stage, there is no turning back. This is a complex geological issue known as the tipping point. For instance, when permafrost, which is defined as frozen earth that never melts all year long, begins to melt, it releases a vast amount of methane gases into the atmosphere. The release of these gases accelerates global warming, creating a dangerous and vicious cycle.
Therefore, it is critical that world governments take immediate action to reverse the threat of global warming. Failure to do so could lead to the extinction of humankind. It is imperative that we take this threat seriously and act now to address it.
26) Should the government make scientific research a greater priority?
I believe that governments should prioritize scientific research and increase investment in this field. The reason is that scientific research has a significant impact on both our personal and professional lives.
To begin with, scientific technology innovation is crucial for modern economics and societal progress. The level of scientific research and innovation is what distinguishes developed countries from developing ones. For example, Japan and America have become successful countries thanks to scientific and technological breakthroughs. This has enabled their citizens to live relatively richer and healthier lives than people in less developed countries. Investing in scientific research leads to higher GDP and stronger economic power.
Furthermore, investing in science has a positive impact on the quality of life of citizens. Supporting academic institutes or pharmaceutical companies would increase the number of scientists and the quality of their work. In the medical field, scientific discoveries and advanced technology have extended people's lives. Although some diseases are still incurable, many others can be treated with good medical care and prescriptions. Longer life expectancy means that people can contribute more to society.
In conclusion, prioritizing scientific research can lead to a happier society. Therefore, it is important for governments to invest more money and time in this field.
27) Should more be done to protect the cultures of the world’s indigenous peoples?
I believe that more needs to be done to protect the cultures of indigenous peoples. This protection is necessary for three reasons.
Firstly, indigenous peoples have often not been valued equally with other citizens, and have not received the same protections as those belonging to the dominant culture. Furthermore, indigenous people have been killed to make way for modernization and industrial development.
Secondly, indigenous peoples should have the right to choose and live the lifestyle they want, just like all humans. They may choose to live a more traditional, isolated lifestyle, and nations must work to preserve areas inhabited by indigenous people. Governments should make efforts to ensure that indigenous people are free from threats of destruction or pressure to adopt modern lifestyles.
Lastly, we all benefit from having diversity in the world. Some people believe that happiness or success in life is dependent on advancement and financial success, but indigenous peoples show us that there are other valid ways of living. They often show us that our advancement has come at a great cost in terms of higher stress and damage to nature.
In conclusion, the loss of indigenous cultures would be a loss for all of humankind, and we must take action to protect them.
28) Should more be done to increase awareness of mental-health issues in Japan?
I believe more needs to be done to increase awareness of mental-health issues in Japan.
Firstly, more people should have basic knowledge of mental-health issues. There are various kinds of mental illnesses such as alcohol dependence, depression, schizophrenia, dementia, and others. Each illness has different symptoms, and people who suffer from these illnesses have difficulty in managing their daily lives. When family or friends are in that situation, it may be hard to understand their symptoms, and without realizing it, we may hurt their feelings. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to deal with people suffering from mental illness and provide them with appropriate advice. It is also recommended to accompany them to a nearby clinic.
Secondly, we need to improve the working environment. The number of people getting mental illnesses due to work-related stress is increasing rapidly. The main reasons for industrial accidents are workplace harassment and excessive workload. After workers are bullied or attacked violently, they are more likely to develop mental illnesses. We need to create a safe environment where every employee can work comfortably. Another solution is to change the supervisors' awareness. They tend to believe that it is natural for subordinates to follow their orders. Japanese work culture places a high value on obeying bosses' orders in exchange for employment security. Japanese companies should establish counseling centers in offices, respect individuals' minds more, and reduce overtime work.
In conclusion, not only medical staff but also the general population should work on mental-health issues. Raising awareness about mental illness is crucial to ensure that people can recognize the symptoms and help those who need it. Improving the working environment and reducing work-related stress would have a significant impact on mental health.
29) Is free trade beneficial to developing countries?
I believe that free trade is not beneficial to developing countries. Free trade damages the economy, and developing countries need import taxes to survive in the global market.
First, tariffs are indispensable for developing countries. Import taxes generate valuable tax revenue for governments. Developing nations require funds to succeed financially, but they cannot get enough money through taxes because people there are poor. By using tariffs, governments can slightly shift the tax burden to foreign companies, especially those in developed countries. Another positive aspect of import taxes is that they can strengthen vital industries, which is important for the national security of developing countries. When disasters occur, they cannot rely on imports, and they must produce all the products their citizens require.
Second, free trade harms the economies of developing countries in many ways. Free trade can lead to the disappearance of traditional businesses and culture. Some countries with highly powerful corporations can dominate industries globally, meaning that unique products or commodities may be replaced by those of developed countries. Local businesses cannot compete with major corporations, and as a result, many businesses in developing nations have to close. People there lose their jobs, and local economies are destroyed. The increased unemployment rate makes people unhappy and uneasy.
For these reasons, it is impossible for developing countries to start free trade.
30) Agree or disagree: Japanese companies would benefit from having more women in leadership roles
I agree with the idea that Japanese companies would benefit from having more women in leadership roles.
First, companies’ reputation will increase if there are women leaders. Many companies have been accused of not hiring enough women and offering services to them. Some statistics show that the number of women in executive positions at companies is embarrassingly low in Japan compared to other developed nations. Companies that have female leaders and offer extended services for female workers are regarded as innovative business cooperation. Their stocks will go up, they will become famous and get more job opportunities.
Second, Japanese companies can have enough good candidates for leadership positions. Japan is now facing an aging population and struggles to find skilled leaders in companies. There are many qualified women who are capable of holding management positions but give up applying for them. By changing company customs and encouraging women to pursue management roles, they will bring new ideas to companies.
In conclusion, it is essential for Japanese companies to offer leadership roles to women and to work towards improving their rights.