
【要約】Yahoo FinanceによるIntel CEO Pat Gelsinger 氏へのインタビュー

Intel CEO: 'Disappointed' Tower deal had to be scrapped

Intel CEO TowerとのM&A取引が不成立に終わったのは残念だった。
(引用元:Yahoo Finance Sat, August 19, 2023)

上記のYahoo Finance、Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger氏に対するインタビュー記事からインタビューの翻訳とその要点についてまとめています。


  • インテルCEOのパット・ゲルシンガー氏は、タワーセミコンダクターとの約50億ドルの取引が中国の承認を得られず中止になったことを残念に思っている。タワーの買収はファウンドリビジネスの拡大に加速をもたらす可能性があったが、取引に依存していたわけではない。

  • 中国とアメリカの地政学的な緊張が規制環境に影響を与え、M&Aの実行が難しくなっている。この影響はインテルに限らず、産業全体にとっての課題であり、長期的な戦略に影響を及ぼす。

  • M&Aの代わりとしては、ビジネスパートナーシップや顧客の獲得、内部能力の構築などが挙げられる。ただし、地政学的な問題によってM&Aが選択肢から外れたことは、世界的なテクノロジー業界にネガティブな影響を与えている。

  • パット・ゲルシンガー氏はアメリカと中国との協力と対話の重要性を強調し、両国間の橋渡し役としての役割を果たすことを意識している。両国は世界最大の経済大国であり、協力が必要。

  • 地政学的な障壁が立ちはだかると、国際的なイノベーションサイクルに悪影響を及ぼす可能性がある。アメリカはチップの設計で優れており、アジアでの製造にも寄与している。地政学的な影響によって、グローバルな市場へのアクセスが制限されるとイノベーションが妨げられる恐れがある。


  • Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger expresses disappointment over the cancellation of a roughly $5 billion deal with Tower Semiconductor due to a lack of approval from China. While the acquisition could have accelerated the expansion of their foundry business, Intel was not solely dependent on this deal.

  • Geopolitical tensions between China and the US have made regulatory approval for M&A deals difficult. This challenge isn't exclusive to Intel but affects the industry as a whole, impacting long-term strategies.

  • In place of M&A, alternatives like business partnerships, customer acquisition, and internal capability building are considered. However, the exclusion of M&A due to geopolitical issues has negatively affected the global tech industry.

  • Pat Gelsinger emphasizes the importance of cooperation and dialogue between the US and China, recognizing his role as a bridge between the two largest economies. Collaboration between these countries, as major global players, is crucial.

  • Geopolitical barriers can potentially hinder international innovation cycles. The US excels in chip design and contributes to Asian manufacturing. Restricting access to global markets due to geopolitical influences could impede innovation.


(A) Interviewer :   Akiko Fujita
(B) Interviewee :  Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger

(A): It feels though, that increasingly, that the policy coming out of Washington is really sort of coming into this intersection with the business of semiconductors. And we got this headline this week. You call off this deal with Tower Semiconductor, roughly $5 billion, because you couldn't get the approval from regulators.
What does this mean for your ambition in building out the foundry business when you can't get the approval from China? I mean, this has clearly got it sort of hampering your ambitions.

(B): You know, unfortunately, we weren't able to get approval for the Tower acquisition.
And as I would say, it was simply caught in this center of U .S., China, or the geopolitics going on. We're disappointed by that because being able to acquire a foundry company like Tower would have accelerated. My ambitions to be a foundry weren't dependent on the deal, but they would have been accelerated by it.
So, simply put, I have to find other ways to drive the agenda because it's not likely that any major technology acquisition will get regulatory approval. And I think that's disappointing because M &A has always been a factor in how technology companies have been building and moving their strategies forward.
And it's unfortunate that that's become a consequence of the current geopolitical tensions. And for us, it will slow me down in some aspects, but my strategy is not dependent on getting this particular deal done. It would only be helped and accelerated by that. And we're going to find other ways to keep moving our strategy forward in light of that.

(A): If M &A isn't in play because of the regulatory environment, what are the other ways?

(B): Business partnerships, winning customers, building capabilities organically. But I do think that this consequence of the M &A no longer being available for companies. This isn't an Intel statement.
This is an industry statement. I think it's an unfortunate consequence of the current geopolitical situation. And part of the reason that we've advised, I'll say, balance and temperance on both sides. We need the U .S.and Chinese collaborating, discussing with each other. These are the two largest economies in the world. I've been to China twice. I'm the chair of the U .S. Chamber of China Center because we believe there needs to be this bridge between these two important economies of the world.
And I personally stepped into that role to help to play some of that bridging role. Obviously, visits by the various cabinet members, Yellen and Blinken, recently, Kerry and I think Romondo, later this month, all of these, I believe, are very positive steps.
But at least have the real conversations going on.

(A): You alluded to the fact that this is an industry that is global. And as we have seen, the geopolitical side of this play out, we've learned that. Whether it is in Europe, whether it is in Asia, whether it's in the U .S., if there are walls being barriers that are being drawn up, does that ultimately hurt innovation in this space?
You look at the U .S. The U .S. has excelled in the design of chips. Manufacturing may be in Asia, but the U .S. provides the machines that allow for that. We've seen that in Europe, too. What happens when those barriers start to go up? Because of geopolitics.

(B): I do think that it has a negative implication on the innovative cycle for the world in that regard. And I think, like in areas of AI, we've seen that the U .S. has led profoundly.
All the major AI innovation, despite some declaring that wouldn't be the case, even just a few years ago, that China was going to win in that race. Well, has it worked out to be the case? I believe fundamentally because of the open, innovative, somewhat chaotic cycle that we have, and the very aggressive venture and entrepreneurial aspects that we bring to the table.
largely open global markets and I believe that history has demonstrated that time and time again that that's the best way to approach global policy for markets. Semiconductors are one of the largest export items for the American economy now, one of our largest exports to China, only number two to soybeans.
This is big. This is important. And if we're going to be a global manufacturer at scale, we need access to global markets. We need to continue to invest in our long -term research. Another aspect of the CHIP's Act was those long -term research investments as well.
So let's be ahead today. Let's plant the seed corn to be ahead tomorrow. Let's underpin it with manufacturing at scale.


(A) インタビューアー :   Akiko Fujita
(B) インタビューされる人 :  Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger

(A) : ワシントンから発信される政策が、半導体ビジネスと交差しているように感じられる。今週、こんな見出しがありました。タワー・セミコンダクターとの約50億ドルの取引を中止したのは、規制当局の承認が得られなかったからですね。

(B): 残念ながら、タワーの買収については承認を得ることができませんでした。
規制環境のためにM&Aができないとしたら、他の方法は?ビジネス・パートナーシップ、顧客獲得、組織的な能力開発などだ。しかし、私は、M &Aが企業にとって利用できなくなったというこの結果は、どう考えてもおかしいと思います。これはインテルの発言ではない。これは業界の声明です。現在の地政学的状況が招いた不幸な結果だと思います。そして、私たちがアドバイスしてきた理由のひとつは、双方のバランスと節制です。


(B): その点で、世界の革新的なサイクルにはマイナスの影響があると思います。AIの分野では、米国が大きくリードしてきたと思います。
